The Saga of Laponian Comrade Lars Törnman...and this story includes a short overview on the lobby-supported zionized machines... These machines has a HeadQuarter, calls "Zion Wiesenthal" and working all together, therefore we witness many projects been started in same time... Coordination works like a typical dirty imperial chain and all the new leagues using the "Antiracist Centre" labels like "Monitor Norway, Svekish Center mot rasism intolerans,

Peace Corps Online: Off-Topic Bulletin Board: The Saga of Laponian Comrade Lars Törnman...and this story includes a short overview on the lobby-supported zionized machines... These machines has a HeadQuarter, calls "Zion Wiesenthal" and working all together, therefore we witness many projects been started in same time... Coordination works like a typical dirty imperial chain and all the new leagues using the "Antiracist Centre" labels like "Monitor Norway, Svekish Center mot rasism intolerans,

By Manuela Lind ( on Tuesday, February 10, 2004 - 2:33 pm: Edit Post

The Saga of Laponian Comrade Lars Törnman...and this story includes a short overview on the lobby-supported zionized machines... These machines has a HeadQuarter, calls "Zion Wiesenthal" and working all together, therefore we witness many projects been started in same time... Coordination works like a typical dirty imperial chain and all the new leagues using the "Antiracist Centre" labels like "Monitor Norway, Svekish Center mot rasism intolerans,
United Holand, Searchmagazine ECRI Britannia, ENAR Belgique, ZOG AUSraelia, IDF (Insanit Death Forces of Likud Fascism) Military Mafia on occupied Middle East" and much more little lapdogs beyond all above bulldogs...

- RACISM, you mean?
- Product of ongoing imperialism... It's a bastard product of this kinky
oligarchical system... - ?!
- Tv Channel Independent Laponia started anti-racist discussion
seances in 1998 We have a special clip of this serie... Labelled; "The
officially supported Fascist Movements using fake antiracist centre names"..
including the parliamentary scenes, too.... Abram Leon, although he is Jew want
to talk about the "racism industry" on the satellite areas... SvekJa Kindgom is
also one of the "close satellites"... - Let's watch this documentary!..
- "Ideology is a process accomplished by the so-called thinker consciously,
indeed, but with a false consciousness. The real motives impelling him remain
unknown to him, otherwise it would not be an ideological process at all. Hence
he imagines false or apparent motive forces." Up to now we have tried to
understand the real bases of antiSemitism in our time. But it is sufficient to
consider the role played in the development of anti-Semitism by the wretched
document fabricated by the Tsarist Okhrana, The Protocols of Zion, to become
aware of the importance of the "false or apparent motive forces" of
anti-Semitism. In Hitlerite propaganda today, the real motivation of
anti-Semitism in Western Europe-the economic competition of the petty
bourgeoisie-no longer plays any role. On the contrary; the most fantastic
allegations of The Protocols of Zion – the plans of universal domination by
international Judaism – reappear in every speech and manifesto of Braveheart
Hitler. We must therefore analyze this mythical ideological element of

Religion constitutes the most characteristic example of an ideology. Its true
motive forces must be sought in the very prosaic domain of the material
interests of a class, but it is in the most ethereal spheres that its apparent
motive forces are found. Nevertheless, the God who launched the Puritan fanatics
of Cromwell against the English aristocracy and Charles I was nothing but the
reflection or symbol of the interests of the English peasantry and bourgeoisie.
Every religious revolution is in reality a social revolution.

It is the unbridled development of the productive forces colliding against the
narrow limits of consumption which constitute the true motive force of
imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism. But it is the "race" which seems
to be its most characteristic apparent force. Racism is therefore in the first
place the ideological disguise of modern imperialism. The "race struggling for
its living space" is nothing but the reflection of the permanent necessity for
expansion which characterizes finance or monopoly capitalism.

While the fundamental contradiction of capitalism, the contradiction between
production and consumption, involves for the big bourgeoisie the necessity to
struggle for the conquest of foreign markets, it compels the petty bourgeoisie
to struggle for the expansion of the domestic market. The lack of foreign
markets for the big capitalists proceeds hand in hand with the lack of domestic
markets for the small capitalists. Whereas the big bourgeoisie struggles
furiously against its competitors on the foreign market, the petty bourgeoisie
combats its competitors on the domestic market not a whit less fiercely.
"Racism" abroad is consequently accompanied by "racism" at home. The
unprecedented aggravation of capitalist contradictions in the twentieth century
brings with it a growing exacerbation of "racism" abroad as well as "racism" at

The primarily commercial and artisan character of Judaism, heritage of a long
historical past, makes it Enemy Number One of the petty bourgeoisie on the
domestic market. It is therefore the petty-bourgeois character ofJudaism which
makes it so odious to the petty bourgeoisie. But while the historical past of
Judaism exercises a determining influence on its present social composition, it
has effects no less important on the representation of the Jews in the
consciousness of the popular masses. For the latter, the Jew remains the
traditional representative of the "money power."

This fact is of great importance because the petty bourgeoisie is not only a
"capitalist" class, that is to say, a repository "in miniature" of all
capitalist tendencies; it is also "anticapitalist." It has a strong, though
vague, consciousness of being ruined and despoiled by big business. But its
hybrid character, its interclass position, does not permit it to understand the
true structure of society nor the real character of big business. It is
incapable of understanding the true tendencies of social evolution, for it has a
presentiment that this evolution cannot help but be fatal for it. It wants to be
anticapitalist without ceasing to be capitalist. It wants to destroy the "bad"
character of capitalism, that is to say, the tendencies which are ruining it,
while preserving the "good" character of capitalism which permits it to live and
get rich. But since there does not exist a capitalism which has the "good"
tendencies without also possessing the "bad," the petty bourgeoisie is forced to
dream it up. It is no accident that the petty bourgeoisie has invented
"supercapitalism," the "bad" deviation of capitalism, its evil spirit. It is no
accident that its theoreticians have struggled mightily for over a century
(Proudhon) against "bad speculative capitalism" and defended "useful productive
capitalism.". The attempt of Nazi theoreticians to distinguish between
"national productive capital" and "Jewish parasitic capital" is probably the
last attempt of this kind. "Jewish capitalism" can best represent the myth of
"bad capitalism." The concept of "Jewish wealth" is in truth solidly entrenched
in the consciousness of the popular masses. It is only a question of reawakening
and giving "presence," by means of a well-orchestrated propaganda, to the image
of the "usurious" Jew, against whom peasant, petty bourgeois, and lord had
struggled over a long period. The petty bourgeoisie and a layer of workers
remaining under its sway are easily influenced by such propaganda and fall into
this trap of "Jewish capitalism."

Historically, the success of racism means that capitalism has managed to channel
the anticapitalist consciousness of the masses into a form that antedates
capitalism and which no longer exists except in a vestigial state; this vestige
is nevertheless still sufficiently great to give a certain appearance of reality
to the myth.

We see that racism is made up of rather strange elements. It reflects the
expansionist will of big capital. It expresses the hatred of the petty
bourgeoisie for "foreign" elements within the domestic market as well as its
anticapitalist tendencies.

It is in its aspect as a capitalist element that the petty bourgeoisie fights
its Jewish competitor, and in its capitalist aspect that it struggles against
"Jewish capital." Racism finally diverts the anticapitalist struggle of the
masses into a form that antedates capitalism, persisting only in a vestigial

But while scientific analysis permits us to reveal its component parts, racist
ideology must appear as an absolutely homogeneous "doctrine." Racism serves
precisely to cast all classes into the crucible of a "racial community" opposed
to other races. The racist myth strives to appear as a whole, having only vague
connections with its origins which are often very different. It endeavors to
fuse its different elements together in perfect fashion.

Thus, for example, "foreign" racism, the ideological disguise of imperialism, is
not compelled, in and of itself, to adopt a strong anti-Semitic coloration. But
from the necessity of synchronization, it generally does take on this character.
The anticapitalism of the masses, first channeled in the direction of Judaism,
is then carried over against the "foreign enemy," which is identified with
Judaism. The "Germanic race" will find itself faced with the duty of fighting
the "Jew," its principal enemy, in all his disguises: that of domestic
Bolshevism and liberalism, of Anglo-Saxon plutocracy and of foreign Bolshevism.
Hitler states in Mein Kampf that it is indispensable to present the various
enemies under a common aspect, otherwise there is a danger that the masses will
start thinking too much about the differences which exist among those enemies.
That is why racism is a myth and not a doctrine. It demands faith, and fears
reason like the plague. Anti-Semitism contributes most to cementing the
different elements of racism.

Just as it is necessary to cast the different classes into one single race, so
is it also necessary that this "race" have only a single enemy: "the
international Jew." The myth of race is necessarily accompanied by its
"negative" – the antirace, the Jew. The racial "community" is built on hatred of
the Jews, a hatred of which the most solid "racial" foundation is buried in
history in a period when the Jew was in effect a foreign body and hostile to all
classes. The irony of history wills that the most radical anti-Semitic ideology
in all history should triumph precisely in the period when Judaism is on the
road of economic and social assimilation. But like all "ironies of history" this
seeming paradox is very understandable. At the time when the Jew was
unassimilable, at a time when he really represented "capital," he was
indispensable to society. There could be no question of destroying him. At the
present time, capitalist society, on the edge of the abyss, tries to save itself
by resurrecting the Jew and the hatred of the Jews. But it is precisely because
the Jews do not play the role which is attributed to them that anti-Semitic
persecution can take on such an amplitude. Jewish capitalism is a myth; that is
why it is so easily vanquished. But in vanquishing its "negative," racism at the
same time destroys the foundations for its own existence. In the measure that
the phantom of "Jewish capitalism" disappears, capitalist reality appears in all
its ugliness. The social contradictions, banished for a moment by the fumes of
"racial" intoxication, reappear in all their sharpness. In the long run, the
myth proves powerless against reality.

Despite its apparent homogeneity, the very evolution of racism allows to be
clearly discerned the economic, social, and political transformations that it
strives to conceal. At the beginning, in order to arm itself for the struggle
for its "living space," for imperialist war, big business must beat down its
domestic enemy, the proletariat. It is the petty bourgeoisie and declassed
proletarian elements that furnish it with its shock troops, capable of smashing
the economic and political organizations of the proletariat. Racism, at the
beginning, appears therefore as an ideology of the petty bourgeoisie. Its
program reflects the interests and illusions of this class. It promises struggle
against "supercapitalism," against the trusts, stock exchange, big department
stores, etc. But as soon as big business has succeeded in smashing the
proletariat, thanks to the support of the petty bourgeoisie, the latter becomes
an unbearable burden to it. The program of preparation for war implies precisely
the ruthless elimination of small business, a prodigious development of the
trusts, an intensive proletarianization. This same military preparation
necessitates the support or at least a kind of neutrality from the proletariat,
the most important factor in production. Thus big business does not hesitate for
a moment to violate its most solemn promises in the most cynical way and to
strangle the petty bourgeoisie in the most brutal fashion. Racism now devotes
itself to flattering the proletariat, to appearing as a radically "socialist"
movement. It is here that the Judaist-capitalist identification plays its most
important role. The radical expropriation of Jewish capitalists has to fulfill
the role of "collateral," of "endorser" of racism's anticapitalist will to
struggle. The anonymous character of the capitalism of the monopolies, in
contrast to the generally personal (and often speculative commercial) character
of Jewish businesses, facilitates this operation of spiritual swindling. The
common man more readily sees the "real" capitalist, the businessman, the
manufacturer, the speculator, than the "respectable director of a corporation
who is made to pass as an "indispensable factor in production. It is in this way
that racist ideology reaches the following identifications: Judaism =
capitalism; racism = socialism; a regulated war economy = a planned socialist

