By Daniel Pailes on Tuesday, May 21, 2002 - 9:05 am: Edit Post |
Sam Farr's Bill should have 4 million dollars in it for the establishment of Peace Corps Veterans. This part of the bill would provide a separate group like a Veterans administration so that we have an attorney working on our behalf, that we are able to appeal our cases, files and service record, a group that would help in all the goals of Peace Corps including teaching, and Finding work for volunteer. It could do hundreds of things. Most important is not to leave the volunteers that served with Peace Corps behind. That has happened because of Politics. We need something that will all volunteers including the 60,000 volunteers who did not finish there two years.
By Tom Derge on Tuesday, May 21, 2002 - 1:13 pm: Edit Post |
I have always felt the need for a P.C. Veterans administration to recognize those who have served.
I considered my own service the equivalent of military service to my country. In many respects Peace Corps Volunteers are less coddled and more independent than other Americans serving abroad. As such they deserve some recognition and support for their efforts.
RPCV Sierra Leone, Africa 1974-76
By Steve Manning on Friday, May 24, 2002 - 9:11 am: Edit Post |
This sounds like a great idea! It could include, among other benefits, financial assistance for further education to parallel the GI Bill, contributions to a retirement plan during the years served with the Peace Corps, and making VA hospitals available to RPCV's as needed on a comparable basis.