July 6, 2004: Headlines: Broadway: Theatre: COS - Nigeria: WTC Zone: Hot Spot: Synopsis Of Scene - a musical comedy about the Peace Corps that starred Judy Holliday

Peace Corps Online: Peace Corps News: Library: Acting: January 23, 2005: Index: PCOL Exclusive: Acting. Theatre : July 6, 2004: Headlines: Broadway: Theatre: COS - Nigeria: WTC Zone: Hot Spot: Synopsis Of Scene - a musical comedy about the Peace Corps that starred Judy Holliday

By Admin1 (admin) ( on Thursday, July 08, 2004 - 9:05 pm: Edit Post

Hot Spot: Synopsis Of Scene - a musical comedy about the Peace Corps that starred Judy Holliday

Hot Spot: Synopsis Of Scene - a musical comedy about the Peace Corps that starred Judy Holliday

Hot Spot: Synopsis Of Scene - a musical comedy about the Peace Corps that starred Judy Holliday

Hot Spot: Synopsis Of Scenes


1. "The 6:45 report"

2. "Peace Corps Headquarters"

3. "National Airport"

4. "In the air over D'hum"

5. "The D'hum airstrip"

6. "The American Consulate in D'hum"

7. "The market place"

8. "The Clinic"

9. "The D'hum airstrip"

10. "The Palace"

11. "The 6:45 report"

12. "A beauty salon in Washington"

13. "All of D'hum"


1. "Exterior of Yakacabana"

2. "Interior of Yakacabana"

3. "Moscow"

4. "A street in D'hum"

5. "The back room of the Clinic"

6. "Snapper's apartment the Consulate"

7. "Outside the Yakacabana"

8. "The Yakacabana"

9. "The 6:45 report"

10. "The Consulate yard"

11. "Peace Corps Headquarters"

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Story Source: WTC Zone

This story has been posted in the following forums: : Headlines; Broadway; Theatre; COS - Nigeria



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