It is undeniable that large layers of workers, deprived of their organizations,
blinded by the foreign political successes of Hitler, have allowed themselves to
be taken in by racist mythology, just as was the case previously with the petty
bourgeoisie. For the time being the bourgeoisie appears to have attained its
objective. The furious and-Jewish persecution extending throughout Europe serves
to indicate the "definitive victory of racism, the final defeat of
"international Judaism."
- I understand that antiSemitism transformed to be a piece of the struggle...
- That is right!... It's a taste of humanbeing. If you a true human, you must
act like an serious antisemite, anti-Imperialist fighter... - But your
grandfather was a Jew.. How you explain that?.. - I am not a copy of racist
ZOG puppies, I am human!.. - Thank you very much, Comrade Leon!...
** - I want to tle the concrete issues in
SvekJa Kingdom.. It looks like a laboratory to expose the racism is a second
class industry by the imperialist circus...
- Your concrete examples?
- SvekJa Kingdom, which whole system imitate "Big Brother", there are many
different "brain-washing instruments" here, too. Read please the Jewish papers
Dagens Nyheter and Expressen, which always produce Zionist lies and
- Not only DN, much more... Look at this paper, Aftonbladet, publiushed again
the classical lie, "Hitler came back" on Nov. 30, 1999... It looks like "Jesus
came back"... Fanatical falsification.. There are many actors to use on this
propaganda war...
- Read it louder, please!
- "Born in Scandinavia; by germanian parents... Erik Nilsen was born in the
city of Moss in Norway on 29 May 1953. His parents are German, but he grew up in
Norway after his father had got a job as an engineer at a large Norwegian
company. In the beginning of the seventies he studied law at the university in
Oslo. On May 1, 1976 the first demonstration that was openly Nazi since the
Second World War, was organised by the right-wing extremist movement Norsk Front
(Norwegian Front), founded by Nilsen. In connection with this demonstration
Nilsen held his first public speech. In the Autumn of 1983 he moved to Örebro
(in Sweden) where he had established contacts via Nordiska Rikspartiet. Erik
Nilsen became in this way one of the founders of Bevara Sverige Svenskt (BSS).
He supports himself in Sweden in the same way as he has done since he was 19
years old: by producing and selling music, Nazi publications, revisionist
literature where the Holocaust is denied. Among others he has printed the
newspaper of the Arian Brotherhood in which the murder of John Hron in Kode is
defended. Under the first half of the eighties the music was mostly German
marches, but here was the embryo to what in the nineties has made Nilsen a
leading figure in the international industry around White Power music. 1985
Erik Nilsen moved to Helsingborg and changed his name from Blücher to Nilsen.
In the Spring of 1997 Nilsen started to make agitation tours around the country.
One of the latest meetings that we have traced Erik Nilsen to took place on
August 28 this year in Tomelilla. It was, like the meeting in Mullsjö, arranged
by active NSF-members. This time by Tobias Malvå, well-known Nazi assailant,
that recently has moved to Tomelilla. He is now, together with two other Nazis,
under arrest for serious illegal threats. After the meeting swastikas were
pasted on the police station
The meeting attracted 150 people to a hall outside Tomelilla, that officially
was rented for a crayfish-party. The propaganda chief of NSF, Björn Björkqvist,
held a speech as well as Erik Nilsen. Then something happened in the otherwise
so quiet Tomelilla. Under October the number of cases of damage in society was
doubled, as was the number of car thefts.
But there was something else as well. Stickers with swastikas were stuck on the
police station, leaflets from National Socialist Front with the heading
"Fellowship before diversity" and slogans such as "Integration is genocide" were
handed out in schools and to residents in the community. The head of the local
government John Johansson (moderate) became more and more concerned.
-These things threaten to stain our town and give us a reputation we do not
deserve. Tomelilla is actually a good place for those who want to grow up in
peace and quiet. Johansson had said this also in an interview in the newspaper
Sydsvenskan. The same Sunday that the interview was published the telephone
rang at the Johansson's home. The person that rang said that he was a
representative of National Socialist Front. He didn't say what his name was, but
wanted to speak to John Johansson.
- I didn't consider it as threatening at that time. He was verbal, said that the
Holocaust hadn't occurred and that he wanted to send literature that showed
this. The head of the local government declined the offer referring to the fact
that he trusted more his impressions from a round-trip to the extermination
camps. Two days later the threat came. It was Tuesday at lunch time and John
Johansson had gone home to have lunch. In the mailbox there was a brown
envelope, postmarked in Malmö. He opened it without thinking much about it.
Then he became ice-cold. In the envelope there was a letter with the letterhead
of the Nazi information organisation Combat 18. Beside the logotype there was a
drawing of an armed man with a hood and a Nazi flag. In the letter it said that
John Johansson and his family now were sentenced to death for high treason. John
Johansson did not show the letter to his family, but handed it over to the
police. He first tried to get the whole thing out of his mind and see it as a
boyish prank. But then the discomfort came.
-One hears about how militant these groups can be. John Johansson says that he
now checks the mail twice before he opens it, but that he still walks right
across the town square without hiding.
- I don't want to become a silent idiot by thus foolish fabrication. - I
have said what I have said about racism and Nazism and I will stand by it.
- This is a simply falsification..
- Isn't true?
- Not a single point!.. Never mind!...
- Whar does it mean?
- Financial authorities and lobbies produce racism and support the criminal
leagues... This is an industry both in USA and SvekJa Kingdom, like all other
modernized dirty scenes...
** - U.S.A. & Swedish connection, comments
a Jewish journalist who is staff at Jewish propagand machine Expressen daily
- Let's listen! - Gets inspiration from US Nazis...
- ...means?
- Axelsson was a gifted student and knowledgeable computer teacher whose worst
crime was a theft during the high school years. In the same way 18 year old Eric
Harris and 17 year old Dylan Klebold in Littleton in the US were transformed
from two unknown school boys to mass murderers. In April this year they
celebrated the 110 year anniversary of Hitler by shooting 12 of their class
mates and a teacher dead.
The inspiration for many young violent offenders does not in the first place
come from Nazi Germany but from the US. In the centre are found two books: "The
Turner Diaries" and "The Hunter" of the American racial ideologist William
Pierce. The books have gained cult status in the Swedish White Power movement. A
racial war is described in the books. Small terrorist groups are fighting
against what Pierce calls Zog - the Zionist occupation government. He says that
the racists should not in the first place put their energy into eliminating
blacks and homosexuals but concentrate on politicians, the judicial system, and
journalists, the kernel of the Jewish world conspiracy in each country. Not
until Zog has been crushed it is time to use the weapons against Jews, Blacks,
and others that the racial ideologists do not consider should continue living in
the US and Europe.
- This is a large part of the basis of what is happening in the Swedish society
of today, says Torbjörn Ekblom at manipulated Säpo. In Sweden the same
Pierce-inspired ideology is upheld by among others Erik Nilsen and his
organisation Blood and Honour. The same is true of the editor of Info 14,
Robert Vesterlund, whose newspaper sells Pierce's books. The police murders in
Malexander, the car bomb in Nacka and the murder of the syndicalist Björn
Söderberg in Sätra, could all be collected from these writings. It is the
ideology itself that is the driving force, the fight against Zog.
- Wait, dear wait!... I am not idiot!.. Everyone knows that Jackie Arklöv
adopted because of his clan is a famous Zionist clan.. He examined in Balkan to
torture and massacre the muslims and such non-Zion people... He murdererd two
policemen in Malexander town and his lawyer paid by his Jewish Evangelian
relatives... - I mean not only single one excample... - Me, too...
All the murderer in Sweden have very expensive defence instruments like Leif
Sillbersky... I want to ask, Sir; who pays all these juridicaöl pknces? - I
can not reply... - Go on!... Spread the lies of the establisment...
- This is a piece of the official thesis which published at Uppsala
university... - There are WC paper too in Upssala university, should we
adore sh'tpaper like a kind of scientical evidence...
- Listen first, discuss later!... Okay, the clip rolls on!...
- It is also among the young consumers of this ideology that the culprits are
found, seldom or never among the older agitators. This makes the fight against
Nazi violent offenders especially difficult. If Nazi organisations were
well-structured with membership files and distinct leaders, they would be easier
to be handled by the police. It is exactly the loose network structure in
combination with the propaganda, the one that can transform young men to extreme
violent offenders, that makes it so difficult for the police to predict where
the next culprit can be found. And when the police at last gets hold of them the
Nazi propaganda has taught them how to act to obstruct the investigation work as
much as possible. The first instructions read: "Never trust the police, Säpo, or
any other Zionist lackeys. They work for and are controlled by the Zionist
occupation government." Thereafter the activists are urged to always request
identification and to note the names of the police officers at a search.
And further: "If you are arrested (apprehended or taken into custody) then
refuse to answer any questions: Remember that silence is your best defence (this
the prosecutor or the police of course do not agree with, as well as your
lawyer). Always deny crime, never confess regardless of what evidence is brought
against you." Not even when the government has taken someone into custody the
judicial system can guarantee protection against Nazi violence. This advice in
the inquest manual was practised by the Nazis that were heard during the trial
against a well-known 22 year old Nazi and violent offender in Kalmar. He was a
few weeks ago prosecuted for a brutal assault in a police cell in Nybro. Was
pointed out; but was acquitted anyway... The case was widely publicised when it
became known that the police by mistake had placed the 19 year old anti-fascist
Linus Ljunggren in the same cell as five Nazis: Ljunggren was kicked down from
behind and therefore did not see the culprit himself, but a guard could during
the trial with "99 percent security" point out the 22-year-old.
The pointing out was however not sufficient for a sentence of guilty. His four
friends in National Socialist Front, that were in the cell during the actual
assault, testified under oath that they neither had seen anything nor heard
anything. When the cell door was opened by a police officer Linus Ljunggren was
unconscious in a pool of blood on the floor. The Nazis sat on the bunk. It is
totally clear that at least one of them assaulted Linus Ljunggren and that the
others in the cell had seen it. Still no one was sentenced. In the Stockholm
court three suspected police murderers are denying the murders in Malexander. In
Malmö the five suspects of the bomb attack against the two policemen were
acquitted after frightened witnesses had changed their reports. For the bomb
against the journalist couple in Nacka no one has been apprehended at all. The
deed has spread anxiety and uneasiness among reporters that cover the White
Power world. Nazis and mc gangs have at several occasions threatened journalists
who have surveyed and described their activities. In connection with the bomb
attack in Nacka the threats were considered so serious that journalists at
several newspapers were forced to leave Stockholm to stay in secret places. In
Skåne there are examples of journalists that have been sought out by menacing mc
gangs, others have been threatened to death over the telephone. A journalist in
Malmö had a grenade with a threatening letter placed on his front door a few
years ago. At various searches the police have found death lists with the names
of "undesirable" journalists. There are today several journalists that for
safety reasons choose not to write about Nazis and mc gangs. They become silent
like threatened witnesses and other frightened informants. Preliminary
examinations are obstructed and whole trials have to be cancelled. Fright and
frustration are increasing also among many prosecutors and among even more
police officers. At the same time as the Nazis, criminal mc gangs, and criminal
organisations can continue to enlarge the free zone of lawlessness. - You gave
a lot of names and labelled "journalists"?! Do you say me, please; where all
these fake journalists examined? - Almost at Tel Aviv and Penislivania
schools... - Second question; when they really studied in these palces, do
you explain, how they fixed to find any suit? I mean where all hese
"journalists" to solve any basic questions for instance to sleep and to eat so
long time... They were not the homeless, of course!...
- No, they had not such problems to find a suit... - Why not?
- Because the military authories solved suit problems such kind journalists, I
can not give any detalis here...
- You see.. This is a kind of manipulation by medial shurks who mostly civil
uniformed marionettes of imperialist power.. Grey propagand version by
Scandinavian Zionist lobbies...
- What is different between Swedish racism and the non-organized racist
attitudes in many other countiries?
- Swedish racism is a Jewish financial product!... The Zionist lobbies mobilize
all the criminals and us the officialy institutions as any kind of simlpy toy...
- Like the occupied Middle East? - More dangerous!.. In Middle East
people organize Intifada... But in Sweden you never be able to see who are the
true ordinary people and who are the Jews... Annela Wikström for example... Name
is Swedish... Hair is coloured blondie... She is chief in many halfofficially
organizations all the connected integration office and all the anti-racist on
the paper... But her relatives are the Jewish criminals what you never suggest
in her eyes... She already working as chief in Länsarbetsnämnden means eliminate
the registrated people.. And therefore the true anti-racist intellectuals never
sets on the fit job areas...
- But the open racist organizations for instance Sverigedemokraterna?
- They always under control and big supporters so long such officially racist
leagues only attacked the immigrants... Why attacking they never the Jewish
banks or Jewish profit sources or Dagens Nyheter, Jewish Chronicle/Judisk
Kronika, Menorah and similarly brain washing instruments?
- But many simply criminals who supports by the halvofficially financial lobbies
attacking Swedish people and Laponian people, too...
- It's true.. They kill the Swedish and Laponian people, too... Malexander
police district staff and John Hron been murdererd by the Jewish controlled
criminals... Professional killer Jackie Arklöv was an adopted bastard educated
as a cold bloody murderer and examined by the fake United Nations troops in
Balkan in 1990s... When he was been arrested for genocide, then the Zionist
Western smuggled him again to Sweden.. They knew everything about him and his
fascist lkeagues who massacred the police group in Malexander town.. I was by
redacteur department of Jewish daily DN and Arne Ruth already was the chief
there. He said to me that they knew everything... They use the officially
registration mechanism so perfect and they know what Ahmed Rami doing in this
moment.. Understand? Sweden is changed to be the most performed registration
machine in the lobbies hands... Their chief in Tel Aviv and Jew York absolutely
know what Ahmed Rami did last week.. I mean this is not wonder that this
registration instruments can guess which criminal group can do...
- They mostly know which immigrant community could be attacked?
- They are planning together... Sweden is an advanced softly trainee area as
occupied Palestine...
- Comment?
- I am America. I am the part you won't recognize. But get used to me. Black,
confident, cocky; my name, not yours; my religion, not yours; my goals, my own;
get used to me. - You say? - Muhammd Ali - Cassius
Marcellus Clay - say! - ?!
- Also, Muhammed Ali Clay, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and all other heroes
did what they cann., What can we do in SvekJa Kingdom against racism and
wel-organized financial acism?
- Konowledge is a biggest weapon of civilzed communities.. Use is or lose it!
What do you think about this question?
- The totalitarian Zionism of today is the only ideology that systematically
wants to make the very existence of an opposition a criminal offense!
- Before we can coexist, we must first be able to exist. That right is denied
those who are opposed to the Jewish domination. This fanaticism and obscurantism
is a serious threat against our civilization and against world peace. Each one
of us should do something concrete to defend freedom!"
- Combating imperialism!... This is not only single one danger against the
Negroes, nor Indians... This danger, the Zionist Racism is danger against all
the honoured individuals worldwide...For example, the Saami people are under
oppression and danger... I wish to read an official letter, the Saami antiracist
movement sent to the Swedish authorities..
- Let's listen!..
- Racism against Saami people, oppressed and colonized minority in the
Scandinavia's Palestine... Last year's widely noted international conference on
the Holocaust is being followed up this year with a conference even more
tangibly concerned with everyday strategies for combating and preventing
ultra-nationalism, hate crime and intolerance against homosexuals and ethnic
minorities Politicians, researchers and experts from several countries will
gather for a couple of days in common search of ways of combating and preventing
racist and anti-democratic ideas. The Swedish Government is hosting this
conference. However, they did not invited Swedish Saami organisations to
actively take part in the conference. Neither is the Swedish Government going to
address the ongoing racism against the Saami, who are the indigenous people of
Scandinavia... "PROTECT THE WOLF - SHOOT THE SAAMI!".. In 1999, a person in
Stockholm was reported to the police for driving around with a sticker on his
car: "Protect the wolf ­ shoot the Saami!"... This sticker is widely spread in
Sweden (several thousand copies), especially in Nothern Sweden where the Saami
live. However, the prosecutor rejected the case. According to the Swedish
freedom of the press act, the case was prescribed. This means that the label is
still in use. People in Sweden can call for genocide against the Saami without
SWEDEN... Should the Saami be forced to deny their ethnic identity? Racist
threats against the Saami are more and more common in the Swedish society. It is
not possible for Saami in Kiruna to have a sticker with the Saami flag on their
car. Saami are not using their traditional costume when going to town. They fear
to be beaten up. Road signs in Saami language are being destroyed as soon as
they are set up. These Saami road signs are used as targets. It is like it has
become acceptable to attack the Saami... 75% OF THE SAAMI IN SWEDEN EXPERIENCE
HOSTILITY... 75% of the Saami state that they experience hostility from the
Swedish society according to a 1998 survey carried out by the Swedish ombudsman
against discrimination (DO; "Ethnic discrimination against Saami"). Around 50%
say that the hostility has increased in Northern Sweden (in Sápmi, the Saami
country). 30% of the Saami have been directly exposed to degrading terms of
abuse and 20% have been harassed at the workplace. 60% say that antagonisms
between the Saami and the Non-Saami populations have increased during the last 5
years. However, no-one of the consultated Saami did notify the harrassment to
the police... In 2000, the Swedish Government ratified the European Framework
Convention on the Protection of Minorities and the European Charter on Minority
Languages. Saami, Finnish, Tornedal, Roma and Jewish people are recognized as
national minorities in Sweden.
Through the ratification of the conventions, Sweden is obliged to support and
protect the five minority languages: Saami, Finnish, Meänkieli, Romani Chib and
Jewish. Sweden is responsible for preventing the Saami from racist attacks and
It is very sad that the Swedish Goverment does not want to address obvious
racism against the Saami at this important conference... We really hope that the
issue of racism against the Saami people in Sweden will be discussed... We also
hope that Saami people are invited to the conference to talk about their
situation in Sweden
- Wonderful!.. I wish to sign it... Just now!...
- Me too!..
- Ich bin ein Lapplander, from and now!..
- This is the antiracist human reflect and therefore the enemies affraid of such
movements... The enemies affraid of Free Speech, independent Scientists,
- Human being shall overcome!... But I want to know the resoölution after this
appeal... - There was a freak liar in government, Lena Hjälm-Wallen; she took
this letter and all the attached documants were been lost in her department...
It lokks like the Estonia ferry documents, which lost by Mona Sahlin and
Birgitta Heijer's steal cabinets.
- When the Estonia victims, massacred 852 person and the Laponians were been the
Zionist lapdogs so we could witness that nothing can be lost... They accuse
always the Nazoi Germania but even the German authorities respected their
requiem and paying milliarrs of dollars compensation every year to these
- I can not find a better word to describe such political prostitutions, so
almost the all kind of capitalist authorities serving for bloodsuckers...
- That's true, we see that all the massacre suspects candidated to Nobel


- Falsification and investment by the Zionist Financial Lobbies:
- Definitely!.. If you understand Svekish language we have originally evidences
here... A new clip on the "Antiracist" masked master falsificator whores of
- Let's watch it!
- Ansökningar om medel för detta forskningsprojekt, ställda under 1997 och 1998
till HSFR och Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, har inte beviljats. Projektet har
därför inte kunnat sättas igång.
- So far, applications for grants for this project during 1997 and 1998 from two
major Swedish research financing bodies, the HSFR and The Bank of Sweden
Tercentenary Foundation, had not been accepted. Therefore, the project could not
be initiated. "Sweden and Jews:History, Tensions, and Changing Relationships
"Proposal at Uppsala University, Sweden Prof. Tom R. Burns, Prof. Ron Eyerman,
Dr Julian Ilicki, Prof. Jim Kemeny Dept. of Sociology Dr Paul Levine, Centre for
Multiethnic Research, Prof. Rolf Nygren, Faculty of Introduction and overview
Project Focus and Structure welfare, and more recently the re-emergence of
economic malaise Ìand the Subproject I: Sweden and the "Jewish Question":
Orientations, Policies, and Sweden since the turn of the century. What position,
policies, and practices did resurgence in Europe of extreme right-wing
movements. This complÐex, dynamic nazism, socialism and communism, in the
post-war development of democracy and Strategies vis a vis Jews and the Fate och
Jews ideas was not negligible, as for example the role of known fascists and
Swedish authorities, institutions and publics take toward Jews and Jewish groups
the Swedish public toward Jewish immigration as well as the fate of Jews outside
"history has linked Jews and Sweden -- providing a focus for studying the
diffusion of concepts of equality; two world wars, the rise of fascism and
Helene Lööw, 1990, Hakkorset och Wasakärven. En studie av nationalsocialismen
—The Swedish Fascism and Subproject II: Jews in Swedish Society: Strategies of

- But I know, all these are the simply Zionist projects... How could Swedish
authorities accept to give money to these lapdogs? - Corruption, Sir!...
Anyway even the fatty imbecill G.rån Petsion well aware on that all above
Fascists who wrote against Racism gave money to the Fascist criminal gangs,
therefore they never bites each other...

- Swedish Evangelian model Racism isn't a kind of classical discrimination.. -
Modernized and perfomed?!... - Most advanced and donated with the
officially hidden instruments... This shows more fake attitudes...Beyond this
racism therer are Zionist lobbies and they experienced to manouver in all kind
of weathers for instance they support the criminal groups, because they always
needs reason to provocate the masses...They build many foundations for the
victims of these crimes but we diuscovered that same lobbies sent the lawyers to
defence the murderers...
- A new project of the elderly Godfather Wiesenthal. This is the Sweden's zion
controlled racial industry...


