November 14 - Statement by Gaddi Vasquez

Peace Corps Online: Peace Corps News: Directors of the Peace Corps: Peace Corps Director Gaddi Vasquez: The Gaddi Vasquez Nomination to Peace Corps Director: November 15 - The Gaddi Vasquez Hearings: November 14 - Statement by Gaddi Vasquez

By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 10:51 pm: Edit Post

Here is the statement to the Committee by Gaddi Vasquez:

Statement by Gaddi Vasquez

Please note that this is the written statement submitted for the Committee Records and is not necessarily what was said during the hearings.

By Katherine Butts Warwick on Monday, December 17, 2001 - 6:43 pm: Edit Post

I can neither read nor print the statement by Vasquez. I can print the first page of the Cox statement. Will you please e-mail both to me asap? I talked to Feinstein's office today. She is now officially "undecided".

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