April 25, 2003 - The State News: Board approves Peru RPCV McPherson's departure, president to leave in days

Peace Corps Online: Peace Corps News: Headlines: Peace Corps Headlines - 2003: April 2003 Peace Corps Headlines: April 25, 2003 - The State News: Board approves Peru RPCV McPherson's departure, president to leave in days

By Admin1 (admin) on Sunday, April 27, 2003 - 5:05 pm: Edit Post

Board approves Peru RPCV McPherson's departure, president to leave in days

Board approves Peru RPCV McPherson's departure, president to leave in days

Board approves McPherson's departure, president to leave in days


The State News

The MSU Board of Trustees approved an unpaid leave of absence for President M. Peter McPherson of his duties as he prepares to leave for Iraq in a few days.

McPherson will serve as the financial coordinator for the Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance for 130 days in Iraq.

Although his duties will not be finished in that time, McPherson said he "fully expected to get a substantial amount done."

In Iraq, McPherson will focus on strengthening and rebuilding the war-torn country's economy.

Provost Lou Anna Simon will now have "full powers of the presidency," McPherson said.

McPherson said he spoke with Gov. Jennifer Granholm to ensure her he would be returning to lead MSU. He said he also mentioned how important MSU is to the state of Michigan.

The budget crisis should not force public institutions to be unaffordable to students, he said.

"We're going to make darn sure they're truly accessible," he said.

Simon said she was anxious for McPherson's return, but said the momentum of the institution would carry on in his absence.

Simon said she fully expects to keep McPherson informed on the progress of MSU during the summer.

The budget will be the main focus of concern for MSU while McPherson is away. During the summer months, the board will decide on next year's budget and set tuition rates.

Simon would not comment on what direction the university will take until the legislature makes its decision. The legislature cut funding to MSU 6.5 percent for the 2003-04 fiscal year.

David Porteous, chairman of the Board of Trustees, said it was a great honor for the president to be taking this "temporary public assignment."

Porteuos said McPherson's appetite for international service started during his experience in Peru as a Peace Corps volunteer and has continued to MSU through the university's international programs and development.

McPherson said he would be expects to return to MSU in the fall.

"I have a deep affection for this place," McPherson said.

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Story Source: The State News

This story has been posted in the following forums: : Headlines; COS - Peru; Iraq; University Administration; Economics



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