- What are you thinking on these incredible scenes? - We must know that
our weakness is Imperialism's strength, I understand here again... - I agree
with you, Comrade Jonas Hållén! - You are welcome, Comrade Lars Törnman!
- I think, democracy should work better!.. Criminals and collaborators should be
- Should we arrest the criminals?!. Don't make me laugh! - Well, I see the
double roles and false rules of the juridical instruments... What a shame we
been forced to label it "democracy"... How thus majority of people, thus living
creators, stinky mass could be so incredible nonsense blind meanwhile all the
enormous fraudulent process?!.. Unbelieveable!... This is a glaring
injustice!.. I wonder, what goes wrong by the juridical instruments... How can I
say?! It is very strange!... You now, if you see all these incredible cases,
thick-headed attitudes... - How? Do you explain? What is concrete that
you remember? - Yes, I remember that David Janzon, a redactional worker of
Radio Islam, was sentenced to 4 months' imprisonment in October 1992, for the
station's agitation "against an ethnic group". Are the provocators of Capitalist
Fascist lobbies are really a ethnical group?! - There is so specially
groups? Okay, Jews!... It's the overclass group, nobody can imitate such
shurks... - But when you been oppressed so your accusation can only
be refuseed... The shurks are the masters 'cause they experinced a lot of cruel
methodes since many years... You can only suffer like many freedom fighters...
- Concrete cases? - Very much!... The judges of system who play dirty
rolls... It is extra incredible on Swedish justice-scenes that many foolish
judges been corrupted by Jewish authorities and they play extra horrible rolls
as pycho-proff doctor magister at policlinics... I can not meet all the judges
nor observate all the cases but I met many high-staff at Golf Club Tenerrife,
they explained... Shameful!... I can not explain here what they say on the
corrpted colleges, so awfully shameful... ... Court material look likes
simetrical sences, reasons are too similarly... Many papers of court been
published by the Bonniers, Nordstedt... Same mechanism publish as basic Zionist
propagand material, too... EU-membership... After 1995 impressed it by the
democratical authorities of other countries? - Unfortunately, it's in all
frauds, much more dirty now... If any true jurist goes to United Nations related
commissions or the independent justice authorities, so we shall most interesting
scandals... - What kind of scandals? - For instance Osmo
Vallo&Tony Mutka and other members of the "assassination on the so called
Resande Folket" cases... Märta Pettersson and others who murdered by the
"imported criminals" like Bengalian Zionist Mafia moblized in the EU; similarly
recruitment cases... Remember; what the relatiives of Tony Deogan, Dagmar
Hagelin, Anders Gustavsson demand... - Don't make me worry with
examles, don't list please much more!.. - It's not me who create the
official shame lists!.. Did you hear Osmo Vallo's two brothers and all other
relatives are arrested, too... The victims and witness been arrested instead of
murderers... Otherway, many freedom fighters forced to be jobless and living
under minimal standards... Most famous concret case is Stefan Dimiter
Tcholakov who labelled as "laborious" and Work Rights fighters Jimmie
Östergren, delegated adviser (former grafiker) Bengt Pettersson and Ahmed Rami,
because of these bravehearts criticized the thieves by the Capitalist Jewish
lobbies... Laponians who fight for own mark and minority rights, therefore
prisoned their representative character Olof T. Johansson, the true Socialists
like Bengt Frejd, Sara Lidman, Staffan Ehnebom, so-called the "Free Speech
Fighters", anti-Capitalist demonstranter like Jan Hatto, Sten Arne-Zerpe,
Dietlieb Felderer, movements who struggle against the weapon-handlers like
Henrik Westander (before professur-chair gift) and by his side likely flexible
Calle Höglund, anti-Imperialists Hannes Westberg, Herman Schmid, journalists
Staffan Beckman, Stefan Hjertén, free-mind intellectuals like Rainer Holm, Linus
Brohult, honoured priest K. G. Hammar and hundreds of the anti-Imperialists who
been registrated by the lobbies... - What is common with them? -
Also! When a Fascist accuse them so judges punish the reviewers, immediately...
But when the oppressed people leave any accusation acceptance, can easily be
refuseed ... The requests of them almost been absolutely refuseed... Read two
different cover of assassinations for example one victim called Daniel
WRETSTRÖM and second one Tony DEOGAN; so you'll be shocked if you discover many
incredible freakness, parallel points; for instance how the prosecutors and
judges corrupted by financial lobbies and how all the gang members released, how
the evidences disappointed, witnesses forced to go in silence or they
disapponted, too...
- Why the DN, Expressen and other big papers awoid of to publich these true
stories?.. They awoid of to show the real discrimination?! Schindler's List was
only a filmatic illusion, actually the true boss never gave a chance peace in
communities... You know, Bonniers, Wallenberg, Bilderberg-gangs and "Bulldogs"
drive the Swindlers' lists, means all the honoured intellectuals been
registrated on their computers... Therefore Stockholm-Canberra changed to be
second plot area of Jew York-Tel Aviv's armed Mafia... - Yes, it's!.. But
what a lucky I have been warned before!. - The authorities are blind on
such actions.. Why? - Because every big shurk drives by the big lobbies in
this big SvekJa zionized Kingdom... - ?! - How can we could
informed and know the truth!?... - I can't reply all in two minutes?!
- Well!... I understand better... It's a modernised version of enormous
hypocrisy... And I understand why the worlkd couldn't react when Jews slaughed
people in Sabra, Shatila, Jenin... Everybody watched on tv meanwhile druck
Coca-Cola, chips, bonbons... - Like the film-druged idiots?.. - No,
Sir!... We have incredible reactions and collaborated feelings too, remember,
we all cried when we watched on the Swindler's list, whole lies master-piece on
scenes... - Shame on double-moral masters!.. Where are the all good peoples
now?! - No way to Pessimism, please!.. Well, I see a positive case here on
the Scandinavian Jewish DN, Expressen, Menorah pages; Maximum sentence for the
desecration of cemeteries - an outrage which traditionally targeted Jewish
cemeteries - was raised from 6 months' imprisonment to 2 years. Yes, the
prisonment period raised in 1993, Spring. Then... - It should not calls for
case; it's provocation... There is no any single case in SvekJa, means nobody
sentenced, nobody improsined for desecrations.. - Maximum sentence will be
2 years! Isn't good? - I want not talk on the sentences good or not
good... But I'm coming from Skaane and I witnessed who targeted the
cemeteries... - Who? - Jews!... I saw them... They were there
and porovoced very succesful so they manipulated sitation... Therefore there is
no prisoner after this pharagraph ' cause they aimed change the rules...
- I remember a similarly case, my mother witnessed and told us about the foxy
Jews who played theatre at the street on 30 November in Germania... It was
before WW III, Jewish fanatics crashed own glass and won enormous generous
compensation by the reasurance firms... But their media manipulated the world by
the help of american Imperialism so all the analphabets crying on every 30
September worldwide, every year like a crying festival, meantime the Zionist
boss' laughing behind the windows...
- This is not the Cold War but a form of ongoing Cold War, what drives now by
the lobbies... This area demands the prejudiced scientists... - Why the
oppressed folk don't protest or discuss these problems... - Ever and never!
This is not the results of the football matches... People need knowledge on
biological developments... - Biological? Bur the lobotomies and
sterilization methodes were only in last century?! - System have now most
avanced methodes for instance isolation, registration and systematically
injustice... Only two tousand youngs become suicide in SvekJa Kingdom, two times
been a short news.. - Youngs?... But adults? - They never
counts by half officially pools.... Animal lover bourgeoisie have
sex-partner-dogs, counts for identification and health rights, but not the
discriminated persons... Never mind!... - There aren't really a single
one modernized democratical institution?
- ?! ** - I wonder why many
immigrants sets to work without language courses meanwhile many others been
discriminated because of their language is not "wonderful, brilliant"?.. - I
met many people too... For example after Warszawa pakt's collapse fleed
manybiologs to the occupied Middle East, Australia, SvekJa and specially the
laboratory workers sets on the jobs without any oppression... - Did you
found any explain about this subject?.. - Not directly... I met a family
in SvekJa, who calls for BOLDTs, escaped from Baltics by the way of so-called
"official Al Capone Raoul Wallenberg" Co's false Finnish pass and corrupted
authorities in Kingdom by the way of Jewish lobbies... A cunning mature, drives
"Invandrar Publications"... She explained that all these scientists had already
one or two international languages what been respected... - She lies!.. I
know a writer, know six or seven language but SvekJa system set him too the
cleaner-catch boy courses... - Yes; I understand... Jolin replied this
case too; "maybe the writer criticised the oligarchical targets..." -
And she publish these subjects on the Invandrar Tidningen? Bravo!... - You
will be chocked; she help to the lobbies to registrate opposite... - Was she
biology-worker in Baltics... - No!... But system need such families to
follow the people and therefore she didn't go to the claenar courses and nor any
language course although her vocabulary is worst when I compare with other
immigrants... Nowadays fixed this family a credit possbility by the lobbies and
Swedish American authorities,looks like a support to publish weekly propagand
bulletin, called "Sesam"... - Is it a propagand bulletin which the
redacteurs in Jew York recommended? - Yes!... Worst and most dangerous in the
world... - Do you explain; what you discovered by Sesam or chief Jolin
Boldt or Jusek/jurists' judadominated syndical sect media runs by Göran Boldt
Co. although this zionist gang never had a single one scientist in the
family!.. - Yes, it's!.. But such chiefs are clever to use the regularly
credits of system... I am an ordinary people and regularly reading all the
issues of Sesam/Jusek falsification magazines and look at on these pages, what
these gangsters provoce: "Immigrants always have problems.. They must complete
their education and integrate to the democratical values..." Very
provocative...It means if you never been accepted as true citizen so you must
think that your education is low, complete it... If immigrated person is
non-judaic originated must complete cources to be disher, even if man is
professor.. But other immigrant who came from Warszawa and presented himself as
academician, accepted to be professor wit´hout a true diplom.. If you criticize
this dirty deal, riskable to be labelled that you collapsed on integration...
- A kind of tregistrated psycho? - Definitely!.. This is a nonsense
market... The masters of this neo-liberal "smiling fascist process" show no
pardon... Since many years the Swedish immigrant publications run by the fascist
zionist readcteurs, collaborators and inseminate false imagination... This is a
insemination what the Zionist Fascists do against thesecond class people in Tel
Aviv... In SvekJa Kingdom, by this shurk-coup drivessame project... Look at
these pages, even the Laponians counts like the second class people and never
discuss serious their minority rights, work rights by the industrial
investigations of Kingdom... They handled often like the Gypsies,more worst;
they handled like prisoners on its own marks like the Palestinians who prisoned
his own haoses there in the occupied Middle East... Do you discussuor rights
here on Immigrant pages? Never... Boldt have credit by Spaarbank and Nordea's
Jew chiefs... Why? Because, Boldt-gang is the best flexible which uses like a
condom against Human Rights...According of these shurks there is no any Zionist
Occupational Gang in the world, but Palestinians been counted as problematics...
Palestinians described like the immigrants there, what the oppressed people
behandles here in SvekJa Kingdom... Boldt and her lap-dogs manipulate the
questions of immigrants and never answer thequestions although there is two
pages for responses... - I know a Jewish paper in USA, redacteur send
letters himself and replies later instead of the true readers... -
Similar tactic!... What Big Brother do, Swedish hypocrites just imitate it...
Not only this fetty imbecill's Sesam, all other creit-addicted papers
administrations making copies of ordinary people's letters... mostly all these
half-officially "Invandrar" publication industry "brain washing instruments on
the immigrants" running on this line... what thelobbies, so-called
"registrationsnamnden" and the collaborators by the Swedish ministries like
much and therefore pumping money.. - Now I have a little question; is
Boldt-gangs are Jewish originated... - More dangereous... Members, so-called
"edsvurna" by the Zionist lobbies!...But how you guess about the origins of
these shurks?! - I am not so stupid although I like sometimes discuss
football, too... - ...and maybe a private question, too!.. How you can be so
close to Jolin!... - She like small and younger Africans like a tradition by
the bourgeoisise fetties nowadays and it was plus point when she discovered I am
from Ethiopia... - More question? - No more, 'cause I have already
all the answers on this area specially experiences by such kind of chiefs who
need my massage... This is biology, too; bio-physique... - But why all these
lobbies hate Rainer Holm?.. Rainer is not immigrant.. - He registrated
because of the critics againt the system and projects.. - What kind of
system? Whose projects, whose rules? - Kidding? - ?!
- Different faces but same play on the dirty scenes!..
- That is right!.. Unfortunately, a crow goes but another crow comes...
Betrayers love eacht other and they always have supporters by the financial
lobbies... For example Sparbank, Nordea, Associates thieves Co,
Citibank/CitiGroup, even CSN and other similarly ziondominated betrayers,
- More dangerous than all other classical mafia examples... Because all these
liberalized instruments have both legal and illegal leagues, different faces on
the different scenes...
- Flexible fascism!..
- Not only this case and such victims, all the anti-imperialists
are the potentially criminals, according to the registrators of lobbies...They
are suspicious in all cases, on all the connections... - They are
suspicious perhaps only on our duties... Otherways I met an interesting gay, he
talks perfect Persian like a true Iranian citizen, practiced around of Gulf...
- Dehdari? Kamali? Tagawi? - Bijan Fahimi!.. This gay, Persian Zionist
case enough to explain any connections between many Swedes... Such "imported
instruments" help to compare with the opprtunities and opportunists for example
these persons systematically been discrimined: Staffan Ehnebom, Jimmie
Östergren, Ahmed Rami, Ernst Rainer Holm (regime critic worker, disappeared in
Gaevle city just after May Day 2003), Henrik Westander, Osmo Vallo (murdered by
police torture in Malmuu-city) and his prisoned brothers, Tony Deogan and
Anders Gustavsson (both murdered by system supported violence leagues and
prosecutors didn't accuse anyone because these poor boys weren't from
bourgeoisie cathegories in the community and both criticized sytem by any
articles before), Bengt Frejd, Olof T. Johansson, Sara Lidman, Calle Höglund,
Belay Mekkonen, Hannes Westberg, Linus Brohult, Sven Wollter, Gunnar Thorell,
Murat Yildiz, Bodil Margret Lindqvist, Staffan Beckman, Ísmet Celepli, Juan
Fonseca (when he had not so intensive interesse on money), Ditlieb Felderer,
Stefan Hjertén, Stefan Dimiter Tcholakov...
- Is it dangerous to have same name? - Very riskable!.. Nephew Stefan
forced to be psyhico because one of the his relatives in Balkan were the
anti-Zionist guerilla leaders... One of the guerillas had same name forced for
Independent Makedonia and jailed by false accusations of two Jewish judges from
Bulgaria just after 1945. Guerilla leader had no possibility to defence himself,
Jewish judges published only the false accusations, including fictive movements
who leaned weapon from Germania under WW II. Although many corrupted judges and
prosecutors were the traitors, this power manipulated history; nobody succeed to
choose what is right what is wrong by medial campaigns... Guerillas, like
"Uncle Tcholakov" sentenced without any minimal evidence.. He died there... We
see another Tcholakov in Scandinavia, immgrated, but pursued and falled in
incredible troubles... This nephew Tcholakov, "immigrated heimatlos Stefan"
borned in 1944 as Dimiter, become a brilliant academical carrier in Sofia
university and fleed to SvekJa Kingdom, completed 180 university points but
prevented from work life, pursued, isolated, discriminated by the the Jewish
registrators, lobbies, specially the collaborators of Clas Lilja
"genetical-researcher Zionist clan" members in the Waexsjö city university...
I can add other figures, too; for example the victims from West Front like
Robert Malecki as true Vietnam deserter and as second category; Jan Myrdal,
Teddy John Frank, Frank Baude, Peter Bratt, (his cell-shared-comrade Jan
Guillou pissed off from lists because he is a multi-milliarder rich, reached to
be droged creatur at last), Dagmar Hagelin (been pursued by Zionist lobbies who
collaborated with dictators of South America and murdered there by fascist
military of Astiz.. Dagmar murdered because her father listed as Marxist and
very interesting now, his family affected by persecution, all the relatives
troubled similarly case and systematically hunting by the Zionist lobbies),
Torsten Leander (only this one pursued person compensed as symbolic maneouver),
Work Rights Fighters Jimmie Östergren from Högdalen and his ombudsman Bengt
Pettersson from Folks house Raagsved Ghetto district, Lilian Gustavsson who is
mother to Anders, 17, murdered by torture methodes of bulldog Anders Carlsberg's
fascist boys at Fyrshuset trainee center in Hammarby bourgeoisie area of
capitol. After that Anders Carlberg prized as Integration chief and poor mother
Lilian still betrays by the Jewish manipulation center Expo's "professional
- It looks like a living history...
- That is right and tv redaction collected much more figures, the names of the
victims, all the almost anti-imperialists... - The "Human enemies"
will not like to talk on such cases.. They hate the truth... - It's true!...
The profiteers of system hate human being... We collected here hundreds of
names... Count please the victims of Estonia ferry, which used to transferring
the nuclear weapons to the West and sinked by an explosion; prosecutors hunted
the criticer intellectuals not the criminal propagandists of Jewish
DN-Expressen-Menorah falsificators nor the boss of weapon markets...... Why thus
people counts in two different categories and what is difference between two
oppressed or only been registrated followed people I don't understand... But you
can notice much more if you visit Veritas Co. Veritas fraud league is a computer
and distribution which serve the falsificators, Swedes call him "Jankele Pirat
kopiormästaren!", means "Bitch falsificator masters' bastard"... - What
is common with all these plays? What is the connection but with our tennisplayer
monkey? - That is the question... They don't know anything and
therefore we are on the duty, means their unknowledge is our gain... -
Game?! - You need go to the ear specialist, my friend; Nordic climate
is not fit to your upside... - ?! **
- Please, my friend!... Take these coverages back to the archives!.. Explain
nothing there, outside;please! I'll do tanksgiving because I have only ond year
to be retired.. - Wait!.. Wait!.. My son and daughters already at AMS and
their fiancees fixed places at Länsarbetsnämnden, Migration teater's
integrationsverket.. It was difficult to be staff there, without any true exam,
nor really job interviews... We mustn't leave their situations on risk!.. - ?!
- I witnessed any related cases... But a woman who formated this explain she was
been guilt, instead of the suspected persons... Don't make laugh on such
stories, please!... One of these writers named Bodil Margret Lindqvist wrote a
saga/story and faced PUL when the Evangelist coup of Swedish church spioned
her... But folks insist to be solidarised with Bodil Margret Lindqvist... Dod
you know, why? Resistance against discrimination... Saga on Ulf BERG , for
instance, this saga is a strong file of Bodil's works... Saga-files are a kind
of action; yes, I should remember that Bodil Margret Lindqvist was VPK-follower
rebel... - VPK? - Vaensterpartiet kommunisterna.. Main European
leftist parties changed themselves but traditionally hate clans of zionist
imperialism didn'rt change the persecution process on the antiimperialists...
- They hate human being... - That's right!.. This is one of the
reasons; yes, she was a famous member by Communist Party... There are any
related explains on her own homepages what she been attacked and therefore
cleaned many pages..
An example about the first story pages of Bodil Margret Lindqvist:
Bodil's ordinary corrected (nicked A. Maria Oilworkerson) short reserv page:

Short story creations like Comrade Bodil's extra diary pages: There are many
solidaríty groups around such anti-imperialist figures for example, the readers'
notices to the story teller Bodil:
Bodil's close friend Comrade Jörgen "Snegroy" (second nick: Kennedy Palme)
built a support page:
- far you works on Internet, it's possible that anybody try to manipulate
- That is right!.. Tere are many fanatics like Livets ord and other fascist
lkeagues who attacking the anti-imperialists. - Definitely!.. Bodil's
works been attacked by Livets ord... There are many server, like Maccabi Jewish
staff and fake Anti-Fa homepages... They still contunie to manipulate... This
is the true terror, advanced by technical support lobbies...
- Sometimes we see good friends, who show very useful solidarity for instance
Jörgen K.; he is Bodil's close friend, struggles well. - This is the
"True Living history"... - If you have any question so I recommend
you'll call to this civil-courage symbol, "Story-teller".. Here is the directly
phone: Bodil Margret Lindqvist tel. 48 03 e-mail: - 031? - Mölndal, Vetlanda...
- Wet? Land? - Yes, it's is a piece of SvekJa Kingdom!...
- Even it's not acceptable!.. My heart says; "No!.." - What is most
unfair? - To be handled like the animals in the farm of George
Orwell.. Look at all these masters of swindler who have two-legs only
difference between the other kind of piggs... - I understand your
reactions!... But if you insist to go on the last two legs, riskable that you
can be sanctioned.. Did you heard that many people gone suicide? - Media
didn't explain...... - Whose media? Anyway there are many people, even
an ordinary list can take many pages of newspapers... Advertisements are
important than suicide victims, nowadays... - You mean that the system can
piss off... - Legalized cleansing by modernized methodes... Hundreds of
people commit suicide only in last year... - Human? - ?!

