May 20, 2004: Headlines: Poetry: Teen Writing: Peace Corps Poem

Peace Corps Online: Peace Corps News: Headlines: May 2004 Peace Corps Headline: May 20, 2004: Headlines: Poetry: Teen Writing: Peace Corps Poem

By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 7:02 pm: Edit Post

Peace Corps Poem

Peace Corps Poem

Peace Corps Poem

Peace Corps

Sometimes I curl up in your blanket,
The one you left in my bedroom
I can still smell you on it.
Patchouli . . .
I dream you're lying next to me
And we're holding each other like before
Please, oh please, I'm sorry, I don't want you to go in the Peace Corps
Don't go into the Peace Corps
27 months is a long time for me to suffer man
The leaves fall off so soon
The time goes by and sits back to watch you leave
It doesn't care
Watch out, they're going to take you away this fall
It's cold in Autumn. she won't shed a tear for me

By Rase, age 17,

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Story Source: Teen Writing

This story has been posted in the following forums: : Headlines; Poetry



By Weston Rogers ( on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 - 3:22 pm: Edit Post

The lightning strikes, the thunder booms, and the Earth begins to shake.

The end is near, our time is done, but you mustn't lose all faith.

Stand tall, stand firm, don't stop being proud.

Keep living, keep trying, and don't stop fighting.

If you give up, they win, you lose, and everything you worked for gone.

You're still in control and you don't have to stop being proud.

Just because the storm is hovering overhead,

doesn't mean life is going to end.

Fight on and try, you just might win,

and even if you don't. Life goes on,

and at least you tried, it's better than giving in.

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