January 23, 2004 - Gilroy Dispatch: RPCV Peg Pinard is candidate for California State Senate

Peace Corps Online: Peace Corps News: Headlines: January 2004 Peace Corps Headlines: January 23, 2004 - Gilroy Dispatch: RPCV Peg Pinard is candidate for California State Senate

By Admin1 (admin) (pool-151-196-35-236.balt.east.verizon.net - on Friday, January 23, 2004 - 8:01 pm: Edit Post

RPCV Peg Pinard is candidate for California State Senate

RPCV Peg Pinard is candidate for California State Senate

Peg Pinard a perfect candidate for the legislature from our area

Friday, January 23, 2004

Dear Editor:

The California State Senate District in which Morgan Hill is located is a long narrow one, running roughly from South San Jose to San Luis Obispo west of the 101 - a coastal district.

I am writing to encourage all Morgan Hill voters to consider casting their ballot for Peg Pinard, the Democratic candidate for this seat in the California Legislature.

In the 30 years that I have been interested in local politics, I have never seen a candidate for state office so well suited to protect and advance the local quality of life, which I believe is a foremost concern for virtually every resident of Morgan Hill.

Peg’s co-founded the Old Town Neighborhood Association to help preserve historic neighborhoods of San Luis Obispo. She was elected to the City Council and served as mayor. When she ran for the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors she won by nearly 70 percent of the vote. She has never lost an election.

Under her leadership, the communities of Avila Beach and Guadalupe were cleaned up from massive contamination left by Unocal. She believes that an often-overlooked environmental issue is the need for contiguous open space areas for wildlife.

But Peg’s strength and perspective not just single-focus but broad and balanced. She grew up in San Jose, went to local schools, and graduated with honors from Santa Clara University. She worked her way through college as a bookkeeper, Postal Service Employee and waitress and served in the Peace Corps.


Submitted Friday, Jan 16 to editor@garlic.com

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Story Source: Gilroy Dispatch

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