- Comrade Okoth Osewe, what are you thinking about such modernized double
standards and "the royal hypocrisy"?
- Nothing is new in the oligarches; this establishment was same hypocrite before
all these issues. I marked that "Somalians oppressed" much more than all other
Africans... Here is an example what only single one magazine, Offensive
published.. Wish you listen!...
- Lets listen!.
- Somali family goes underground fearing deportation... The family of Amina Omer
from Somali have, after three and a half years of waiting, gone underground to
avoid deportation to Yemen where they don't come. Offensiv met Feisal, a 20
year old member of the family at a school in Sundsvall. He was distributing
leaf-lets as part of mobilisation to a demo last Friday to protest against the
decision by the Swedish Aliens Board to deport his family which fled from war in
Somalia to seek asylum in Sweden. Faisal escaped deportation because he has a
one year old daughter with a Swedish girl. The family of mamma Amenah, which
comprises of the youngest son Rahem 8, dottern Najwa 11 and Feisal, arrived in
Sweden with a false Yemeni passport. According to Faisal, the case has been
dismissed because the Swedish authorities do not think that they come from
Somali since they have a Yemeni passport.
"We could not have travelled directly from Somalia because there is no air
traffic from Somalia", Faisal told Offensiv. He added that they could not have
travelled with a Somali Passport because the Somali state had collapsed making
it impossible for any Somali to obtain a passport. "They have dismissed the case
despite the fact that the whole family speaks Somali language", he said. "I have
never been involved in the organisation of a demo before but now our family has
no alternative but to protest", he said. "We are going to match up to the
office of Immigration to deliver a protest letter", he told Offensiv. After
their case was dismissed in 1998, the family appealed to Swedish Aliens Board
which decided the case on 9th February, giving them two weeks to prepare for
deportation to Yemen. The family, which has been living in Sweden for three
years, has developed serious medical problems. Amenah has severe depression,
poor appetite and sleep related problems while doctors suspect that Faress has a
heart problem. Although a President has been installed in Somalia, the country
is still ran by armed gangs who control large territories. Amenah's family is
yet another victim of the politics of deportation practised by the Social
Democratic government. Sweden's entry into the European Union, together with its
signing of the Schengen Convention has made it impossible for those fleeing from
wars and political persecution to get protection.
- Dear Okoth Osewe.. You forget to include a word that "Somalians behandled
difference because these kind of Africans are muslims"...
- I did.. But the Swedish redaction opposed such articles which including the
word "Muslim"...
- Interesting... You know, dear Okote, we borned in same year; 1966... Yes;
Kenyan Socialist comrade borned 1966 and fleed to Europe, like me... But when I
send the articles to the Offensive and such Swedish socialist magazines,
absolutely been refuseed, meanwhile my comrade welcomes... What is the reason...
- I don't know!.. Maybe they are thinking that you are no a true
- No!... I have special papers from Kenyatta university that I was the member of
administration when you was an ordinary member by me...
- I know!.. But I wish see your articles, last one, please!...
- Here!... Moallin has a newest; please, Moallin!... Thanks!...
- Maybe!.. Maybe you criticize the financial authorities...
- But we are the anti-imperialists, brother?!
- This is the difference, you didn't understand. There is a banned subject in
SvekJa kingdom; "don't criticize, please the supporters"...
- Supporters? So what?!
- Many newspaper have credits by the Jewish financial lobbies.. You must play
like an actör that you never awakened on this relation, so you can be accept to
publish your thoughts in this area!.. Rättvisepartiet Socialisterna is owner of
Offensive Socialist papers and don't like the true socialists who criticize the
Zionist Imperialism... When you should send an article to the such
"credit-respected-instruments", check correctly, what kind of words banned
there, so you can have a chance...
- I heard that Swedish journalistic school's first succee is the
- ?!
- Excuse me, sir!. You often accuse the Jewish racist boss and describing them
that they using Talmudian dogmatism, ruling by Torah.. What is Talmud and Torah?
- Talmud , means Instruction... Interpretations of the jewish Bible by rabbis
and "learned men", with two main parts: Mishna (the religious laws) and Gemara
(commentaries and explanations). The Talmud is the supreme book of judaism, full
of superstitions, hate-mongering and barbarities. Contains among other things
statements about "goyim" (non-Jews), who are designated as "cattle with a human
Only jews are designated men (Baba Mezia 114).
Non-jewish women are "she-asses" (Berakoth 58a).
All non-jewish children are animals (Yebamoth 98a).
If a goy hits a jew, he must be killed (Sanhedrin 58b).
When a jew murders a goy, there will be no death penalty (Sanhedrin 57a).
What a jew steals from a goy he may keep (Sanhedrin 57a).
Jews may use wiles and subterfuges to outwit a goy (Baba Kamma 113a)
- The Fascist rules of Torah?
- Torah, means Law... The jewish law, as it can be read in the Pentateuch, the
five Books of Moses. As everyone can ascertain simply by reading the jewish
Bible, "the Lord, the God of Israel" is not a universal but a tribal god or
rather tribal devil, a power-hungry, bloodthirsty, revengeful and punishing
potentate, who in cold blood orders his "chosen people" to kill Palestinians and
commit the most horrible atrocities. By declaring the "Old Testament" a "Holy
Writ" the prelates of the christian church in fact made themselves worshippers
of the devil, without regard to the words Jesus himself uttered to his jewish
listeners: "You have the devil as your father, and you want to do what your
father wishes." (John 8:44)
- I understand now better.. Thank you very much, Sir!.
- You are welcome, Comrados!..


- I wonder what is the reason this story-teller uses a strange grammar.. Bad
english, according to the web administrations.... Worst than my chief's school
english level...
- I understand you, too!.. But you know, I met this autor, a clever girl who can
talk wonderful.. I mean, she is a successful person when she talks plenty
fluently on other matters...
- But why this girl tells her story in so incredible strange english?
- I try to explain!... Yes, I asked her about this flat language... She replied;
"When I wrote in correct english, pissed off by the bourgeoisie dominated
media"... So, after this explain I checked it and witnessed that she has
- I wonder the majority been masochists nowadays?!
- Ye', it is stranger than language!... ... Maybe we are living in a period
there bourgeoisie living a social sickness like mass masochistical delusion
system... We piss off the normally attitudes...
- Also, you mean the autor aims to write good tales in bed grammar to fix the
barries of establishment on this sick medial world...
- Approximately...
- But she make folks laugh!... Please, watch this clip, super irritable bad
english.. She makes me laugh, too!...
- Sure!.. Story teller aims it... Otherwise, you are a living evidence that she
succeed to make laugh you like any other pieces of this oligarchical system!..
- What!?..
- ...and at last this story teller added that she believe in "Mankind changed
so much, nowadays civilizated people mostly looks like a kind of animal who can
learn during laughing"...
- ?!


- This broadcasting clip remind me of "the Invisible Writers".
- What does "invisible writer" mean?
- Many years ago I knew a grizzled old playwright named Ray. He lived off state
disability checks, carried his manuscripts in brown paper bags, and drank cup
after cup of black coffee, which I poured for him from behind the counter of the
coffee shop where I worked. He had one piece of advice for me: "Read Othello.
If you want to be a writer you must first read Othello." Ray was a blue-collar
guy who had never gone to college, but he had read Shakespeare, checked out from
the public library near the furnished room where he lived. Ray understood plot
because he had lived and experienced it. He was a born writer. Over the years
I've met a diverse collection of writers who have never been published or earned
any academic credentials, yet whose claim to the title of artist is genuine.
These invisible writers are soldiers and bakers, convicts and salesmen, winos,
hairdressers, firefighters, farmers and waitresses. Their only qualifications to
literary authenticity are their writings and their desire to write. Often the
only time they have is stolen time, and their private scrawls end up on cocktail
napkins, penciled in the margins of receipts, on any piece of paper handy. I
got to know Tom Carson during the first Gulf War, shortly after his platoon had
been sent to Kuwait. We never met in person. He had written to a co-worker of
mine who had moved on, leaving no forwarding address. When I saw the U.S.
military return address on Tom's letter, I decided to answer it myself. We began
a correspondence that lasted through the war and after he returned to Fort
Benning, Georgia. During a hectic two months, Lt. Carson wrote 39 poems. His
themes were the regimented insanity of military life, isolation and loneliness,
the wind and rain of his soul. Carson wrote his lines in rare solitude, in a
barracks or a tent. During the day, he told me, the thoughts gathered in his
head; he censored them but the forbidden words found expression anyway, for even
the U.S. Army cannot discipline the imagination. People imprisoned in
stultifying, menial jobs can summon, with even a minimal command of language,
something entirely private, unfettered and incalculably powerful. Most
importantly, it is something of their own creation that cannot be taken away.
The sense of purpose and identity that comes with being a writer, creator of a
private world, can be life altering. I've known truck drivers who are
natural-born storytellers; fishermen who paint starkly beautiful word pictures
of life on a crab boat in the Bering Strait. I met a barely literate ex-convict
whose short story about losing his wife and child in a revenge killing for a
gang crime he'd committed was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever read. I met
a ex-alcoholic who wrote about being abandoned by her husband. In a few simple
paragraphs this uneducated woman in her mid-50s expressed a universal sense of
loss in an entirely unsentimental fashion; something that cannot be taught in
any MFA program. My own father, a novelist who was never published, once wrote
about being fired for writing on the job – a chronic problem in his lifetime. He
worked on an assembly line in a factory that manufactured radios, and the
foreman caught him writing one day while the neglected radio parts moved past
him on the belt. "I was only half a radioman," wrote my father. "In my heart, I
was a poet." As Chester Himes wrote in "The Quality of Hurt": "No matter what I
did or how I lived, I had considered myself a writer....It was my salvation. The
world can deny me all other employment, and stone me as an a
disagreeable, unpleasant person. But as long as I write whether it's published
or not, I'm a writer." I met Celia at a roadside diner, where she cooked greasy
breakfasts for travelers whose faces she'd never again see. Writing, for Celia,
was a way of being elsewhere, of undoing, undreaming, her mundane daily life.
The monotony of her job and the deadening rituals she performed daily were the
inspirations for the poems she scribbled on used order tickets. To hate your job
and do nothing about it is a failure of imagination: a true life sentence. A
Frenchman I know who was a maitre d' at one of the Washington's finest
restaurants, possesses a novel he composed in the twilight time between the
lunch rush and the dinner hour. His joy on writing it was immeasurable. That it
may never be published did not faze him. The point is that he created it. He
finished it. It is his. "Fiction completes us, mutilated beings burdened with
the awful dichotomy of having only one life and the ability to desire a
thousand," Mario Vargas Llosa wrote. I've often looked for my old playwright
friend Ray's name in print, but have never seen it. I imagine him sitting in a
coffee shop somewhere, brow furrowed as he revises lines of his latest play,
completely absorbed in the world of his characters. I'm sure it frustrated Ray
at times, that his work went unrecognized, but it never occurred to him to quit;
just like it would never occur to him to stop breathing. It is not strictly a
tragedy that Ray's plays, the maitre'd's novel or Celia's poems remain
unpublished. Much of the work comes into being for private reasons of the heart.
If every sentence that was written was printed and bound we would drown in a sea
of words – as it is, thousands of books are hastily published, barely read and
forgotten. Writing itself is the aim, for it is writing, not publishing, that
transforms individual human experience. To write, even in obscurity is
worthwhile. As Samuel Becket put it, writing is a way of leaving "a stain upon
the silence."
- It's true!.. Wonderful described and we are listening a kind of the "stain
upon the silence", just here...

- The redaction of tv Independent Laponia get a new documentary clip... It
icludes the recruitments... Zion controlled RACISM has its own INSTRUMENTS who
hate Human Being and collaborate with Zionist Imperialist leagues... We collect
their names and the true profession, "qualifications"... Tv team prepare to
surprise the people and show the face of enemies... - Let's watch
the such figures, so called selected Anti-humanists!.. - Broadcasting

