By Voter ( - on Friday, January 23, 2004 - 9:23 am: Edit Post |
Just the Facts.
Last night at the debate in Manchester, Kerry's supporters mostly all fire fighters and not a representation of regular working folks met resistance from thousands of people-powered supporters from the Dean Campaign and Clark Campaigns.
As the Dean and Clark supporters began to picket Kerry's entrance, his supporters began knocking down people and especially women. Four women were knocked to the ground by the fire fighters working for Kerry.
These are the type of people you want representing us?
There will be charges filed today.
I always knew his office staff was callous but this has shown me first hand. He should not be President. The candidate was right there watching everything and did not do anything.
That's what he will do as President?
His record on Peace Corps stands for itself. He has done nothing and he won't do anything as President.
Very Concerned Voter