By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Friday, May 07, 2004 - 5:16 pm: Edit Post |
Peace Corps Director Gaddi Vasquez introduces President Bush at White House Cinco de Mayo Event
Peace Corps Director Gaddi Vasquez introduces President Bush at White House Cinco de Mayo Event
Mr. President, Mrs. Bush
Damas y Caballeros!
It is a great honor to stand before you on this very special occasion.
Cinco de Mayo is a historic event in Mexican history and today we celebrate the event and all that it represents to all of us.
I don't know about you but my grandparents who came from Durango [unintelligible] would be very proud to know that the East Room of the White House was used to celebrate Cinco de Mayo and to call attention to the contributions of Latinos everywhere.
We just listened to some of the finest musicians in the world and who would have imagined that the rhythm and beat of Latino artists would someday resonate through the halls of the White House.
Que Gozo!
At this period in our history we are blessed to have a President who has the qualities of leadership that our times require.
Every day seems to bring new challenges and opportunities but it is my strong belief that President Bush is guiding our nation to a better future.
I have known the President for over a decade and I regard him as one of the most honorable men I have ever known.
Es hombre de integridad. He is a man of integrity.
Es hombre de compasion. He is a man of compassion.
Y es un amigo. And he is a friend to the Latino community.
Those of us who have the high privilege of serving in his administration are proud of his leadership and of his vision of our nation.
As the fastest growing segment of our population, Latinos will continue to play a key role in shaping America's future.
Those of us who have been honored to serve consider the President our leader, but we also consider him our friend.
We have a saying that goes like this:
Dime con quien andas, a te dire quien eres.
Tell me who you walk with and I will tell you who you are.
Today we are with a friend of the Latino community and a man who inspires us, who knows us, and who understands us.
Damas y Caballeros!
I am proud to call him my friend, and I am most proud to present to you nuestro amigo, the President of the United States.
By Terry Adcock Colombia 1961-63 ( - on Tuesday, May 11, 2004 - 1:47 am: Edit Post |
Gaddi Vasquez = Party Hack.