Pragmatist Virus: Maria Ermanno, professional weapon handler and betrayer
performed on weapon affairs for a neo judaized NATO.
Z: Jan Jönsson, chief at SDN (Ghetto number 24), southern Stockholm
Z. Torbjörn Karfunkel, inflitred to the Anarchist Syndicalist vandalist
Z-AL: Stefan Dominique: South American traitor. Sll's red.
AL: Anders Brogren, religious fanatic
Z: Sigvard Marjasin: typoical jude thief dwarf like "Pagrotsky dvärg", means
Z-AL: Birgitta Ohlsson, Jewish parlamentarist provocator, runs the fake
Feminists, too.
Juan Fonseca: Pragmatist Showman, but nothing else...
Z: Julian Ilicki: UU mechanism's fake professor (studied at Auschwitz-?!-) Z:
Lotfi Krifa, provocator by ENAR Bruxel-Stockholm line...
Z: Michael Williams (suspect as main betrayer on FARR and other asylum cases)
Z: Wilhelm Agrell, judisk historieförfalskare,
Z.-A.L.: Tommy Hagberg fr. Västra Frölunda, Lisa Abramowicz fr Stockholm,
A.L.: Bengt ALBONS &Inger ARENANDER fr Tystberga, Stockholm.
Z.-A.L.: Allan ANDERSSON fr SÖDERTÄLJE, Stockholm.
Z.-A.L.: Charlotta BARKE fr Stockholm.
Z.-A.L.: B.G. BENGTSSON fr Stockholm.
Z.-A.L.: Henrik BERGMAN fr L U N D.
A.L.: Åke BERGH fr HÄGERSTEN, Stockholm.
Z.-A.L.: Pehr BJÖRNBOM fr TÄBY, Stockholm.
Z.-A.L.: Lars Göran BOSTRÖM fr SOLLENTUNA , Stockholm.
Z.-A.L.: Christian DAHLGREN fr 371 30 KARLSKRONA.
Z.-A.L.: Yvonne Didriksson fr Liljeholmen, Stockholm.
Z-porn industry: Nathalie DUARTE-VICENTE fr Björksundsslingan 14, Stockholm.
Z.-A.L.: Rolf Ekéus, U.S.-Imperialismens "catch boy",
Z.-A.L.: Kristina FOLGERT,
Z.-A.L.: FRANZ T. COHN fr Stockholm.
Z.-A.L.: Lisa Abramowicz, föreståndare judiska församlingen i Stockholm. Är
ordförande i Svensk Israel-Information och har studerat arabisk och judisk
historia vid University of California Berkeley. Lisa Abramowicz, ordförande för
Svensk Israel-Information samt föreståndare i Judiska Församlingen i Stockholm
introducerade talarna.
Z.-A.L.: Per Ahlin: Per AHLMARK's bastard. Gjörwellsg. 30, 105 15 Stockholm.
Bonnier's redactor /Zionist Ku Klux Klan. He works as "false news production
machine" against human being.
Z: Per AHLMARK: Ultra dangerous fanatic liar&Fascist nonsense provocator...
Chief of MO$$AD&DN's professional prop. Gjörwellsg. 30, 105 15 Stockholm.
Z: Suzanne AHLNER; ongoing pursued and sent warning on sept.7, 1994 about
Advocate titel (from Swedish Advokatsam)... Suzanne AHLNER's Brothel address:
Anders Ahlner & Suzanne Ahlner: Västerg. 16, 211 21 MALMÖ Sexcustomers' boking
tel.: 040-79768 A.L.: Bengt ALBONS (&Inger ARENANDER): Sveav. 96, 113 50
Stockholm. Tel.08-612 97 87 Sommarbostad Ingelsta 194 95 TYSTBERGA,
Stockholm. Tel.0155-26 15 16 säkerhetspolitisk reporter i DN/ -'98-'99
US-prop., Irak-fientlig... A.L.: Allan ANDERSSON,
works mostly in SÖDERTÄLJE, Stockholm. Kuba-fientlig&DN's ins./1997
Z/A.L.: Ida ADLER:
Adler's whole clan members work for USrael. Fascist Provocations by Daniel
Pipes's ( and related sites created by Ida Adler.: Svedominerade sionistisk-kollaboraterade
fascistiska instrumenter: Z- Martin
Andreasson, liberal i Solna, bedriver homopage,
Z: Gunnar Arnqvist, Stockholm
Z- Niklas Aronowitsch, Brännkyrkag. 75, 118 23 Stockholm. 08-101902
A.L.: Carlos Manuel Estefanía Aulet, exilkuban, chefredaktör för tidskriften
Cuba Nuestra (Vårt Kuba). Cuban Fascist
Z: Henrik Bachner, "Levande lögner's fabrication joiner" (with Stéphane
Bruchfeld) A.L.: Charlotta BARKE: Kungahusets&monarkins prop /N.N.'s
ins.-'99 She is active member by fascist Moderate Party :
A.L.: B.G. BENGTSSON lives in Stockholm. Vänsterfientlig/Metro ins./1997
Z- Wolfgang Benz , Germansk Jude-prop. lanseras som "Föreläsare" i Södertörnas
Highschool / Huddinge, Uppsala Uni. etc. Utrikespolitiska Institutet /
ICJ-Swedish sect. i Stockholm (2002)
Z: Lena Berggren , förvränger historien: historyfalser staff active at Umeaa
A.L.: Åke BERGH(Redaktör): Örnbacken 14, 126 51 HÄGERSTEN, Stockholm.
Tel:08-19 21 03,19 80 74 (2000); 19 80 74 (2001)
Anti-leftist (Soss'+Green etc.are the left for him)/Ins.DN/-'99
Z- Helen Bergholtz (Fp)
Z- Lennart Bettner, Fp Skärholmen Vice ordförande: Lennart Bettner,
Varpholmsgränd 81, 127 46 Skärholmen, Stockholm. Tel: 08-710 50 21, E-mail:
A.L.: Pehr BJÖRNBOM: Teknologie dr Kometvägen 1, 183 33 TÄBY, Stockholm.
Irak-enemy & U.S.A.- R.EKEUS's prop. Tel.08-758 29 35
Z- Marie-Hélène Boccara, active between Tel Aviv-Scandinavia.
VF- Lars Göran BOSTRÖM: Kung Hans V. 71-A, 191 76 Sollentuna(2000) mest aktiva
i Skaerholmen också (2001). Anti-Lenin prop./Folk Parti & DN's ins./-'98,-'99
Z: Stéphane Bruchfeld, UU prof. "Levande Lögner"'s fabricant (with Henrik
Bachner ) , idéhistoriker vid programmet för studier kring Förintelsen och
folkmord anställd i Mutietncite falsification center
Z: Håkan Brinck
Z- Hadar Cars (Fp chief)
Z- Franz T. COHN: one of the chiefs at Förenade Israelinsamlingen
Box 50 53, 102 42 Stockholm./-'99 Z: Nora Contini
Z-A.L.: Christian DAHLGREN: Amiralitetsgatan 13,371 30 KARLSKRONA Christian
Dahlgren spelade också en rol som låtsas oppositionell i Fp. c/o. Folkpartiet i
Blekinge, Stora Möllebacksgränd 9a, 371 34 Karlskrona Fax: 0455-19182 Tel.:
0455-19180 and 0455 - 173 65 E-Post:, Ombud till Folk Party i Karlskrona (1999)
Prop mot humanistiska ideer/D.N.'s ins./-'98,-'99 Borned on 4. juni 1969 på
Alnön i Medelpad. Utbildning: Fil kand i historia, statsvetenskap och
Europakunskap. Även studerat EG-rätt. Arbetar som: Landstingspolitisk
sekreterare i Blekinge. Varit projektledare för Ungdomsforum Litauen 98 i
Karlskrona. Beundrar:Beppe Wolgers, Per Ahlmark, Herbert Tingsten, Robert
Kennedy, Raoul Wallenberg.Favoritmusik:Lars Gullin, George Gershwin, Burt
Bacharach, KISS.Favoritförfattare:August Strindberg, Evelyn Waugh, George Klein.
Favoritfilmer: "Blowup" (Michelangelo Antonioni 1966), "Smultronstället" (Ingmar
Bergman 1957) och Apollo 13 (Ron Howard 1995) och "Dunderklumpen" (Beppe
Wolgers 1974) Övriga intressen: Modern konst (Edward Hopper, Robert
Rauschenberg) och arkitektur (Alvar Aalto). Astronomi och rymdfart. Amerikansk
politik. Vandrar gärna i skog och mark på fritiden.
Z: Yvonne Didriksson, född 1946, BrothelMammele in Liljehomen, Stockholm.
A.L.: Diggante Organisation, an ordinary Racist league;
Z- Olof Djurfeldt (vice rep. at religious provocation league
Filadelfiaförsamlingen redacteur of Dagen 1974-96)
Z: Halit Dogruel; Zionist Kurdish traitor; offically faced as staff
"Arbetsförmedlare"(!), male whore at Arbetsförmedlingen Skaerholmen Ghetto. Home
address: Alhagsv. 64, Norsborg, southern Stockholm. Phone: 18 47 35
Halit Dogruel infiltred to the music groups too like a kind of rytminstrument,
according to other Kurdish traitors: " Beyda: Sånger på kurdiska för barn med
lekar och dans och improvisationer . Gamla och nya sånger om återvändandet, om
exilens längtan, om kärlek, liv glädje och sorg med fyra musiker på sträng-,
rytm- och blåsinstrument"... Z-A.L.: Abit Dundar,
borned 1958; been socionom(!), works at municipality SDN 23, Haegersten,
southern Stockholm. Wanted in many countries because of pedohile&incest
Z: Magda Eggens, "survived plunderers" member, manipulates poor
Scandinavia. Z: Peter Edwardsson: family medlemmar lever på Ekbacken 13, 374
50 Asarum-KARLSHAMN / BLEKINGE; föddes 1964, gift sedan 1986 med Susanne. Har
tre barn (i 2000). Anti-Palestine propagandist staff at Blekinge Läns Newspaper.
E-mail:, Han startade evangelisk+sionistisk
propagand kooperations movemenet som heter på Internet. Adressen är: c/o Peter Edvardsson, Ekbacken 13, 374 50 Asarum;
e-mail: Det kallas för Guds Ord. Dessutom är han samverkande i
liknande religiösa organisationer t.ex. Livets Ord, också religiöst
provokativt.. been teacher at Gbg uni.
Z- Daniel Krygier, vice ordförande i FIDIM (For Israeli Mafia org.)
FIDIM org administration:Ted Ekeroth, ordförande (
Daniel Krygier, vice ordförande (
Benjamin Graffér, kassör (
Alexander Krygier, ledamot ( Kent Ekeroth,
sekreterare (
Z- Sergio Flores, 1962, homo Fp-ist, kallar sig för "journalist " också.
A.L.: Kristina FOLGERT, Freelance journalist by Expressen (2000); Anti-ÖCALAN,
Anti-Marxist provocator;
A.L.: Stig FORSLUND, aktiv mesta i HALMSTAD. Anti-STALIN & D.N.'s ins.
Z/A.L.:Charlotta FRIBORG: Gjörwellsg. 30, 105 15 Stockholm.
Anti-Leninist&DN's prop./-'99 Z- Emil GLASER, gymnasielärare i
Stockholm, ofta reser til USrael med familjen och skriver i Expressen, troligen
arbetar för Mo$$ad Z- R. G. Grant, överlevande plundrare i SvekJa
VF-.Vilmos GAJZÁGÓ; bor på Önskehemsgatan 8, 124 54 BANDHAGEN, Stockholm.
Marknadensdiktaturs prop/ D.N.'s ins./-'99 Tel.08-99 36 83 ('99, 2000, 2001)
A.L.: Eilert Gezelius; military equipments leverant; most aktiv i Stockholm.
Z: Sara Gezelius; active by Handels fackförningen, Stockholm.
Z- Anita GOLDMAN, bor på Södermalmstorg 6, 116 45 Stockholm. ('98-99-2000; but
not in 2001 on cataloques); MO$$AD&DN's prop./-'98,-'99
Z- Tobias GOLDMAN: Informatör - Svensk Israel-information. Zionist prop/ins. DN
2001(tillsammans med Adam RYDSTRÖM-muf)
Z: Lambrini Theodossiou Giatropoulos (s) Lambrini is an typical sosis
capitalism's parasite, borned 1956, visitcard titel is; "hyresgästombudsman"(!)
Believe her!!! Telefon: 507 061 98 Fax: 508 24 099
A.L.: Elisabeth Grönqvist, Stockholm
Z/A.L.:Thomas Cumhur GÜR, Gjörwellsv. 28, 105 17 Stockholm. (cooperates with
Bekir KULBAY, Magnus KARAVELI etc. imported instruments) Z: Kenneth
Hermele, Ryska jude i Sv. skriver i Ny Sverige (1991)
Z: Tommy HAGBERG, Eskadervägen 18, 183 54 TÄBY,Stockholm.. Anti-LENIN & Exp.'s
prop. and after two years , in 2002, we see him in Frölunda, as a Zionist e-news
prop. His New address: Tommy Hagberg, Turkosgatan 41, 421 50 Västra Frölunda
Tel, fax: 031-492411 Borned 1963-07-01 och uppvuxen i Kungälv men numera
bosatt i Västra Frölunda.
A.L.:, Tommy HAMMARSTRÖM, Eskaderv. 18, 183 54 TÄBY, Stockholm.
Anti-LENIN; Exp.prop.wr.
A.L.: Bengt HAMNE, Fågelsträcket 3, 181 46 LIDINGÖ, Stockholm.
Anti-LENIN & Sv.D.'s prop.
A.L.: Tommy HANSSON,, Statsvetare, Uggle v. 29 D, 131 44 NACKA , Stockholm.
Anti-Left & Zionist prop. /D.N.'s ins.
Z: Lena HEDENSTIERNA, förskingrare, Avd. chef Nationell frivilligverksamhet
Röda Korset, Stockholmsdistrikt, Pustegränd 3, 118 20 Stockholm. Tel.08-615 76
Rasist, anti-Gypsi activist... Famous as Red Cross' "fifflare"
Z/A.L.:Staffan Heimerson: Mo$$ad's vice staff, fake journalist by Aftonbladet
works as column-writer Z: Stig Holmberg,
mest aktive i Stockholm. Z-Mikael Hörnqvist, (FD, vik.
universitetslektor) Idéhistoriker vid Uppsala Uni., Institutionen för idé- och
lärdomshistoria. Slottet, ing. A0, 752 37 UPPSALA
Fascist jude-lögnare prop. Anti-Palestina prop. som ins. i D.N. 2001 Tel:
00.46.18. 471 15 72 Fax: 44 22
Z:A.L.: Holand Zion center Nefel, collaborates with Swedish
Kurds&Iranian&Iraqian traitors criminal immigrants who imported by Tel Aviv made
passports. Nefel is a group firstly sponsred by Anna Frank's foundation and
ADL of Holand. It's Barzioni's s.c. " kurdisktalande civilklädda" ,
professionally experienced propaganda and provocation troop "peshmerges",
speciallly missioned and settled in the EU areas.. First settled this group in
Holand but nowadays in Danemark and Sweden grown up more advanced. Already uses
this e-post: Z-A.L.: Margaretha Bjerke
Jaccard: Johnny Skoog & Margaretha Bjerke Jaccard, Nybodaringen 103, 117 62
Stockholm. Z-A.L.: Jackie JAKUBOWSKI. Most dangerous and
advanced provocator Jew. Framträdande judisk aktivist som kom till Sverige från
Polen 1970. Chefredaktör för "Judisk Krönika" och sk. "kulturskribent" i bl.a.
Expressen och Dagens Nyheter, där han skriver huvudsakligen om judiska ting. En
självklar medlem i Svenska Kommittén mot Antisemitism. Virus: Lars JANSSON:
active mostly in Goetheburg. Human enemy/D.N.'s ins.('99) Z: Malle Jansson
A.L.: Stefan JOHANSSON, aktiv mest i MALMÖ; former KFML(r)'s member&
"Skvallermästare" Z: Erik Jennische, joined the actions againt Folk in
Cuba... He can be relative to the Per Jennische, Israel-Info representative in
Uppsala: Uppsala
Ordförande: Per Jennische som använder postadressen: Skogsmyrsvägen 25, 756 45
UPPSALA Telefon: 018-30 24 96 A.H.: Margereta Johansson , fake Vp
representative in Skaerholm, Stockholm.
Z- Jan Jönsson , vice ordf. by Margereta Johansson in Skaerholm, Stockholm.
SDN (fp) Valkrets: Titel: grundskollärare (!) Borned 1978 Telefon: 070-263
47 19 (arb)
A.L.: Inge KAMSTEDT: Anti-Communist & Christ prop. /Exp. ins. wr.
A.L.: Halil Magnus KARAVELÍ: f. d..Ledarskribent Östgöta Correspondenten;
Badhusgatan 5, 581 89 LINKÖPING Halvturco&halv Evangelian Zionist bastard
Tel. 03 00 Fax: 03 18/28 03 24
His responsible payer/husse: Gunilla BEJBRO-HÖGFELDT/-'99
A.L.: Olof Kleberg, active mostly in Umeaa, occupied Laponia
Z: Kalli Klement, chief of Föreningen NeoSionistiskakurders biblioteksvänner
Z: Leo Kramár, Stockholm.
A.L.: Íhsan KUTLU: Åbergssons v. 11, 170 77 SOLNA, Stockholm. Phone:
82 81
Utkan Ekim KUTLU: Kungshamra 62 B, 170 70 SOLNA, Stockholm. Phone: 00.46.8. 624
33 91
Íhsan KUTLU. Student i Sth. Uni.(borned 1950 in Syria?); c/o Chefen Pia Bjerén
FÜRSTENBACH and Gustaf LINDENCRONA; Bloms hus, Universitetsv. 10, Frescati, 106
91 Stockholm.
Utkan Ekim KUTLU (borned 1979 in Turky); c/o IFK Bergshamra Football Club,
Kungshamra 62 B, 170 70 SOLNA, Stockholm.
Z: Ernst Klein, frilansjournalist: "USA måste ingripa, det är enda lösningen på
konflikten", wrote everywhere. - former chief on Östgöta
Correspondenten - är USraelvän som också låtsas hoppas på en egen stat
för Palestina
Z: Marc S. Klein AL: Per KÅGESON, Vintertullstorget 20, 116 43
Stockholm. He is infiltred Leftist Party VKP and succedd been member; worked as
Anticomm-anti-HONECKER. prop ins by zionist propaganda machines
DN's&Aftonblandat, plus fake letters for example ins./-'98,-'99,2000 i DN's
debattsidan som propagerar att Nuclear makt (!) skulle bevaras...
Z- Bo Könberg (chief at Fp)
Z- Lena Posner-Körösi (ordförande för Judiska Församlingen in Stockholm)
Debattör-prop /sätter lögnaktiga nyheter i Metro (April 13, 2002) även i
Riksdagsmötena: Judiska Centralrådet, Wahrendorffsgatan 3 B, 103 91 Stockholm.
Kontakt: ordf. Lena Posner Körösi, Phone: 00.46.8. 679 29 00, fax:
24 13
Z-AL: Madeleine Leijonhufvud: prof to provoce, most active at Stockholm
uni.Law sect.
Z/A.L.: Charlotta Levay
VF-Hans W. Levy,Stockholm; Zionprop.Svd.ins.31 dec.2000 (Vilmos Rény's
samverkande) A.L.: Per LINDGREN, works msotly in UPPSALA: Anti-left & SvD.'s
ins. He propageted highscholl' nationalist system.
A.L.: Kjell LINGEBLAD, 772 22 GRÄNGESBERG: Anti-left & Ab.'s and D.N.'s ins.
"Nuclear power is progress", he says. Z-Ingrid Lomfors, historiker vid
Göteborgs universitet
"Den ensidiga kritiken av Israel får konsekvenser för judar i Europa, med
tilltagande antisemitiska dåd och hot" - är kritisk mot Folkrörelsesverige,
som kyrkan och Röda Korset, inte för att de kritiserar Israel men för att de så
ensidigt tagit ställning för en part (palestinierna) istället för att bara ta
ställning mot våldet Z- Heléne Lööw, chief of The New Forum for Zionist
Propaganda. Z: Birgitta Löwander, socionom, provocatör scribent instrument
at SvD.
Z.-A.L.: Bo LUNDBERG: works mostly in . Stockholm: Fp./Liberalcriminal against
children/Exp.debate ins.
VF- Giampiero MARZOCCHELLI, Student i Södertörns Högskola, c/o Per THULLBERG,
Rektor, Alfred Nobels allé, c/o Box 4101, 141 04 HUDDINGE, Stockholm. Fax: 58 80 10 E-post Anti-comm. prop. /Metro ins.
A.L.: Erland MATZ: Metro Stockholm ins.(Sept.2001) Prop Zion Faschio.
Z-Miljöförbundet Jordens Vänner/ Friends of the Earth (!). League address:
Jungmansg. 37, Box 7048, 402 31 GOETHEBURG Fax: 18 17
Miljö-Tidningen, (MJV's monthly), Färjestaden, 179 95 SVARTSJÖ Fax:08-560 358
A.H.: MIMER-Organisation, Box 150 24, 200 31 MALMÖ A.L.: Carlos Alberto
Montaner (settled in Madrid, 2002), har svenskt pass, ordförande i Kubansk
liberal samling, vice-ordförande i Liberal International, ledarskribent,
författare till tjugo böcker. Prop.against Cuba/debattskrivare i Ab.(2001)
Z- Fredrik Malm, prop i Expressen (2002) borned 1977, Fredrik Malm är vice
ordförande i Liberala Ungdomsförbundet. Han är 25 år engagerad i frågor som rör
politisk extremism och antisemitism och menar att vänstern måste marginalisera
sina egna extremister. Han kandiderar till riksdagen för folkpartiet i höstens
val. Krönika i Eskilstuna Kuriren.
His favourites. Z:Neo-Lib.:
Rolf Martens
Z: Tina Messing, propaganda writer on the daily paper City News. Zionist thief
Minister Ulrica Messing's relative. Z: Javad Ajabani
Naini / Fp kandidat 2002 Z: Ana Maria Narti, riksdagsledamot (Fp)
Z: Niklas Schulman (1 November 1974) &Frankly, Niklas is Solomon Schulman's
bastard but Mammele Lisette betrayed her man Allan... Well, they now the truth
now and selling everything like traditinally Jewish
Z: Nobel shurk committees:
A.L.: Markus Nordström
A.L.: Bo NORDQVIST : mest aktiv i Stockholm.
Propagerar att Immigranter gynnas i marknaden t ex. starta eget etc. projekt /
Metro ins.-'99
A.L.: Per NYHOLM, fascist.scribent by daily Jyllands Posten, COPENHAGEN,
DANEMARK Anti-Kurd fanatic.
A.L.: John NÄSLUND, Januariv. 9, 177 60 JÄRFÄLLA, Stockholm.
Irak-enemy&U.S.A.-U.N. prop. /ins.
Z- Mats Odell (kd)
Z- Mikael Odenberg (m)
Z.-A.L.- Eva Birgitta Ohlsson, Fp, PM 2002-2003 Borned: 1975 in
Z.-A.L.: Siewert Öholm journalist. Krönikör i den kristna tidningen Dagen
Välkänd tv-debattledare från Göteborg, fortfarande aktiv i samhällsdebatten.
Kallar sig själv Israelvän Sådana smutsiga sionistiska instrumenter manipulerar
religiösa kretsar att hetsa mot folket. Livets ord gang attackerar
Vänsterpartiets anhängare bland andra sagoberättar tjejen Bodil Margret
Lindqvist Det finns ju flera biträdande hundar som också attackerar... En av de
mest blodsugna heter Siweret Öjolm. Adress och tel. nr är:
Siewert Öholm & Ann-Britt Öholm
Ränkesed, 671 93 ARVIKA 0570-22235
Siewert Öholm & Ann-Britt Öholm
Viktor Rydbergsg. 32, 412 57 Goetheburg. Phone: 00.46. 31.207722
Z: Ulf ÖFVERBERG ledamot i Sth's styrelse för samfundet Sve. Israel Inf. Mo$$ad,
Z-Martin ÖVELIUS, lives in SKOGÅS,Stockholm.DN ins. sept. 2001Zion/US prop.
A.L.- S. PALM, mostly active in SÄRÖ: Anti.KPML(r)/Ins.SwD/-'99
A.L.- Mats Åberg, Jurist linjen, Uppsala universitet, 751 05 UPPSALA
Mats oSS borned: 1972 Married in U.S.A. and moved to Scandinavia
Living with his little daughter, which borned in 1999, in Uppsala
E-Mail adress: Homepage:
Postadress: Mats oSS, c/o Åke SALDEEN, Box 256, 751 05 UPPSALA Fax: 19 81 A.H.: Kristina Axén Olin: This evangelian fascist
virus copied the zionistiscal projects by her friend Bill Clinton and started a
rival elimination mechanism. So, many registrated intellectual forced been
permanent jobless by cooperation of AMS, JobZentrum Vårberg'nbelsen,
Sätra-Skärholmen, Angered, Rosengård, Trollhättan, Rinkeby etc.
Z - Göran och (i senaste tiden mer agressiva) Ervin ROSENBERG arbetar för
literaturkantade propagandan
VF-Rigoberto Artiles Ruiz, orförande i organisationen Fraternidad Cubana
(Kubanska Broderskapet). Redaktör i Jorden runt, men själv är residence in
Z- Fredrik Reinfeldt (m)
Z.-A.L.-Vilmos&Lucy RÉNYI: Hagsätra Torg 21, 124 73 BANDHAGEN, Stockholm.
Phone: 00.46.8. 86 01 36 Imported Hungarian thief immigrant, Fanatic
Zion/religioniskt rasistiskt prop i Sv.D. (Dec.30, 2000) och i D.N. (Jan. 3,
2001); Hans W. LEVY's samverkande
A.L.- Håkan ROMBE: c/o. Mats ROMBE, Månad v. 33, 177 42 JÄRFÄLLA, Stockholm.
U.S.A.'s prop. /ins.
Z-A.L.: Agneta RÖDIN: Famous Mammele by Jewish porn industry. Main office at;
Björksundsslingan 14, 124 31 BANDHAGEN, Stockholm. Phone: 00.46.8. 99 16 52
Parasit som sviker immigranter genom att lura att fixa jobb/-'98 A.L.-
Rigoberto Artiles Ruiz, orförande i organisationen Fraternidad Cubana (Kubanska
Broderskapet).Redacteur of Jorden runt-monthly, Cuban Fascist
Z.: Adam RYDSTRÖM-muf: Zionist prop/ins. DN 2001(tillsammans med Tobias GOLDMAN,
Informatör staff by Svensk Israel-information) Z-Daniel SCHATZ,
most active in Stockholm. Informator (Mo$$ad anställda kallar sig "informatör"
enligt förnyade stadgan erfer Sveriges EU medlemskapet, '95)
Sve.Israel-information (Mo$$ad) rep. Prop ins (med Ulf ÖFVERBERG ledamot i
Sth's styrelse för samfundet Sve. Israel) Ab.2001
Z-A.L.: Bosse Schön: Wunderschön provocator hund still on duty as manipulative
typwriter by Boss Bonniers.
Z: Stig Siljedahl from Ystad
Z- Stanley Sjöberg; (pastor -!- i Centrumkyrkan i Sundbyberg, Stockholm.)
Z: Skolverket's Tuula Kuosmanen: Mature Evangelian Mammele at HigsSchool Vork
Gay Kuosmanen at Finland sect:,
Mature Taina Kuosmanen: Kuosmanen Taina tel. (017) 255 6657 e-mail: Coalition of Gays: Eino and Raili Kuosmanen: Tuula Kusmanen's homepage:
Z: Skolverket's Lernia sect: always cooperated with traitorous immigrants
VF-Fredrik SABÖ, lives in MALMÖ: Antileft /Sydsvenskan's ins.'99
A.L.- Bertil Sjöberg, Täby, Stockholm. Z/A.L.-Stanley SJÖBERG: Pastor &
oppotionell i Pingst-movement. Centrumkyrkan i Sundbyberg, Stationsg. 8, 172 21
SUNDBYBERG, Stockholm. Fax: 91 07 E-Post:
Zionist Religious provokatör infiltred to the Scandinavian Christs but exposed
that he works as so called judesamverkan, liar dogmative attitudes against
A.L.: Staffan SKOTT: Debattör (what a kind of fu'king job?!) by many
Newspapers/t.ex. Sydsvenska Dagbladet. Anti Communist prop.
A.L.- Göran SMITH aktiva mest i Stockholm.
NATO-Mil.prop./D.N.'s ins./-'98
VF- Alexis Gainza Solenzal, exilkuban, verksam vid CEIFO, Centrum för
invandrinsforskning, Stockholms universitet, Cuban Fascist
VF- Olle SVENNING, Arenav. 63, 105 18 Stockholm. Anti-Lenin prop./Ab.'s
VF- Mattias SVENSSON (m): Pengatvättexpert-kassör på Posten&Metro&Everyday
Home address: Törestorp, 330 33 HILLERSTORP Home phone: 00.46.370-225 86
Prop again humanist ideas/Metro wr./-'98,-'99 /Everyday's writer 2000 &
moderatparti Han kallar sig för "Talskrivare"... Z- Harry R:sson
Svensson (M) i Karlskrona är förutom moderat politiker även aktiv i
Sverige-Israel-föreningen och är flitig debattör i lokalpressen för judarnas
ockupation av Palestina. Men det är märkvärdigt att han bråkar ofta med
Christian Dahlgren (Fp) där, andra sionisten. Z: United in the
EU&collaborates with fascist provoicators of Swedish AFA gang:
Z- Tommie Ullmann, Student, Örebros Universitet, 703 65 ÖREBRO. Anti human,
anti-Lenin prop/D.N.'s ins./-'98,-'99 Fax: 34 84
A.H.-Nathalie DUARTE-VICENTE (RÖDIN): Famous by Jewish porn industry. Her
Mammele's office XXX address:Björksundsslingan 14, 124 31 BANDHAGEN,
Stockholm. Phone: 00.46.8. 99 16 52 Parasite betray immigrants./-'98
VF.: Hans VIRGÅRD, Evangelian.prop/Ab.'s ins./-'99 Z/VF.: Merit Wager,
debattör, juridiskt ombud i utvisningsärenden
VF.: Harald Westman: Anti-Leftist prop./ins. Metro (Jan. 2001)
Z/VF- Gabriele ZIMMERMANN: Germanian Jewish criminal, belong to the groups who
been Wanted" in democratic countries and teherefore fleed after WW II
genaration...Nämndemansgatan 22, 583 38 LINKÖPING Birth:1967
Tel. 04 93
VF.: Mikael Z.
Z.: Ulf ÖFVERBERG: ledamot i Sth's styrelse för samfundet Sve. Israel Prop ins
(med Daniel SCHATZ) Ab.2001 Z, A.L.: Johnny Skoog & Margaretha Bjerke
Jaccard, Nybodaringen 103, 117 62 Stockholm 08-7491420 Z: Salomon
Schulman, typical human enemy Jew, fake barnläkare, lives in Malmö, studied in
Germanian JobZentrum and become doctor there(!) according to his own CV.
Wilhelm Agrell, judisk historieförfalskare, Rolf Ekéus,
U.S.-Imperialismens "catch boy",
Z: Gustav Åkerblom, He, as typical Jew, likes fake titel:
strålskyddsexpert/geolog. Borned 1932, studied in Germanian JobZentrum and
become expert there(!) according to his own CV. Most aktiv i Skärholmen Ghetto,
Stockholm. Telefon: 710 16 77 Fax: 710 16 77 E-post: Z: Oskar Zander, Stockholm.
and the main figures of the Neo-Zionist African Organizers who working for
USraeli aims: Z: Mikael Trolin; African betrayer, sold himself to the Zionist
Party of Sweden, Fp
A.L.: MOALLIN, Josef Salah & Leyla Nur. They are playing fake divorce case for
social support, like to betray for two differnt suite. Josef Salah MOALLIN:
Bergeng. 7, 164 37 (Kista) SPÅNGA,Stockholm. Phone: 00.46.8. 632 05 01
(Somalian) pers. nr. 60 10 18-04 92 Försäkringskassa nr. 01 52
Tidigare bodde han på: Elinsborgsbacken 10, 16364 Spånga Phone: 00.46.8. 761
31 87 Anti-Leftist&"Skvallrarmästare" Close partner, Leyla Nur Moallin:
Moallin's last wife but divorced oinly on the offically papers becayse so is
easy to betray the authorities... Visitadress for XXX: Risingeplan 18, 163 68
(Tensta) SPÅNGA Ghetto, Stockholm. Phone: 00.46.8. 761 64 23
A.L.: Fatima NUR, Svärdsliljev. 57, 165 77 Haesselby Ghetto, Stockholm. Phone:
00.46.8. 38 77 94
c/o moderates, Schönfeldts gränd 2, Box 12 43, 111 82 Stockholm.
(Somalian, J.S.MOALLIN&Leyla NUR's släkt; b.1960, divorced (!), has 4 children,
lives in Haesselby'99)
Z-VF: Nyamko SABUNI: Luntmakargatan 66, Box 65 08, 113 83 Stockholm. Fax: 25 91 This black whore monkey borned '969 in Kongo-Kinshasa and
member by Zionist party Folk ponces;
Z: Omar Nur, member of Nur clan.
Z: Joe Frans: active at Stadshuset, 105 35 Stockholm; works on manipulative
missions by ENAR-Bruxel section. Phone: 00.46.8. 508 29 076 e-post:

