May 14, 2004: Headlines: Recruitment: Munster Times: Monica Roman has joined the Peace Corps

Peace Corps Online: Peace Corps News: Peace Corps Library: Recruitment: Peace Corps: Recruitment : The Peace Corps and Recruitment: May 14, 2004: Headlines: Recruitment: Munster Times: Monica Roman has joined the Peace Corps

By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Sunday, May 16, 2004 - 11:33 am: Edit Post

Monica Roman has joined the Peace Corps

Monica Roman has joined the Peace Corps

Monica Roman has joined the Peace Corps

Nursing student to work for Peace Corps
VALPARAISO: Interest in helping abroad began at VU


Times Staff Writer

VALPARAISO -- Valparaiso University senior Monica Roman doesn't quite know where she's going after graduation.

Roman, a nursing major, has joined the Peace Corps and is waiting to find out where she'll be going and what she'll be doing.

"You get your assignment two months before you leave. I'm supposed to leave in July," said Roman, 22, of Wauwatosa, Wis. "I've always had an interest in working for the undeserved population. I have a passion for traveling, and I've always been a supporter of preventative medicine. The Peace Corps combines all three aspects. It's exactly what I'm looking for."

This weekend, Roman will be one of 825 graduates to receive a Valparaiso University diploma. Today, 150 diplomas will be awarded for School of Law graduates, beginning at 2 p.m. at the Chapel of the Resurrection. Sunday commencement ceremonies, which begin at 1:30 p.m. in the Athletics-Recreation Center, will include 615 undergraduate and 60 graduate diploma recipients.

Roman said she chose VU for her college career because of its academic reputation and traditional Lutheran views. She said she enjoyed her studies in the School of Nursing, which offered with some real world experience through programs that provide nursing care for local schools and neighborhoods.

"The baccalaureate program deals with, in general, an academic classroom setting. Yet, Valpo made good strides to push the clinical setting as well," Roman said. "There's a lot of clinicals required, and we participated in a community setting. The School of Nursing went to different communities and also brought communities to us."

Roman eventually would like to attend graduate school and work as a nurse practitioner. While at VU, Roman participated three mission trips to Mexico. One of those trips was a medical mission. The experience prompted Roman to use her skills for Peace Corps work.

"I absolutely loved it. It really solidified my plans to go abroad after graduation," Roman said.

Though she is excited about her future, Roman said she'll be thinking of her VU memories.

"I think I'll miss the relationships I've formed here, the close friends I have and relationships I have with professors and the staff here," Roman said.

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Story Source: Munster Times

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By Anonymous ( - on Thursday, September 29, 2005 - 9:26 pm: Edit Post

Well, looks like it was never meant to be, eh? Sure is a good things you went to that wedding instead!

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