Staff Five year Rule and Opportunity

Peace Corps Online: Peace Corps News: Special Reports: April 2, 2004: Henry Hyde sponsors Peace Corps Safety and Security Bill: April 2, 2004 - Dayton Daily News: Hyde Bill would create Peace Corps Ombudsman, independent Inspector General, modify five-year rule : Staff Five year Rule and Opportunity

By Anonymous ( - on Monday, April 12, 2004 - 9:34 pm: Edit Post

Changing the five year rule would be a mistake and destroy opportunites for thousands of people who would like to work for Peace Corps. This should remind Peace Corps of term limits and politicians who will not leave office effectively destroying opportunites for other Americans.

Other than this I believe Henry Hide as done a fantastic job.

Thanks from an RPCV and all RPVCs and PCVs who do not know how much Henry Hide has helped.

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