Z: Willy Kabasele: pasteur (!), Stockholm. phone: 23 14 and 25 220; e-post:

Z-AL: Staffan Tostar, socionom (!), adopted from Ethipia, used for pedophile
aims... Z: Erik Thomas: African (Ethiopian Jew) former husband to
other homos whore Staffan Tostar.

and the main figures of the Neo-Zionist Kurd Organizers who working
for USraeli aims:
Hüsamettin ASLAN, M. Siddik AVCI, Mümtaz AYDIN, Hüseyin ALDUR, Hawar ACKBLAD,
Nihat AKAR, Nezir AKAT, Üzeyir AL, Ata ALA, Eyüp ALACABEY, Aziz ALIS, Kutbettin
ALIS, Süleyman ALIS, M. Ali ALP, Kovan AMEDI, Mustafa AYDOGAN, Sait AYDOGMUS,
Selim BAKAC, Sükran BAKAL, "Little Brother" Kurdo BAKSI&"Large Syster"
Nalin BAKSI: Z.-A.L.: Kurdo Baksi, Zionist male whore suspect for two mords
in 1985. Baksi been exposed when he was the main pursuer beyond the immigrants
from Middle East and hated Iraqian Arab revolutionaries Majid Hussain and Azad
Jundi. Majid murdered in march 1985 and Azad in june 1985.
Z: Nalin Baksi, Zionist poliotical provocator missioned mostly by the Sosis
capital boss'. During an interview she exposed that in the beginning felt
herself as USraeli Jew. When she came from Batman city to the Swedish society,
so she couldn't answer by phone call, even replied her own name as "Golda Meir"
(sick!..) instead of true name Nalin...
Kemal BURKAY: He don't like direct connections with the dirty lobbies... But
many times, many awful collaboration examples exposed by his party members...
Burkay, as person, has clear and polite principles on Socialism and never asked
for help by the lobbies... He is a person of "independendent characterized"
principles and lead a little group "exiled SP", divided administration settled
(recruited directly) in Stockholm and Paris... But the lobbies are very
generous to support his party members... Although his administration labelled
themselves as "Socialist", actually all these members signed many Fascist
appeals what USrael ordered... This little group joined conferences mostly
against the true revolutionaries...They categorized themselves as "high educated
Kurds", frankly never criticized Imperalism but each. They never tried to use
the opportunities for their own folk although they had good connection with
"professor tittled" actors in capital cities of EU... Maybe the lobbies paying
for these acts, traitorous attitudes and administrative members been recruited
without minimal problem... Muzaffer COSKUN, Mustafa CIZIRI,
Yusuf CIZIRI, Serefhan CIZIRI (went back as retired-!-), Vakas CELIK
(infiltred to the KPML-r and been PM candidate to this poor betrayed party),
Nedim DAGDEVIREN (Kurdish Zion Library director and became NATO prop&a new
Gladio investigator on Baltics by financial support of FöreningsSparbanken),
Mehmed DEHSIWAR, Salih DEMIR, Süleyman DEMIR, Sofi DEMIR, Cemil DEMIRCAN, Abide
Abit DÜNDAR (but it corrected as Dundar, without Ü according to the Tel
Aviv&synagogues Wahrendorffs gate nr 3 registration centre. This fascist
pedophile criminal infiltred to the Municipality sections of Southern Stockholm
and still steal the top secret information about the pursued Kurd&Zaza&Assyrian
originated populations m.m...)
Seyran DURAN, Aza Y. ERDEM, Muxlis ERDEM, Lokman ERTAS, Ali ERTAS, Bawer ESER,
Bube ESER, Yasar GELERI, Aram GERNAS, Ahmet GEZICI, Selim CAN, Bilal GÖRGÜ,
Abdurrahman GUNDIKI, A. Selam GÜVEN,
Vedat GÜZEL: Lie machine like his true fathers and therefore he too serves still
very eager by his Jewish owners; e-post:
Seyithan IMRAK, Keya IZOL, Atila KALKAN, Mustafa KALPAK, Mazhar KAPLAN, Hursid
KUT: liar, traineed in France, too. At least "Élican/Élisan" settled in
Scandinavia, fabricator about the fanatical separatist Zaza clan members.
Code: Vengo Zaza, Élisan m m. Yüksel KÜCÜKOBA, Mahmud
MALMISANIJ: It's code name... His true name is; Mehmet TAYFUN.
Fahri ÖLCER: borned 1955 in Middle East, moved to Scandinavia by so called
"fake Tel Aviv documents" and been recruited by Folk Party. His relative Mrs.
Zelal Ölcer recruited as "nämndeman", a kind of jury member and municipal
representative of Jewish party Fp... It looks like a kind of diplom to be
referred by Fp, remember boss Raoul Wallenberg's fake diploms, then all the
Jews accepted as high educated and recruited everywhere without minimal
problem... Resat ÖNEN, Zeynelabidin
ÖZALP, Sidik ÖZCIRIS, Hatip ÖZER (went back), Orhan ÖZER, H. ÖZTÜRK, Lales QASO,
Cheko PEKGÜL (last one officially husband to Nalin BAKSI. He infiltred to the
Försäkringskassan and still steal the top secret information about the pursued
Kurd&Zaza&Assyrian originated populations m.m...)
Baver REWSEN, Riza POLAT, Lokman POLAT, Serdar ROSAN, Zinar SORAN, Nezir
Mehmet TOPRAK, Sakir TUTAL, Erol TÜMEN, Hüseyin UCMAZ, Ismet UZUN, Halid XOCA,
Sükrü XOCA, Burhan YILDIZ, Selahattin YILDIZ (these last two traitors
exposed their relative revolutionary Murat YILDIZ who arrested by SÄPO, without
any legal reason), Mustafa YILMAZ,
Z.: Arif ZÊREVAN: profesZional propagandist/redactur of Nefel Group
Sores ZIREK,
Sabir ZIBARI: Barzani's brother-in-law, fleed (recruited without problem) to
Sweden in 1991.
Omar Sheikhmous: E-post: Phone: 00.46.8. 16 28 27
Fax: 67 20

and the main figures of the Neo-Zionist Chinese Organizers who working for
USraeli aims:
Chen Maiping, Fjärde juni-movement.
Leena Huss, China provocator, univ.lekt. i Finnish-Ugrish language, Uppsala uni.
ssk. Falun Gong's imported gangsters, sponsred by
Bonniers&Wallenbergs&Sparbanken; e-post:
Falun Gong's contact representatives: Between Scandinavia-Bali-Bangcock connex
Mammele, Pirjo Svensson; Arvika connex Kristina och Werner 0570-14969
Alingsås connex Stefan 0302-34166
Borås connex Jenny 031-7074335
Emmaboda connex Ulrik 0480-20804
Eskilstuna connex Anne 016-127516
Anders 0152-10019
Falkenberg connex Hans 0346-10059
Falun connex Anja 023-15304
Finspång connex Marja-Leena 0122-129 09
Gerlesborg connex Ann 0523-54172
Gävle Katarina 026 -653551
Goetheborg connex Viveka 031-247725
Jönköping connex Anders M 036-123046
Kalmar connex Gunnel 0480-57095
Karlstad connex Niklas 054-860536
Kiruna connex Jonas 070-6964583
Kristianstad connex Anton 073-9906463
Kungälv connex Anders E 070-5152833
Leksand connex Gerd 0247-50310
Lerum connex Stefan 0302-34166
Linköping connex Said 013-133482
Lund connex Christian 046-158607
Malmö connex Janette 040-306142
Mora connex Anja 0250-15753
Motala connex Martin 0141-210982
Nossebro connex Ove 0512-52480
Nässjö connex Veronica 0380-18773
Skövde connex Håkan 0500-482941
Stockholm connex Torbjörn och Malin 08-51178351
Strömsund connex Vivian 0670-12530
Uddevalla connex Margareta
Umeå connex Dan 070-2258898
Uppsala connex Tobias 018-227385
Varberg connex Mimmi 0340-13358
Magdalena 0340-611245
Västerås connex Anders R 021-333093
Växjö connex Carole 070-9957675
Örebro connex Mats L 019-330483
Östersund connex Gunilla 063-103048
Rolf 070-5698369
and the main figures of the Neo-Zionist Cuban Organizers who
working for USraeli aims:
A.L.-Cuban traitor: Carlos Manuel Estefania Aulet, chefredaktör för tidskriften
Cuba Nuestra
A.L.-Cuban traitor: Alexis Gainza Solenzal
Z-A.L.-Cuban traitor-male whore: Sergio Flores, serves at the Jewish Party Fp
A.L.-Cuban traitor: Rigoberto Artiles Ruiz

and the main figures of the Neo-Zionist Polonian Organizers who
working for USraeli aims:
Bohdan Peczynski, ordf., Polska flyktingrådet in the SvekJa Kingdom.

