Memory of Zack Merrill

Peace Corps Online: Peace Corps News: Headlines: Peace Corps Headlines - 2003: July 2003 Peace Corps Headlines: July 23, 2003 - Peace Corps Press Release: Updated to Investigation on death of PCV Zachary Merrill : July 8, 2003 - Northwest News Channel 8: Peace Corps Volunteer Zack Merrill dies in Mali : Zack Merrill: Memory of Zack Merrill

By Aaron Norris on Friday, July 11, 2003 - 2:31 pm: Edit Post

I was shocked to hear about Zack's passing. I had the opportunity to know Zack from August to November of 2001 while acting as a water sanitation and cross cultural instructor at Tubani So, Mali.

I remember a guy of outstanding character. He was both funny and clever. I know he was smart and he struck me as courageous. If time worked in a different way, I would have been proud to serve with Zack, but as it was, I was proud to instruct him.

This is a real tragedy.

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