April 26, 2002 - NPCA: Levi Strauss Chairman and RPCV Robert Haas to speak at second annual RPCV Business Symposium on June 20

Peace Corps Online: Peace Corps News: Peace Corps Library: Reunions: Fortieth Plus One: April 26, 2002 - NPCA: Levi Strauss Chairman and RPCV Robert Haas to speak at second annual RPCV Business Symposium on June 20

By Admin1 (admin) on Friday, April 26, 2002 - 8:29 pm: Edit Post

Levi Strauss Chairman and RPCV Robert Haas to speak at second annual RPCV Business Symposium on June 20

Read and comment on this news release for the NPCA's second annual RPCV Business Symposium where Robert D. Haas (Cote d'Ivoire), Chairman, Levi Strauss & Co (shown in the photo above) will make the keynote address at:

NPCA 40th Anniversary Series presents the second annual RPCV Business Symposium*

* This link was active on the date it was posted. PCOL is not responsible for broken links which may have changed.

NPCA 40th Anniversary Series presents the second annual RPCV Business Symposium

"The Nexus of Peace Corps and Business Values"

Thursday, June 20, 2002

Omni-Shoreham Hotel

Washington, D.C.

Metro Stop: Woodley Park

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Last year, the Business Symposium brought together a community of RPCVs mostly working in the for-profit sector. We discovered that an important value associated with this event was the networking that happens as a result of meeting and focusing on specific issues related to business. This year's Business Symposium theme is sure to fuel discussion:

"Building and Sustaining Competitive and Socially Responsible Businesses".

And a Keynote Address by one of the foremost practitioners of social responsibility in business, Robert D. Haas (Cote d'Ivoire), Chairman, Levi Strauss & Co., will most certainly set the tone.

Business Symposium II will be in conjunction with the 40th Anniversary "plus one", so there will be an even broader variety of "meet and greet" opportunities throughout the weekend. You can come for the Business Symposium alone or plan to be a part of all the events.


Please take a minute to help us plan by pre-registering for the Business Symposium, click ==> REGISTER. We will need everyone to "check-in", but if you are an NPCA member, there is no charge. The event fee for non-NPCA members will be the price of an NPCA membership (i.e. joining NPCA), and the luncheon will be included with admission.

The event fee for non-RPCVs will be $40, and includes luncheon.

A registration table will be setup at the event.

*Note: Individual NPCA Membership is $40/year; Family Membership (two members / one address) is $55/year.

We're looking forward to seeing you there!

Please take a quick minute to join the BizSymp Listserv (click here) so we can keep you posted as we update the agenda, and so you can provide us feedback and suggestions as we continue to finalize plans.

If you are planning to attend the Business Symposium, please RSVP to:
Dan Jenkin, Czech Republic, '95-'97
Email: dan@bizsymp.org
Phone: 202.238.0709

Statement of Purpose:

The Purpose of Business Symposium II is to bring together Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) working in business to discuss building and sustaining competitive and socially responsible businesses.


The tactics will be first to generate thought and discussion with a provocative keynote speaker, panel discussion and luncheon speaker. The theme will be building and sustaining competitive and socially responsible businesses. And second, to bring together small roundtable discussion groups of all participants covering the three specific areas of corporate responsibility: corporate citizenship, corporate governance and environmental excellence.


The outcome will be first, to highlight "best practices" of companies and provide ideas for managers and business owners wanting to initiate programs within their own organizations. Second, to bring together a community of RPCVs with common professional interests for networking and relationship building. Third, to initiate a database and website home (www.bizsymp.org) for RPCVs with common professional interests.

The event is a part of the Peace Corps 40th Anniversary Celebration, which is described on the NPCA website, www.rpcv.org.

NPCA members will be admitted free to the Business Symposium. Buffet style lunch will be an additional charge (TBD).

The participant numbers are limited, and we expect a lot of interest this year since it will be a part of the 40th Anniversary Celebration, so sign up fast.

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