Jakub Sweicicki, traitorous wanted in Polonia was top consultant at government
who steal the official info. Jerzy Lesinski active in Umeaa-city of
EU's occupied Palestine; colonized Laponia.
AL: Martin BRZEZINSKA: c/o. Rall Genowefa BRZEZINSKA, Duvholmsgränd 20, 127 41
SKÄRHOLMEN Ghetto, Stockholm. Tel. 08-740 42 91 Martin BRZEZINSKA: c/o.
Mariola BRZEZINSKA , Hälsingehöjden 7, 113 31 Stockholm. Phone: 00.46.8. 32 06
47 Martin BRZEZINSKA: c/o. Annelie BRZEZINSKA, Noravägen 1, 139 56
VÄRMDÖ Phone: 00.46.8. 57 02 42 90 Martin looks like simply a willing
whore, eager propagandist against the red star and such symbols
...and the main figures of the Neo-Zionist Gypsies (Romanos)
Organizers who working for USraeli aims:
Z.: Szabolcs Bihari, imported for Ungerska riksförbundet
Z.: Carl Henrik Caldaras: Den kortväxta flintkopplaren av Hajdyla klanen, viagra
offer judenJan Stenbeck's former "catch boy". Z.: Franz Gyulay, imported
for Ungerska riksförbundet Z.: Ali Strunke, imported for Lettiska
Z: Anders Kung, imported for sverigeest league. Z: Manuel Tan-Marti;
infiltred to the zigenska församlingen, Stockholm
Z: Ana Maria Narti, sverigerumän och frilansjournalist
Z.: Klemens Gumauskas, imported for Litauiska Föreningen.
Z.: Gabriela Melinescu, sverigerumän, författare
Z.: Peeter Luksep, imported for Sverigeesternas förbund
Z.: Gunars Pavuls, imported for Lettiska centralrådets politiska utskott
...and the main figures of the Neo-Zionist Greek Organizers who
working for USraeli aims: Vassilius den Vassa flintkopplaren av Hajdyla klanen,
viagra offer juden Jan Stenbeck's former "catch boy"; active to bug his
relatives mostly at Grekiska riksförbundet, Landsvägen 52, 172 36 Sundbyberg,
tfn 08/627 00 27, fax 08/627 00 26, e-post:
Christos Tsiparis active in Staffanstorp Showman: Jannis Konstantis,
started Hasan's Friends Organisation but his league never protested when the
hundreds of Hasans been massacred in Sabra, shatila, Jenin; so he been prized to
have a job, as "Tågförare"/train machinist at railway
Teodor Kallifatides; bugged his relatives under Junta period in Greecia.

...and the main figures of the Neo-Zionist East Asian Organizers
who working for USraeli aims:
Bengalian Mafia members recruited by the Scandinavian lobbies like Joy Rahman,
Anwarul&Momenul Islam (they are using eftername "Islam" as a freak joke against
the true muslims...
This gang uses fake travel centers&arrangers visa and pass-documents, main
bureau: Kungsholmsgatan 12, Stockholm. Z- Basu ALAM, member of
Bengalian Zionist league, nämndeman i tingsrätt, Stockholm Z: Taslima Nasrin,
betrayer, typical liar Gypsie who been used by Arne Ruth sect, imported by
Bengalian Zionist Mafia A.H. Virus: Muoi Huynh NGUYEN,
HalfVietnameseThaiMammele. Visitaddress: Nackstavägen 16 E, 853 52 SUNDSVALL
Phone: 32 57; 15 20 48; 15 14 97 Anti-Human&child-saleswoman,
works for the Scandinavian pedophiles
** ...and the main figures of the
Neo-Zionist Balkan Organizers who working for USraeli aims:
Z.-A.L.: Gil SOKOVSKI: Zionit, elderly travy whore
Z.: Ljozo Mikulic, ordf., Kroatiska riksförbundet i Sverige A.L.- Visar
PERANI, (Kosova rep.) Slöjdv. 26, 177 59 JÄRFÄLLA, Stockholm. Phone: 00.46.8.
58 03 44 68 **
...and the main figures of the Neo-Zionist Iraqian Organizers who
working for USraeli aims:

Z: Alsaati clan members; leds by Farid Alsaati (b. 1956) who started two
centers in Akalla and Vårberg (close to VårBerg'nbelsen JobCenter-!-) Who pays
all these center's rent, salaries and taxi bills of members, you know?.. If you
don't know ask please Jan Jönsson, Ghetto chief of Jewish Folk Party...
Z: Essam Elnaggar active in Udeevalla, Z.: Abdulwahid Al Mossawi:
Snapphanev. 92, 177 54 Jaerfaella, Stockholm Phone: 00.46.8. 58018059
Z.: Aida Toumas Soleyman (guest -!-) från Israel, ordf. för Föreningen mot
Kvinnoförtryck i Israel. Z.:Azar Majedi ordförande i Organisationen
för Kvinnors Frihet och chefredaktör för tidskriften Medusa. Z.:Aazam
Kamgoian (guest -!-) från England, författare och ordförande för Kommittén för
Försvar av Kvinnors Rättigheter i Mellan Östern. Z.:Asad Nodinyan,
projektledare för Jämställdhet och Förebyggande Våld mot Barn och Kvinnor.
Z.:Azar Modaresi (guest -!-) från England, representant för iranska
Arbetarkommunistiska Partiet. Z.: Halale Rafi, ordförande för
Kommittén för Försvar av Kvinnors Rättigheter i Irak. Z.: Rasool Awla,
statsvetare (!) och sociolog Z.-A.L.: Abbas Ridha (Allierade against Iraq),, Z.: Gunilla Sterner,
jämställdhetsexpert (don't make me laugh!) från Länsstyrelsen. Z.:Layla
Vaisanen, active at Socialtjänstförvaltningen. Z.:Massal Manahell (guest
-!-) från Israel, kvinnoaktivist och fredsaktivist mellan Israel och Palestina.
Z.:Mariem Namazi (guest -!-) från USA, ordförande för Iranska Internationella
Flyktingrådet. Z.: Fausi Qattan; most libidoic neozionist organizer, chief;
Tel. 08-54903899, Sedelv. 46B, 129 32 Haegersten, Stockholm
Z.: Maria Rashidi, styrelsemedlem i Kvinnors Rätt. Z.: Nazanin Rashid
(guest -!-) från England, en av grundarna för Kurdiska Kvinnoakten mot
hedersmord. Z.: Nazanin Salih, kvinnoaktivist och ordförande för
Kvinnojouren i Kurdistan. Nasek Ahmed (guest -!-) från Irakiska Kurdistan,
ordförande för Oberoende Kvinnors Organisation i Irakiska Kurdistan.
Z.: Dr. Nazad Bagi Khani (guest -!-) från England, advokat och forskare vid
universitet i hedersrelaterade mord. Z.: Parvin Kaboli, ordförande för
Kommittén för Försvaret av Kvinnors Rättigheter i Iran. Z.: Walid Molla (guest
-!-) från Israel, kvinnoaktivist och palestinsk forskare om hedersmord i
Palestina (she cant' see violence of USraeli mafia-!-). Z.: Wilu Lillesaar:
Migrationsverket Z.: Mohammad Kammal Asad, ordförande för Kulturella
Föreningen för Kurder i Sverige. Mobil 073-65 35 567; e-mail Z.: Sara Mohammad, ordförande i provocative
föreningen Glöm Aldrig Pela och Fadime. Mobil 070-44 11 075; e-mail Z.: Hassan Shawgi active in Sth. Z.:
Halale Taheri, ordförande för Förbundet för Försvar av Kvinnors Rättigheter i
Kurdistan. Mobil 073-61 62 211; e-mail
Z: Essam Elnaggar active in Udeevalla Z.: Sahar Abdul-Hadi, lanced
herself as "Arkitekt" -!!!- (maybe she too studied at Barzani's caves like
many other Neo-Zionist import products, who actually published such diploms by
Tel Aviv Mafia diplom) Registrerades som bedragare av IKEA's privatlån firm
IKANO, then (exactly in februari 2001) she betrayed people for 25.000:- SEK
exposed by her former chief Ewa ENGDAHL. Mammele Sahar's boknings phone Visitaddress: Bengt Bagares Gränd 12, 128 66 Sköndal, Stockholm

...and the main figures of the Neo-Zionist Latino Organizers who working for
USraeli aims:
Z-A.L.: Stefan Dominique, Sll's red. South American traitor. Z-A.L.-South
American traitor, elefant Mammele: Ana Martinez
Z- Argentinian: Pablo Andrés Torres-Vargas: Borned in 1977. Pablo is a
guest-student in Örebro-city, University of Örebro 70182-Sweden. Hobbies of
Pablo Andrés Torres-Vargas: Military-sabotage technics; effective Methodes of
Militant actions against the authorities. E-post: c/o. Uni.: Metro ins. as Anti Palestina prop. July 2001 Any
Provocative Appeals composed and signed by Pablo Andrés Torres-Vargas (we, whole
Torres-Vargas family escaped from Fascist Military Dictator Idiot George Videla.
All the Fucking Fasciojews reminder Fucking Videla). This is a typical ffolish
manouver evidence what Argentinian fascists experienced...
Z-AL: Mauricio Rojas, missioned by "legalized" Jewish Party Fp
Z-AL: South American traitor: Ana L. Valdes (Anal Vals, calls by guys)

...and the blended Arab figures of the Neo-Zionist provocative
leagues&foundations who already working for USraeli aims:
Sadia Hassanen, Arab-Jew traitor, fax 00.46.18. 471 23 63
Annika Rabo:
Z: Novin Harsan was born in Qamishlo-town, 1955; Kurd&Arab traitor, still
produces lies, very clever to behave fake roles for example she has problem with
her big nose, its always goes easy bloody; but she calls the Jewish press
cameras and tells that "anonymous anti Zionists" battled her, also she
several times succeed to be poster with bloody nase.... But one day this cloack
rat couldn't play any role and arrested by Al-Hasakah polis departmenet in Syria
in 11 june 2003 when she picked up the secret documents about the asylumseekers
and immigrated Iraqians, who fleed from the occupational coalition troops. She
escaped again back to Sweden by support of Jewish newspaper Expressen's false
journalist card... ** ...and the main
figures of the Neo-Zionist Russian Baltic Organizers who working for USraeli
Z-A.L.: Jolin Boldt, Mammele by the Immigrant-betrayer-press
A.L.- Victoria Värmler: Contact available by her ponces' e-mail:,,,,
Z: Janina Dacyl: Phone: 00.46.8. 16 26 90
Z: Maria Nikolajeva, instrument imported from Sovietunion;
Z: Bohdan Zaluha, instrument imported from Ukraina Z-A.L.:Susan Ellen
Mesinai, Moscow-Scandinavia connection ... this false correspondent has been
supported by Bonniers and Rockefeller.. Project called for : ARK Project and
built as Swedish-Russian Working Group... First aim to manipulate the" Research
Into the Fate of Raoul Wallenberg"... It's a part of a bold venture
propagand-program by the intellectual circles... This session examines the
archival record of Rockefeller Foundation's philanthropic role during the Cold
War in supporting refugee scholars; the dispersal of Hungarian scientists during
the Cold War and the resulting international paper trail of that archival record
and the experiences of one scholar in pursuit of the frequently inaccessible
records in the Warszawa Pakt archives concerning the 1945 so-called
"disappearance of Swedish diplom-falser boss Raoul Wallenberg" although it is
not secret that he murdered by his own relatives who have a lot of banks today.
It happened to Folke Bernadotte and Dag Hammarskjöld, too...
Z: Katerina Janouch: borned 22 february 1964 Prag, imported to the Scandinavian
brothels; works now on this liberal branch products Z: Katarina Hajdyla:
imported from Slavakian (former Chechoslavakia) brothels to the Jan Stenbeck's
"Bemanningsföretag" falsery firm; was metres to him but Stenbeck died after an
overdos Viagra, then Katarina need to create a fake marriage with Hardy Hedman.
Z.: Frantisek Janouch, imported from former Chechoslavakia. Introduced himself
as "Researcher" at Manne Siegbahn-institute in Stockholm. Father to Katarina
Janouch the sexadviser of Jewish daily Expressen.

...and the main figures of the Neo-Zionist Persian Organizers who working for
USraeli aims:
Z: Farnaz Arbabi: borned1978 in Iran; during Goetheborg 2001 damonstrations
filmed immigrants and left to the lobby administration.Prized to be regisseur to
the theatre.
Z: Shahram Khosravi: E-post: Phone: 00.46.8. 16
26 95
Z-AL: Maryan and Mahyad TAVAKOLI, Studerande i Kalmar, c/o. F.Kassan, 391 84
Kalmar, Sweden and Ingrid Tavakoli works at The Veritas technique commercia
bolaget i Sth/Veritas A.B. Iranian Jews
Z: Johan Raber, imported from Iran, works for Jewish party Fp.
Z: Masoud Kamali, researcher, Persian Jew, phone 00.46.18. 471 63 94, But this
phone belong to Uppsala Universtity.-Yes!.. Because the Uppsala university
belong to the Zionist leagues. E-post: Z:
Mansour Jacobson, imported from Iran, works for Jewish party Fp. Z: Farzaneh
Dehdari, Persian Jew jurist donna (don't laugh, please!)
Z: Soma Reazi, Persian Jewish student
Z: Azam Qarai, active betrayer at the Anti-Iranian leagues, smuuggles the so
called Persian Jews to Western (why not to USrael or Jew York?)... Kvinnors
Nätverk, Dalila-Kvinnors Nätverks tjejprojekt, Box 2242, 103 11 Stockholm
Phone: 00.46.8. 411 78 55 and 646 10 70 Dalila-Kvinnors nätverks tjejprojekt
Phone: 00.46.8. 556 390 19,
Leila Qaraee, vice organizer by her sister Azam and moved to a second bureau to
earn second salary. Clever?! Postal address; Kvinnors Nätverk, Box 2019, 103
11 Stockholm Phone: 00.46.8. 411 78 55, fax: 646 45 21 Leila's new
visitaddress: Mäster Olofsgården, Stortorget 7,-2 tr, Mariatorget, Stockholm
E-post: , Z: Haideh Daragahi, opinionbuilder on her
visitcard as profession (job !?) When Pela Atrushi and Fadime Sahindal murdered
so this triple (Haideh, Leila, Azam) took project money by shurk minister Mona
Sahlin aimed (!) to build opinion groups. Whay not the Kurd organisations when
Pela&Fadime were the Kurds? Ask to the Jew York's main Q-Network!..
Z: Mohammad Noori, Persian Jew, have insider missions by the Jewish Party Fp
Z: Bijan Fahimi&Alma. Persian Jewish finansman. Henriksdalsringen 109, 131 32
NACKA (moved to Danderyd) Phone: 00.46.8. 615 29 22 Visitcard shows as
Bankman; Under elections showed lies against democrat-immigrant on his whole
Internetpage advertisements and newspapers like Jewish paper DN. Bijan and his
last wife Alma Fahimi working mostly in Danderyd and Nacka, owner of The Veritas
technique commercia. Specialized staff of Veritas Sweden experienced on Gulf
questions: Afshin Enssi:,,,,,,,
...and the main Britannian-American figures (these have both Swedish and
American/Britannian pass) of the Neo-Zionist Coalition who been recruitee for
USraeli aims:
Z. Dag Blanck; chief prvocative instrument in Uppsala; e-post:
Z. Satu Gröndahl, researcher / Expert to provocate on the Kurdish subjects,
Phone: 00.46. 18. 471 63 96,
Sadia Hassanen, Arab-Jew traitor, fax 00.46.18. 471 23 63
AH: Anders Hulthén: was born 1974; willing dog behind his boss; most active in
Upplands Vaesby, Stockholm.
Z: James Houston; active mostly in Malmö; pub. Lundean-Evangelian propaganda
Z- Barbro Osher, Pro Suecia Foundation, San Francisco, när Expo krossade sina
fönster själv, skickades solidatritets (!) pengar från USA under namnet Osher...

Husse's finfino; Leena Huss: Finnish areal prop., 00.46.18. 471 23 61,

Inga-Britt Isaksson Faris, researcher.ass., 00.46.18. 471 23 67
Ivana Macek;, Tel. 63 91
Per Jegebäck, redacteur, 00.46.18. 471 23 64,
Masoud Kamali (again, here too...), researcher, Iranian Jew, 00.46.18. 471 63
Kjell Magnusson, univ.rector on internationell migration and ethnical relations,
00.46.18. 471 23 62,
Thorleif Pettersson, prof.,researcher, 00.46.18. 471 63 94
Hans Ingvar Roth, researcher, 00.46.18. 471 63 92,
Harald Runblom, prof. on history, 00.46.18. 471 23 60,
Seyoum, Elias, library ass., 00.46.18. 471 27 89,
Jasenka Trtak, researcher, ass., 00.46.18. 471 75 90,
Andrzej Nils Uggla, Polish-Rus provocator, univ.lekt., 00.46.18. 471 27 88,
Mats Åberg: his wife is American propaganda staff, works for USA, code: ass.,
00.46.18. 471 27 89
Gunilla Oberg-Backman, willing secretary of the lobbies, Fax: 00. 46. 18. 471 23 63 Tel.:
00. 46. 18. 471 23 59
Julian Iljitzki, Polish-Rus provocator, Zionist propagand coordinator,
Kristian GERNER, Zionist propaganda coordinator,
Nedim Dagdeviren (again, here too), "guest-!!!"-teaching-instrument-, works as
Chief, registrator against the immigrants ... and many other servers... by this
way, these traitors
drive any groups, available to see the groups as the collected links, here:
... and much more like Ferhad Shakely: (1951, Kerkük), his son Deler Shakely
prized and been staff at Red Cross Swedish... Magazine Megafon Red Cross 2001,
nr 4, page: 28, bastard propagandist Deler Shakely wrote, it was Saddam Hussein
used Soviet War planes and gased 6 million Jewish Kurds-!!!-and such fantazies
accepts by such publications...It looks like a kind of sick ironi, like alla
other Bonniers journalists).
Durusoy Yazan(nobody knows the truth because he was prosecuctor in the North
Kurdistan, steal and manipulated so much, even his daughter Kezban don't know
who the true father is, but the registration centre Tel Aviv...)...
Paul Levine,, Paul and his former male wife Stéphane
Bruchfeld are the most dangereous staff who stilll procude lies on the genocide
issues. Stéphane Bruchfeld: Pimp Levin's former husband.

