By Admin1 (admin) on Monday, September 29, 2003 - 6:37 pm: Edit Post |
Volunteers for Prosperity Initiative Launched
Volunteers for Prosperity Initiative Launched
Volunteers for Prosperity Initiative Launched
"A Call to Service": Encouraging Skilled Professionals to Volunteer Abroad
Press: (202) 712-4320
Public Information: (202) 712-4810
September 29, 2003
Contact: USAID Press Office
WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator (USAID) Andrew S. Natsios and USA Freedom Corps Director John M. Bridgeland today unveiled details of the new Volunteers for Prosperity initiative at the National Press Club. They were joined by volunteers from organizations that have signed on to the new program.
The event followed the signing of the Volunteers for Prosperity Executive Order by President George W. Bush on Thursday, September 25th at the White House. Administrator Natsios and Director Bridgeland joined the President at Thursday's signing ceremony along with Claude A. Allen, Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services; Samuel Bodman, Deputy Secretary of Commerce; and Alan Larson, Under Secretary of State. The Volunteers for Prosperity initiative will support major U.S. development initiatives overseas using highly skilled American professionals to help meet the objectives of the U.S. government's global prosperity agenda. The Executive Order assigns USAID as the inter-agency coordinator for the Volunteer for Prosperity initiative, providing oversight and reporting progress to the USA Freedom Corps.
Volunteers for Prosperity will provide opportunities for highly skilled American professionals in a variety of fields to volunteer for a flexible term in developing countries and emerging economies overseas. Volunteers will be able to serve for a period of time - from as short as a few weeks or up to several years - depending on the project. Examples of the initiatives that Volunteers for Prosperity volunteers will support include the Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the Digital Freedom Initiative, Water for the Poor, Trade for African Development and Enterprise, and Middle East Partnership Initiative. Volunteers will help, for instance, to provide clean water to the poor, promote democratic governance, develop economic freedoms, promote free and open markets and stem the spread of HIV/AIDS. Others programs and initiatives may be added.
The Executive Order directs the Departments of State, Commerce, Health and Human Services and USAID to create offices or operating units to manage Volunteer for Prosperity components within those initiatives. It directs those federal entities to provide appropriate levels of support to U.S. organizations that use highly skilled American volunteers in meeting the objectives of the various initiatives.
At today's event, Administrator Natsios announced that a USAID office will be established within the Bureau of Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance. A new website has been established for this initiative, where volunteers and organizations can find information about participating. Go to
By Volunteers? on Tuesday, September 30, 2003 - 4:25 pm: Edit Post |
Mercy Corps did REALLY WELL!
By mathew ( on Friday, August 05, 2005 - 8:49 am: Edit Post |
i want to real be amongst the world changer, i am a nigerian 28 yrs eastern part of the country
and a humanitarian