Supporting Kerry even tho we cannot vote for President in the US Virgin Islands

Peace Corps Online: Peace Corps News: Special Reports: October 6, 2004: "RPCVs for Kerry" mobilize to support for their candidate: Leave a message here if you are supporting Kerry for President and what you are doing to work to get your candidate elected: Supporting Kerry even tho we cannot vote for President in the US Virgin Islands

By Peggy Neal Simmonds ( - on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 10:23 pm: Edit Post

I am talking to all I can when in the States as to why they should vote for Kerry and not Bush... Do we really want 4 more years just like the past 4 more years??? Do we want to continue to be ashamed of our country when travelling abroad? When serving in Nigeria in the late 60's I recall being embarrassed of then being from Alabama because of George Wallace. I was tired of talking about the racial problems of the south. Once when asked, I shyly said, "Well, I was born in New York", and a Nigerian laughed and said, "Ha, with that Southern accent?"
Peggy Neal Simmonds VOTE FOR KERRY!!!

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