** ...and so called "professurial" figures, means The
Rats at universities spread like the plague; these human-faced dangerous animals
still working for the zionist aims instead of science&education: Z:
Stéphane Bruchfeld, very famous at university areas as "prufessurial
histoireförvanskar kopplaren".
Z: Ingrid Lomfors:föreståndare för Grundtviginstitutet vid Goetheburg's uni.
Z: Arne Ruth: chief at Journalist School of Stockholm; föddes 1943, enögda sion
svin fanatikern. Chief at Journalist School of Stockholm
- Lund university infected seriously for instance here is the one of the latest
documentary clip... You see, the Fascist Anti-Laponians who collaborate with the
dangerous networks of Zionist profiteers :
Sverker Oredsson and his collaborated whore Mikael Tossavainen These
"professurial chair" prized shurks earn salary in Sweden, Lund university; but
both two instruments are officially registrated staff at USA-Conservative
Republicans propaganda section, too. League's HQ adress is; FreeRepublic, LLC,
PO Box 9771, Fresno, CA 93794, California-USA and Americans are angry such
USraeli instruments, who using Swedish passports and so freak, so free
provocate, undermine the communities worldwide. Both are working as History
professor (!)... Their translator is Mårten Barck who still at work in USA and
this bark doggy has three different passports, third job (as provocator in the
Tibet league, joins attacking China), as a little difference... Mikael
TOSSAVAINEN has many different works in many different countries for example he
counts as teacher at Hebreiska university in the occupied Qudüs. This puupy
joined many projects in East Europe and cooperated there with another
propagandist instrument, Klas Göran KARLSSON. TOSSAVAINEN calls him "min
handledare" on such propaganda works and continues in Svekish langauge;
"professor Klas-Göran Karlsson vid historiska institutionen på Lunds
universitet, strävar efter att analysera hur Förintelsen har behandlats och
tolkats i historiekulturen i en rad europeiska länder. Till de länder som ska
undersökas hör till exempel Sverige, Tyskland, Österrike, Ryssland, Ukraina,
Polen, Storbritannien och - i mitt fall - Israel." Attention, TOSSAVAINNEN
marked here that "mitt fall" for ZOG, means he counts the OZG as his "own
- Like my Grandfader's biggest dog.. We run a farm and there was many doggies...
Biggest one saved the matters as a piece of its own body... TOSSAVAINEN serves
his farmers-owners so eager like our biggest dog...
- Same character, although the matters and places are only different!...

...and much more prufessurial-masked rats...
** ...and so called "The Legal Defence Staff" figures,
means The Jurists for imperialism if the above members have any "constitutional
trouble" by the local authorities for USraeli aims:
Z: Wilhelm Agrell, jurist but almost has mission as professional historiefalser,
Z: Leif Silbersky, professional liar studied law in Germanian Jobcenter (!)
according to his own "qualifications" declare.
Z.: Jesus Alcalá, professional liar, advanced Jewish thief like his
brother-in-law Dwarf Sigvard Marjasin
Z.-AL: Marie Hélène Boccara, Svd's Tel Aviv correspondent, FolkRights jurist
against the Palestinian Folks Rights(!)
Z: Nancy Kumpula: Jurist tittled (if you believe in her boss)... FinnoGypsi
traitor serves for her Jewish Boss between Helsinki-Malmö. JUSEK's Malmö rep.
professional Betrayer at juridical institutions.
Z-VF: Allan Widman: Jurist, if you believe... (Jewish Fp's main responsible
chief in Malmö) Advokatbyrån JUSTUS HB, Box 144, 201 21 MALMÖ This instrument
is most advanced dangerous Zion-prop & Antileftist for example insänd. i Sv.D.
(2000) Borned 1964. Jur kand 1991. Biträdande jurist sedan 1997. Allan arbetar
med allmän affärsjuridik med viss inriktning mot tjänsteentreprenader åt
offentlig sektor. Han behärskar engelska i tal och skrift. Bodil
NILSSON är hans sekreterare. Bodil arbetar som sekreterare på advokatbyrån sedan
1977 och då i huvudsak åt advokaterna Torgny Nordqvist och Claes Langéen Nilsson
samt åt jur kand Allan Widman. Allan Widman teached a special
recruited group here: Folkpartiet Liberalerna i Malmö
Henrik Smithsgatan 1, 211 56 Malmö. Phone 05 00 Fax 45
Allan Widman (called himself; ordf. & gruppl.i Fp. Malmö) Fp Chairman office
already open, here: Plantskolevägen 15, 216 21 Malmö. Telefon 43
and 26 16

...and other "juridical masked" vice "catch boys":
Z.: Fredrik Göranssson: administrative member of ICJ-Sect killed a man and been
killed durig an armed robbery in tthe town of Bräkne Hoby, Blekinge. Evangelian
Zionist Fredrik worked as student section chairman when he studied at Stockholm
university in 2003, had business ties at Swedish animal porn industy by the side
of his close dealer "Mammele" Farzaneh Dehdari. Z.: Merit Wager: Chief
provocator at Migration office.
Z.: Joakim Nergelius: Chief provocator at ICJ-Sect and Lund uni.
Z.: Louise Adelborg: Chief at JUSEK;,
Z.: Inger Österdahl: Chief provocator at ICJ-Sect and Uppsala uni.
Z.: Elizabeth Fritz, expert to betray the immigrant women
Z.: Helena Bargholtz, PM for Jewish Folk party and chief at the network of
"neo-liberala kvinnor"... (Neo-fascists labelling themselves, "libero"; instead
of "maffioso") Z.-A.L.:Madeleine Leijonhufvud; prized with "prufessorial
chair" at Sth uni and nominated "chosen automatically" to the chairman position
at so called "judiska sektens fuckföreningen JUSEK", many times... She
manipulates JUSEK publaivcation staff to defence the figures of pedophilia

...and so called "Livets ord" religious gang members who working for USraeli
Z:A.L.: Jabotinsky movements members, a section under umbrella Livets ord. Civil
ockupation troops of Settlements who sponsred by the Swedish organization The
Word of Life (Livets ord)...
Z: Mikael Enoksson, highstudy teacher, Örebro Z-A.L.: Ulf Ekman&Dani
Ekman; Björnbo 28, 181 46 LIDINGÖ, Stockholm. Phone: 00.46.8. 765 37 01 Ulf:
Pastor och "chief" för gänget "Livets ord" och fanatisk Z.O.G.-vän, har bl.a.
skrivet boken "Judarna - Framtidens folk", där han visar hur det är vår plikt
som icke-judar att slava för det judiska folket - till sin hjälp för att
förklara detta citerar Ekman bibelcitat från den judiska bibeln - Torahn. Ulf
explain himself on 12. Dec.2000 Sv.D.'s ins. page; parallel exposed Dani on the
same newspaper on 28 December 2000 additional propaganda wrote... temporary
residence; Vildandsvägen..and collaborated with Levy&Vilmos Rény. Ulf Ekman
borned in Goetheburg on 8 december 1950, grounded the fanatical league Livets
Ord in Uppsala..
Z-A.L.: Berndt Isaksson, Metodistpastor, Goetheburg . Dessa (nästan alla
Isaksson klanmedlemmar) är smutsiga sionistiska instrumenter som manipulerar
religiösa kretsar att hetsa mot folket. Livets ord gang attackerar
Vänsterpartiets anhängare bland andra sagoberättar tjejen Bodil Margret
Lindqvist, hennes f.d. anhängare i VPK (Vänsterkommunistiskt parti). Det finns
ju flera biträdande hundar som också attackerar... En av de mest blodsugna heter
Siweret Öholm. Adress och tel. nr är: Siewert Öholm & Ann-Britt Öholm bor på
Ränkesed, 671 93 ARVIKA 00.46.570-22235
Siewert Öholm & Ann-Britt Öholm : Viktor Rydbergsg. 32, 412 57 Goetheburg
Psykopat-zionichief Berndt, nämner sig som "Metodistpastör" i Vetlanda
Hemadressen är: Berndt Isaksson, Pastor(!!!),
Konstrundan 7, 574 35 VETLANDA 00.46.383.14004
Falska apostelns homepage:
Sjuka hunden har e-post adress:
Z-AL: Susanne Edvardsson fr Asarum , Peter Edvardsson fr
Asarum-KARLSHAMN Z: Bertil Adania: religious fascist,
Talmudian fanatic, produces lies against all the critics...
...and the main figures of the Assyrian&Chaldean traitors who working for
USraeli aims:
much more like the cloak-rats...
...Migration Office's well-paid doggies who experienced to deal the
well-planned&system controlled "Racist affiars"::
Nationell kunskapsbank's chief att förfölja regimkritiker under masken Sverige
mot rasism, Marcus Lundgren, 361 373,

Strukturell diskriminering ansvarige chief: Adrian Groglopo, 361

Samråd och dialog samt antidiskrimineringsbyråer, chief hora-mest passande
vibrokunniga kortväxt effekten, Chat Lady : Meriam Chatty, 361 423,

Rådgivning och stöd till kommuner: mest hungriga afrikanska giriga hunden sattes
att dela kvarvarande feta ben till andra hundar nu här: Omar Nur, 382,

Ansvarsområdet Civila samhället: chief, "Mr. Character Zero" Raouf Ressaissi, 367,

Lappalainen clan's mest gentle traitor&imported directly from "Big Brother"
just to the "Big Brothel"... Utom den sista spiken allt ovanpå är själva värsta
hänsynslösa rasister.. Den sista instrumenten kan inte bli rasist eftersom
föddes in Finland, växte upp in famnen av Uncle Sam, lever av svensk sionistisk
husse i EU och aldrig fått chansen att veta vem som är hans sann
pappa...Varelsen förvandlades till detta sionstyrda mångfaldens enfaldige
puppet... Ansvarsområdet Lika rättigheter och den extra inkallade Muppet Show
instrument of the system, heter Paul Lappalainen: tyvärr hade han sina vissa
idéer en gång i tiden... Jo, eftersom han importerades från USA, välkunnig hur
US-dollar smakas... fråga henne (aj, honom-maybe both): 361 404,
- There is a common point, the last group almost have (0)11, when they use
- Norrköping...
- Who are köping...
- Nobody bought, nobody sells.. Norrköping is a city..
- But they sell themselves there...
- ?!
- ?!


and much more all the "experienced loyal figures" by the lobbies...
- What does "Z" and "AL" means? - "A.L." means generally
antidemocrat and "Z" is Zionist... These fascists joined any other movements
and won these code tittles... Therefore the lobbies sent invitation when this
last fake centre built... - We see that USrael wants to dictate
Sweden´s foreign policy ... - Zionist Imperialism already rules Sweden's
integration projects, this center is an simply example...


- What is the difference between Schindler's List and G.rån Petsion's above
- Spielberg is no one typ of fatty imbecill nor plays premier role on his
- ?!


- We have a different opinion on this matter, Sir!..
- You are welcome!
- Schindler's list was an circle by traditionally Holocaust industry like a
cynical lie!.. But this list is an evidence on the living history as the
shocking truth!..
- Ten points, dear Comrade!...


- Tv team shows a brand new, additional clip on the advances racists; ENAR
(European officially ZoniFascists under Antiracist masks): Staff of BrainWashing
"traineeship" ENAR:

Vera Egenberger; master Mature Mammele whore of judaized European Imperialism,
been automatically Director ; Tel. 00 32 2 229 35 72 Fax 00 32 2 229 35 75

Sophie De Jonckheere ; Policy Manager , second hand Mammele of stinky system;
Tel. 003222293573 Fax 00 32 2 229 35 75 E-mail:

Anoush der Boghossian ; Information and Communication Officer Tel. 00 32 2 229
35 71
Fax 00 32 2 229 35 75 E-Mail:

Patricia Curzi ; Administrator Tel. 00 32 2 229 35 79 Fax 00 32 2 229 35 75

Jeannette Nchung Oru ; Secretary insead of true tittle should be "traitorous
whore"... Tel. 00 32 2 229 35 70 Fax 00 32 2 229 35 75


- Racism is a product of imperialism!
- I agree with you and we can analyse this epidemie, today...Today and just
here, because we are a kind of studied, examined and experienced... -
...and been betrayed... - It's true!.. We are not only the victims, we
are the witnesses of imperialist racist cases... We are the living witnesses
about the Swedish racism and we are aware that this kind freak racism always
been supported by the Zionist lobbies...


Today's most visited recoemmended websites&useful informative links:
Trife Movement against the Jew controlled Industry of Racism&Fascism:

Profiteers beyond the fake antiracist labelling centres for example the shurks
in the satellite regimes:
Racist Nature of Zionism: E-post:
Socialists against the halfofficially financial Racism:

Protest net: Qana

Radio FS-Internetional; listen to the Free Speech Internet Radio:
Real player basic is enough to listen (or read) the Radio FS worldwide, now!..

Remains Ethnical Cleansing:
Resistance diaries: E-post: Revolutionaries from Scandinavia
demand; "Stop the persecution process on the revolutionary&antiimperialist
demonstrant Stefan Dimiter TCHOLAKOV!": E-post: ,

RSP, Irish Republican Socialist Movement:

Russian Granata against the Zionist Imperialism: SANA, Syrian Arab News Agency:
Santa Talmudian Pedophile Bastards:
Scandinavian CivilCourage Network Initiative supports Palestine&Laponia against
Zionist Imperialism:

Scandinavian Students Initiative supports Palestine&Laponia against Zionist

Scotland&Deir Yassin solidarity:

Scotland-Glasgow Activists still fu'king judaized Bastard Tory BLiar:

Selected Sites of Vietnam Veterans: Set free Freedom
Fighter Abdullah OCALAN:

Set free the Five Cubanos:

Set free Hussam KADER and all Palestinian prisoners: Set free
Indian Poet Leonard PELTIERI:
Set free Jonathan POLLARD:

Set free Marwan BARGHOUTI:

Set free Nuclear Weapon Whistler Comrade Mordechai VANUNU:

Set free Mumia ABU-JAMAL:

Set free "Black Panther" Revolutionary HUEY:

Set free Osmo VALLO's brothers and all other innocent Gypsies in Sweden=second
USrael in the EU:

Set free the Freedom Fighter Ulla Roder!
Set free the Free Speech Fighter Ernst ZÜNDEL:

Stop the "Preventing of Work Rights" of Anti-Fascists, like the case of
antisemitist revolutionary&antiimperialist demonstrant Stefan Dimiter TCHOLAKOV
and isolated Laponian Jouko JOKINEN:


Stop the "Registration process of opinion"=democratical masked cleansing on the
intellectuals who struggle against the Zionist Imperialism:

Shadow United Nations:

Silenced Voices' org.:
E-post:, Socialist Worker:

Solidarity movement:

Spania-Barcelona Activists against the judaized Imperialism:

Speak Truth, so you can be stronger against Barbarity:
E-post: "U.N.-Racism Conference 2001
and U.S.-Model zionistical hypocrisy" E-post:

STOP AID to the Fascist Z.O.Gangs !: Stop Torture (Attention:
Mo$$ad's new face Shin Beth Assassination Gang etc are available to read and
manipulate all the messages, specially on such Human Rights NGOs...Mo$$ad uses
cookies on Internet..)
E-post: Sydney Initiative
against Zionist Imperialism: Tahrir daily
Tari Research Institute.:
Webmaster; Louay AL JONDI; e-post:

Terrorism is the origin of USrael:

Toronto-Canada Activists against Jewish Fascism:
Tupac Amaru's Revolutionary Marxist Movement (MRTA).

Tv-Internetional; Anti-Imperialist news on the Free Speech tv Rami:

U.N.-Embassies of Palestine:
E-post: U.N./Palestine

U.N./Relief to Palestine:



Vancouver-Canada&Rafah-Palestine solidarity:

Vietnam Veterans: Violations of
International Law&ICJ authorities (!!!) didn't react::
The Waco Massacre: WAFA News Bureau:

War profiteers:
What Really Happened:
Wilhelm TELL against the Zionist Imperialism:

Women's centre:
Women's Peace initiative:
Workers' Party of Belgique, W.P.B.:
Workers Party of Iralandia: E-post:
Workers' World

World Organization against Torture: E-post:
WSWS, World Socialist Web Site

Yilmaz GÜNEY Forums: Zionist

Site&Brand New Infos about the Massacres and Collaboration acts& Z.O.Gang's
CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY (International rules, Palestinan Law and Punishment

Mirror links and main reason to create themirror pages: The amerocanized
Corporate Mafia Gangs and its lackeys in the Z.O.Gangs definitely want to shut
down the Anti-Fascist sites! Here are some mirror sites if you can't get through
to the one above and you find the useful sources&informative supporters of all
above sites:

That's all Folks!.. This is an alphabetical/selected portals list for all Good
People around Planet Earth who are anti-War, anti-Imperialist, anti-Racist.,
anti-Zionist and anti-Fascist; who want to Fight Back and build together a
Better World and this work is a tribute to Revolutionary Comrade Carlo GIULIANI

...and remember what Comrade Ernesto CHE GUEVARA says:
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of


Piss off the militarized Fascist Mafia USrael!

Bastards of the zionized bourgeoisie class' ; main figures of the doggy
coalition who serving for zionist imperialism, sucking the blood of oppressed
peoples and intensively falsing the history:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,

Solidarity regards fr Laangbaecken-Aasele in the northern EU's occupied Palestine; colonized Laponia

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