Call for Congressional Hearings

Peace Corps Online: Peace Corps News: Headlines: Peace Corps Headlines - 2003: July 2003 Peace Corps Headlines: July 5, 2003 - PCOL Exclusive: A Volunteer's Courage : Call for Congressional Hearings

By Joanne Marie Roll (joey) on Wednesday, August 06, 2003 - 10:53 am: Edit Post

I call for Congressional Hearings to address the problems raised by these articles. I believe that legislation may be the only remedy. The questions raised by A Volunteer's Courage and commentaries include:

1) Are serving Volunteers being pressured to postpone needed medical treatment, (in order to reduce the attrition rate or reduce medical expenses in-country) by promises that medical treatment will be available after service is completed and then that medical treatment is not available?

2) Is there a pattern of discrimination, based on race or gender, among those who receive good medical care and other support services and those who do not, during service and/or post service?

3) Is there a lack of coordination between PC/WASH and countries of service?

There are problems in other areas, also-this just addressses medical issues.
I welcome the comments of my fellow RPCVs. Thank you.

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