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DilemmaCarmenBailey9-09-05  11:36 am
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David Bashein (pool-151-200-125-19.res.east.verizon.net -
Posted on Thursday, September 08, 2005 - 8:46 pm:   

Firstly, let me apologize for posting this here. I realize I am not a RPCV, but a volunteer-to-be. All the RPCVs I know are unavailable, and my questions needs to be answered by tomorrow evening.

Over the summer,I went through the application process, and today I received a phone call from my recruiter. She said she had a good fit for me - teaching english while utilizing my french skills, somewhere in the pacific. I did some digging, and the only destination PC goes to in the pacific where french is spoken is Vanuatu.

I am not crazy about going to Vanuatu for the following reasons: it is so isolated and so expensive to get to that I would not be able to travel much, nor would anybody be able to see me (~$3000 airfare from eastern US), I am interested in learning a new language as opposed to honing my french, which I made clear in my interview, and the departure date is much later than I would like.

I know that I need to be flexible, and I am willing to be, but Vanuatu is so removed from what I am interested in that I don't think I would be very happy there. My question to you all is, do you think it will count as a strike against me if i tell my recruiter that I would rather serve somewhere else? If it would, then I would most likely just take her offer, but if it is ok for me to turn it down and wait for another offer, then I would do that instead. As it is, I can't leave till next May.

As a bonus, when she called to talk to me this afternoon, I asked for time to think about it. She told me she would be gone all next week, and to try and get back to her before that. Which I guess means by tomorrow at 5PM. I know this is a big rush, but any insight anybody can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your understanding,

David Bashein

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