September 26, 2003 - Peace Corps Press Release: Peace Corps Launches New Recruitment Campaign - Life is calling. How far will you go? -

Peace Corps Online: Peace Corps News: Peace Corps Library: Recruitment: Peace Corps: Recruitment : The Peace Corps and Recruitment: September 26, 2003 - Peace Corps Press Release: Peace Corps Launches New Recruitment Campaign - Life is calling. How far will you go? -

By Admin1 (admin) on Sunday, October 05, 2003 - 12:20 pm: Edit Post

Peace Corps Launches New Recruitment Campaign - Life is calling. How far will you go? -

Peace Corps Launches New Recruitment Campaign - Life is calling. How far will you go? -

Peace Corps Launches New Recruitment Campaign - Life is calling. How far will you go? -

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 25, 2003 – Today at the Paul D. Coverdell Headquarters, Peace Corps Director Gaddi H. Vasquez announced the launch of the agency’s newest national recruiting campaign to reacquaint Americans with the Peace Corps and the work of the volunteers. Centered around the theme “Life is calling. How far will you go?”, the campaign underscores President Bush’s call to service and his goal to expand the Peace Corps.

The “Life is calling. How far will you go?” campaign offers Americans one of the best opportunities to serve their country through global volunteering. The campaign emphasizes the Peace Corps` long and illustrious history, while establishing a new approach that conveys an updated and modern image and works to ensure that volunteers represent the diverse face of America.

“I am thrilled and pleased to announce the launch of Peace Corps’ newest recruitment campaign,” stated Director Vasquez. “Peace Corps volunteers are one of the country’s greatest assets, and with these new materials, we now have the essential tools to encourage a more diverse America – from the over-50-retiree to the teacher of Hispanic descent – to consider becoming a volunteer and going abroad to serve as goodwill ambassadors.”

The new campaign materials include a 15-minute recruitment video, a 40-page catalogue, a diversity booklet showcasing volunteers of all ages and backgrounds, and several brochures that focus on individual volunteer assignments such as education, agriculture, and the environment. The Web site will have a fresh new look, as well as print and television ads. Actors Matthew McConaughey and Eduardo Verastegui (Spanish version) donated their time to record the voice-overs for both the radio and TV public service announcements.

Americans interested in volunteering with the Peace Corps have the opportunity to view the new recruitment video and receive copies of the catalogue at a number of recruiting events across the nation throughout the year. For more information about local recruiting events in your area, please check out the Peace Corps’ new, redesigned Web site at or call toll-free 1-800-424-8580, option 1.

Since 1961, more than 170,000 volunteers have served in the Peace Corps, working in such diverse fields as education, health, HIV/AIDS education and awareness, information technology, business development, the environment, and agriculture. Peace Corps volunteers must be U.S. citizens and at least 18 years of age. Peace Corps service is a two-year commitment.

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Story Source: Peace Corps Press Release

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