July 9, 2003: Headlines: Cooking: Backpacker: Elizabeth Perrault first learned to cook on a camp stove in Africa while serving in the Peace Corps

Peace Corps Online: Peace Corps News: Peace Corps Library: Cooking: July 9, 2003: Headlines: Cooking: Backpacker: Elizabeth Perrault first learned to cook on a camp stove in Africa while serving in the Peace Corps

By Admin1 (admin) (pool-141-157-22-73.balt.east.verizon.net - on Thursday, July 22, 2004 - 6:32 pm: Edit Post

Elizabeth Perrault first learned to cook on a camp stove in Africa while serving in the Peace Corps

Elizabeth Perrault first learned to cook on a camp stove in Africa while serving in the Peace Corps

Elizabeth Perrault first learned to cook on a camp stove in Africa while serving in the Peace Corps

Say Cheese

No refrigerator, no problem, says this cooking instructor. Here's her secret to making every meal better.

October 2002

Elizabeth Perrault, instructor of the Wilderness Gourmet course at the Cooking School of the Rockies and contributor of the S'mores recipe above, says good backcountry food doesn't always mean more work. She first learned to cook on a camp stove in Africa while serving in the Peace Corps. "I didn't have a fridge so I pushed the limit of fresh food, and used a lot of grains." That experience made couscous one of her staple trail ingredients. But Perrault says her number one tip for improving wilderness dining is packing along a big hunk of hard cheese. Gruyere is her favorite for its rich flavor and lasting power on the trail.

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Story Source: Backpacker

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