May 14, 2004: Headlines: Peace Corps Directors - Vasquez: Christian Times: Gaddi Vasquez to be special guest at Orange County Government Leaders’ Prayer Breakfast

Peace Corps Online: Peace Corps News: Headlines: May 2004 Peace Corps Headline: May 14, 2004: Headlines: Peace Corps Directors - Vasquez: Christian Times: Gaddi Vasquez to be special guest at Orange County Government Leaders’ Prayer Breakfast

By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Monday, May 17, 2004 - 4:54 pm: Edit Post

Gaddi Vasquez to be special guest at Orange County Government Leaders’ Prayer Breakfast

Gaddi Vasquez to be special guest at Orange County Government Leaders’ Prayer Breakfast

Gaddi Vasquez to be special guest at Orange County Government Leaders’ Prayer Breakfast

Orange County leaders to be honored
SANTA ANA — County and city leaders will be honored May 14 at the 18th annual Orange County Government Leaders’ Prayer Breakfast. Modeled after the National Prayer Breakfast held in Washington D.C., the event recognizes and supports local government leaders at every level.

Special guests this year include Peace Corps director and former Orange County supervisor Gaddi Vasquez.

Since it began in Orange County in 1986, thousands of government and business leaders have hosted.

“These regular times of reflection and prayer contribute in a significant way to strengthen and preserve our foundations; individually, as a community, and as a nation,” said William G. Steiner, chairman of the event and former Orange County supervisor.

This year’s featured guest speaker is Gen. Robert Stewart, a former Challenger astronaut and one of the first ever to fly untethered high above the earth, traveling at more than 17,000 mph. Stewart is currently a lecturer and classroom instructor at the U.S. Air Force Academy.

For more information, call (714) 973-8095.

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Story Source: Christian Times

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