Miriam Charnow Dies; coordinated training programs for the Peace Corps
Read and comment on this obituary from the Washington Post for Miriam Charnow who coordinated training programs for the Peace Corps and was staff assistant to Bill Moyers when he was Peace Corps public affairs director. Our condolences to her friends and family. Read the story at:
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Miriam Charnow Dies; Official at Council on the Aging
Thursday, April 17, 2003; Page B06
Miriam Sare Charnow, 79, a director at the National Council on the Aging, a nationwide senior volunteer program that helps families with children at risk, died of liver disease April 12 at her Reston home.
Mrs. Charnow had been intergenerational programs director at the council since the 1980s, and administered 50 Family Friends projects across the country. Begun in 1986, the program recruits and matches older volunteers with children who either have disabilities or who are chronically ill. Volunteers help families in homeless shelters and in rural communities.
Earlier in her career, Mrs. Charnow was deputy director of energy crisis assistance at the Community Services Administration. She was also education chief in program development for the Office of Economic Opportunity.
She coordinated training programs for the Peace Corps and was staff assistant to Bill Moyers when he was Peace Corps public affairs director.
She also wrote for the Near East Report and worked for the then-Office of Education as a special assistant in adult basic education. She had also been special assistant to the academic vice president of Empire State College in Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
Mrs. Charnow was a native of New York and a graduate of Ohio State University, where she also received a master's degree in political science.
She was a member of the advisory board of the National Policy and Resource Center on Women and Aging at Brandeis University and volunteered with the Brandeis Women's Committee. Her honors included the National Council on the Aging's Geneva Mathiasen Award for major contributions to the field of aging and a leadership award from Generations United.
Her marriage to Milton L. Charnow ended in divorce.
Survivors include two daughters, Sally Debra Charnow of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Karen Charnow Lior of Toronto; a sister; and four grandchildren.
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