By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, October 01, 2003 - 2:11 am: Edit Post |
NPCA is Cooperating organization for 'The People Speak: America Debates Role in the World'; Debates and Panel Discussions Held In Communities Throughout the Country in October
NPCA is Cooperating organization for 'The People Speak: America Debates Role in the World'; Debates and Panel Discussions Held In Communities Throughout the Country in October
'The People Speak: America Debates Role in the World'; Debates and Panel Discussions Held In Communities Throughout the Country in Oct.
9/30/03 12:23:00 PM
To: National Desk
Contact: Christina LoNigro of the People Speak Out, 202-887-9040
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Sixteen organizations, representing ideologies across the political spectrum, today announced The People Speak: America Debates Its Role in the World-more than 1,000 debates and discussions about foreign policy held throughout October in communities across the country.
Senator Timothy E. Wirth, President of the United Nations Foundation, Thomas Donnelly, Resident Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and Kay Maxwell, President of the League of Women Voters, launched the debate series at a press conference at the National Press Club. They underlined the historical significance of this momentous grassroots undertaking and offered details of individual events.
"Both the President and the field of Democratic candidates need to be paying attention to what is going on here in big and small cities, universities, high schools and in family living rooms across the country this month," said Sen. Wirth. "The American people are providing American leaders and decision makers with their thoughts, opinions, hopes and even fears about national security and our emerging foreign policy. Our biggest mistake would be to not hear them."
This debate series offers an opportunity for Americans nationwide to discuss crucial aspects of foreign policy in their communities. As world events have unfolded recently, millions of Americans have witnessed U.S. involvement in reconstruction, peacekeeping, multilateralism, and pre-emption, but have not had the opportunity to discuss these issues with their fellow citizens.
In addition to these community debates, organizers of The People Speak will host 14 signature debates in the largest U.S. cities. These marquee events will feature high-level policymakers and leading members of the community discussing both sides of the debate such as former Secretary of Defense William Perry, former New Mexico Governors Dave Cargo and Jerry Apodaca, former Ambassadors Ambler Moss and Robert Flaten and current members of Congress Jim Cooper and Kevin Brady. These signature events offer the opportunity for Americans to view both sides of the debate discussed thoroughly by leading members of their community.
"Since the end of the Cold War, there hasn't been much talk about American foreign policy. Clearly, now is the time for a long overdue debate - particularly during a time of war. It is imperative that we engage the public in a dialogue focused upon America's role in the world; we need to start asking these good, first-order questions about the future of our national security and foreign policy," said Mr. Donnelly.
"We have joined The People Speak initiative to lend not only our commitment to public education and open, unfettered dialogue, but also our years of community organizing experience. We are democracy's foot soldiers. Getting people together and bringing the issues out in the open for discussion," stated Ms. Maxwell.
Individuals from around the country participating in the debate series also attended the press conference, including a high school debater and his debate coach from Manchester Essex Regional High School Debate Team and a member of the Manchester Retirement Community. These two groups will debate each other in late October.
"We are at a critical moment for U.S. foreign policy - and for American democracy. The crucial global policy decisions that face this country must be influenced by an informed and engaged public. This initiative gives Americans a voice," said Stephen B. Heintz, President of RBF.
The People Speak: America Debates Its Role in the World has stimulated a national discussion about emerging foreign policy issues such as:
-- Should the United States use military force preemptively to meet the threats posed by hostile nations and groups seeking to acquire nuclear, biological or chemical weapons?
-- Should the United States devote more resources to confront such non-military problems as poverty and illiteracy, the spread of infectious disease and environmental degradation?
-- Should the United States participate in military operations overseas only where vital American interests are at stake, not for democracy promotion or primarily humanitarian causes?
-- Should the United States demonstrate a stronger commitment to international institutions and international laws?
Cooperating organizations include: United Nations Foundation, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, League of Women Voters, Open Society Institute, National Peace Corps Association, United Nations Association of the United States of America, Empower America, The National Forensic League, The World Affairs Councils of America, Jesse Helms Center Foundation, Center for Women Policy Studies, Women's Action for New Directions, National Peace Foundation, Americans for Informed Democracy and the Ms. Foundation for Women.
The impetus for these debates evolved from a widely distributed report of the Council on Foreign Relations funded by the United Nations Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF), and the Open Society Institute (OSI). This report describes three different approaches to security policy, ranging from unilateral preemption to multilateralism. Recognizing the need to broaden the scope and reach of this discussion, the three funders sponsored a nationwide dialogue culminating in The People Speak debate series. This project encourages colleges and universities, religious organizations, community groups, editorial writers, think-tanks and others to participate in a public discourse of U.S. foreign policy.
For more information please visit the website at