Common basis for Peace between Muslims, Jews and Christians

Peace Corps Online: Off-Topic Bulletin Board: Common basis for Peace between Muslims, Jews and Christians

By Gloria E. Schroeder ( - on Wednesday, February 11, 2004 - 2:51 pm: Edit Post

Conclusion of article below:

1. The Palestinians and the Hebrew people are descended from the same family, the Syrians.

2. The Ownership, by Divine right to the land of Israel by the Hebrew people, is based on the
records in the Torah.

3. Muslims, Jews and Christians all respect Moses as a Divine Prophet, giving the Torah.

Laws given by Moses: A. "All the Laws, Statutes, and Commandments must be kept to have peace. "(5 Mosheh- Deuteronomy- see all of chapter 28)
B. "You shall not hate your brother in your heart; you shall certainly reprove your neighbor, you shall not allow sin on him. You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people; and you shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am Jehovah." (Masoretic text 1866 British and Foreign Bible Society 3 Mosheh--Leviticus 19:17,18 )

All Conflicts between these three peoples can only be resolved when a respected common basis for negotiations is found. The Torah is that respected basis, providing peaceful solutions to all conflicting interests.



Value for Modern Man: The basis of True Peace

All you who pursue True Peace and Security, please listen to the words of Moses, considered to be a Divine Prophet by many: "And it must occur that if you will without fail listen to the voice of Jehovah your God by being careful to do all His Commandments that I am commanding you today, Jehovah your God also will certainly put you high above all other nations of the earth" (1)... Moses continued on, describing blessings in all aspects of life, promised by our Creator, to all Law Keepers. So, why is there unending war in the Mid East among those who honor Moses?


"Call out full-throated: do not hold back. Raise your voice just like a horn, and tell my people their revolt, and the house of Jacob their sins."(2) Who are my people, those of the "house of Jacob?" What is "their revolt" and"their sins?"

Origin of the House of Jacob

Abraham was the Father of the Jewish people, called 'Hebrews' in the Torah (Bible --Hebrew Scriptures). Our Creator told Abraham that He would make him a great nation, and 'bless those who bless you, and he who calls down evil upon you, to him- a curse.' He said, "all the families of the ground will certainly bless themselves by means of you (6)." This blessing was to be through his son Isaac (7), the only child of Sarah, his wife. Isaac was given a wife from Abraham's family (8), the Syrians in Pad'dan-a'ram, Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel, the sister of Laban. When Isaac's son Jacob, took a wife, it was from the Syrians, from the house of Bethuel, the father of his mother (9). Jacob married Syrians, Leah and Rachel and with their maid servants, who also became his wives-- Bilhah and Zilpah, became the father of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Thus, the Land of Origin of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, the House of Jacob, was Syria.

Their revolt, sins

Ancient History

Written history shows the Hebrew people continually disobeyed the Mosaic Laws, worshipping idols (10) and refusing to keep the Statutes, Laws and Commandments of God (11). Our Creator needed a clean people to bare His Great and Holy Name, thus, He allowed the King of Babylon (among others) to take them into captivity (12). During this time, written history shows that the dated laws in the Ancient Hebrew Calendar, the original Sabbath Day placement, the original day of Passover and Day of Atonement were lost (13). This was due to the forced usage of the Babylonian Lunar Calendar upon the Jewish people. They were allowed to forget the Divine Name of the Creator (14). Without these identifying signs of God's True people, they lost all blessings.

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Modern History

The Jewish people today claim as their Divinely owned land, as recorded in the Torah, the area occupied by people who call themselves Palestinians, who also claim sovereignty over the same land. If the claims of the Syrian Government, and historians are true ( 15 ), Palestinians are, for the most part, a people who descended from ancient and/or modern Syria, who drifted south, having no real national sovereignty claim to the land, but are property owners. This dispute over the land's sovereignty has resulted in a serious conflict, taking many lives and causing a very painful life for both people. What is the answer?

Brothers killing Brothers

If the Palestinian People are from Syria, as it appears, this makes them family-- uncles, aunts and cousins of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Arabs also claim to be part of the Abrahamic family (15). Each of these separate peoples, Muslims, Jews, including Christians, honor Moses as a Divine Prophet. This shared respect for this Law Giver is a powerful basis for peace negotiations to end all existing conflicts, and provide for real peace between all these peoples. But what about the warning from our Creator, that all the Laws must kept to be blessed? Aren't the dated laws lost?

The Ancient Hebrew Calendar

Are the Jews, the descendants of Abraham permanently rejected by our Creator? No (16). It is written, "Look, there are days coming... that I will conclude a new covenant with the House of Israel. I will put my law within them, and in their heart I shall write it. And I will become their God, and they themselves will become my people...I shall forgive their error, and their sin, I shall remember no more (17)."

" In those days and at that time I shall make sprout for David a righteous sprout, and he will certainly execute justice and righteousness in the land. In those days Judah will be saved, and Jerusalem itself will reside in security (18)." "Someone like a Son of Man ..gained access to the Ancient of Days, and to him was given rulership and dignity and kingdom, that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him. His rulership is an indefinitely lasting rulership that will not pass away and his kingdom one that will not be brought to ruin (19).

This Great Person, called the Messiah, the Son of God, had some of his daily schedule recorded in the Christian Greek Scriptures of the Holy Bible. This information, coupled with the known date of the Day of Atonement, gives us the directions for the compilation of the original Ancient Hebrew Calendar, complete with the original placement of the Sabbath Day. "Especially my Sabbaths you are to keep, for it is a SIGN between me and you during your generations, that you may know that I Jehovah, am sanctifying you..... a profaner of it will positively be put to death." The Sabbath Law: no fires, no burdens, must be very happy, no buy and sell, and no work. For this year, until September 2004 on the Gregorian Calendar, the Sabbath falls on Tuesday sunset to Wednesday sunset.

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"My People, in whose heart is my law "

"My people" are those who love and promote peace, who want to understand the principles of the Mosaic Laws, and live by them. The Laws are, do not murder, lie, steal, commit adultery, testify falsely, do not covet anothers property, honor your parents (3) with added instructions how to be a good parent, spouse, child, and neighbor . These laws are the basis of all honorable human conduct, with such having no boundaries. The Son of Man, Yehoshua, Jesus, God's Son, born in the line of David, a Jew, has given man the ability to keep the true Sabbath (5), and also explained the Mosaic Laws from the perspective of keeping the Laws by nature, or having the Laws in ones heart. He said: " You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart, and with your whole soul and with your whole strength and with your whole mind and your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater Commandment than these" (4).

Provided here is a copy of the Ancient Hebrew Calendar. It contains the original Sabbath Day placement instituted in the beginning of time, the SIGN of Lawkeeping. This is the only truly perpetual calendar ever to exist, being solar time, and therefore the most accurate. It is written: "For the hearers of the Law are not the righteous, but the doers of the Law will be declared righteous....When the people of the nations, that do not have Law, keep the Law by 'nature' (Greek- phusis- God's natural order, essential constitution, etc) that will be the day God, through Christ Jesus judges the world" (20).

Definition of Holy ones: "Those who observe the Commandments of God and believe in Jesus."(21) "Blessed are those keeping His Commandments, so that the authority shall be theirs to go to the Tree of Life" (22). There can be no judgement, with it's blessings, until Laws are kept by man (23).

May Jehovah bless you and keep you, May Jehovah make His face shine toward you and may He favor you. May Jehovah lift up His face toward you and assign PEACE to you.

written by Gloria E. Schroeder, Kalispell Mt. {a copy of the original calendar can be viewed/ printed from sight scroll down half way and click on page}


(1) Debarim, 5 Mosheh - Deuteronomy 28:1

(2) Yeshayahu - Isaiah 58:1

(3) Shemoth 2 Mosheh- Exodus 20: 12-17

(4) Shemoth 2 Mosheh- Exodus 20:1-7, 24b Mark 12:28-34

(5) Shemoth 2 Mosheh-Exodus 20:8-11, 31:12-17 Numbers 15: 14-16

(6) Bereshith 1 Mosheh-Genesis 12: 2, 3

(7) " " -Genesis 17:18-21

(8) " " -Genesis 24: 4

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(9) " " -Genesis 28:1-5

(10) Yirmeyahu -Jeremiah 32:34-

(11) " -Jeremiah 34: 13-16; 35:14-17;

(12) " -Jeremiah 34:2

(13) Encyclopedia Britannica 1981 pg 600 vol #3 and Every Person's Guide to Judaism S.J.

Einstein, L. Kukoff UAHC Press, N.Y. 1989

(14) Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament Vol. 1 Chicago 1980, p 13 Jews substituted

the word adona(y) for the proper name.

(15) see all references: The Peace Encyclopedia at

1. Syria President Hafez Assad once told PLO leader Yassir Arafat:

"You do not represent Palestine as much as we do. Never forget this one point: There is no such thing as a Palestinian People, there is no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria. You are an integral part of the Syria people, Palestine is an integral part of Syria. Therefore it is we, the Syrian authorities, who are the true representatives of the Palestinian people."

2. Assad stated on March 8, 1974, "Palestine is a principal part of Southern Syria, and we consider that it is our right and duty to insist that it be a liberated partner of our Arab homeland and of Syria."

3. In the words of the late military commander of the PLO as well as member of the PLO Executive Council, Zuhair Muhsin:

There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity....yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel .

4. Because Arabs until the 1960s spoke of Palestine as Southern Syria or part of Greater Syria, in 1919 the General Syrian Congress stated, "We ask that there should be no separation of the southern part of Syria, known as Palestine." In 1939 George Antonius noted the Arab view of Palestine in 1918:

Faisal's views about the future of Palestine did not differ from those of his father and were identical with those held then by the great majority of politically-minded Arabs. The representative Arab view was substantially that which King Husain [Grand Sherif of Mecca, the great grandfather of the current King Hussein of Jordon] had expressed to the British Government. . . in January 1918. In the Arab view, was an Arab territory forming an integral part of Syria .

5. Referring to the same Arab view of Palestine in 1939, George Antonius spoke of "the whole of the country of that name Syria which is now split up into mandated territories..." His lament was that France's mandate over Syria did not include Palestine which was under Britain's mandate.

6. Stephen Olin, D.D., L.L.D., called one of the most noted of American theologians after his extensive travels in the Middle East wrote of the Arabs in Palestine "...with slight exceptions they are probably all descendants of the old inhabitants of Syria."

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7. Palestine was an identifiable region within the larger empire, but linked closely with what was then known as Greater Syria. With World War I and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, Palestine became part of the British Empire.


(16) Yirmeyahu -Jeremiah 31:35-40

(17) " -Jeremiah 31:31 - 34

(18) " -Jeremiah 33: 15-16

(19) Daniel 7: 13,14

(20) Romans 2: 12-16

(21) Revelation 14:12

(22) Revelation 22:14

(23) Romans 4:15; 5:13

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