April 5, 2005: Headlines: COS - Tanzania: Heroes: Archetypes: Psychology: South Bend Tribune: Bill Hatcher's heroic journey took him all the way to Tanzania. He currently is participating in Leighton Center's "Awakening Our Personal Heroes and Heroines," a seminar aimed at self-discovery.

Peace Corps Online: Peace Corps News: Peace Corps Library: Psychology: January 23, 2005: Index: PCOL Exclusive: Psychology, Pschological Testing, Pschological Warfare : April 5, 2005: Headlines: COS - Tanzania: Heroes: Archetypes: Psychology: South Bend Tribune: Bill Hatcher's heroic journey took him all the way to Tanzania. He currently is participating in Leighton Center's "Awakening Our Personal Heroes and Heroines," a seminar aimed at self-discovery.

By Admin1 (admin) (pool-151-196-181-108.balt.east.verizon.net - on Tuesday, April 05, 2005 - 1:05 pm: Edit Post

Bill Hatcher's heroic journey took him all the way to Tanzania. He currently is participating in Leighton Center's "Awakening Our Personal Heroes and Heroines," a seminar aimed at self-discovery.

Bill Hatcher's heroic journey took him all the way to Tanzania. He currently is participating in Leighton Center's Awakening Our Personal Heroes and Heroines, a seminar aimed at self-discovery.

Bill Hatcher's heroic journey took him all the way to Tanzania. He currently is participating in Leighton Center's "Awakening Our Personal Heroes and Heroines," a seminar aimed at self-discovery.

Journey abroad led to insight on self-discovery

Tribune Staff Writer

Caption: Bill Hatcher makes a point during the "Awakening Our Personal Heroes and Heroines" seminar at the Leighton Center in South Bend. Tribune Photo/SHAYNA BRESLIN

SOUTH BEND -- Some people can go on a hero's journey without leaving home.

Bill Hatcher's heroic journey took him all the way to Tanzania.

He currently is participating in Leighton Center's "Awakening Our Personal Heroes and Heroines," a seminar aimed at self-discovery.

Rosemary Cox, coordinator of Memorial Hospital's SAGE-ing Center and the seminar's facilitator, explains that the first phase for those who want to make that heroic journey is to recognize and confront matters that need addressing in their lives -- such as a difficult relationship or past failure.

In the second phase, they take action to meet the challenge.

"The last stage of the journey is the return -- where we have looked through things and we have come out being a better person, closer to our true selves," Cox said. That's heroic.

For many people, the journey is metaphorical. But for Hatcher, who recently moved to Buchanan from Illinois, the process paralleled a physical journey.

The call

Hatcher's call to the journey came during his senior year at Southern Illinois University. A geography major, Hatcher looked toward a future that was filled with promise and questions.

"It was a time in my life when everything was changing," Hatcher, a 1994 SIU graduate, said. "I was not real sure (about) what I was going to do."

While Hatcher was dealing with questions about his professional life, a long-term relationship came to an end. So Hatcher had a lot of questions and few answers.

"I did know that I wanted to learn more about the world," Hatcher added.

The journey

Graduation day was approaching, and Hatcher still didn't know what he would do after receiving his degree.

Hatcher had a feeling that he wanted a career in outdoor education. He had worked as a volunteer with an outdoor education program sponsored by the YMCA near his college.

Then he saw a promotion for the Peace Corps. Hatcher decided to join after doing research on the agency and reading testimonials from Peace Corps alumni.

His assignment took him to Tanzania, where he taught geography at a girls school.

"In the Peace Corps, as with any long trip you take, you learn more about how you fit into the bigger picture," Hatcher said.
Rosemary Cox, coordinator of Memorial Hospital's SAGE-ing Center, leads the self-discovery seminar.

He worked in a part of the African nation where residents didn't have utilities, running water or sanitation.

"Those are the kinds of things people in this country would be up in arms over, but (the Tanzanians) just tightened their belts and went on with their lives."

For Hatcher, going on meant turning his attention to trekking and climbing mountains in his free time.

The heroic return

After his experience in the Peace Corps, Hatcher knew he had to pursue a career in outdoor education. He made the jump and never looked back.

"I have worked in outdoor education for about 10 years," Hatcher said.

For most of that time, Hatcher worked for somebody else. Now, he's started his own company, TriadVentures. Hatcher will lead people on nature treks in hopes that the serenity of nature will encourage self-awareness along with awareness and appreciation of nature.

Cox said Hatcher went through the three-phase hero's journey without even knowing it. She added that most people who embark on their journey won't end up in Africa or Asia. Many may not even leave their communities.

But the same forces that guided Hatcher from Southern Illinois to Tanzania and back to the United States are at work for everyone who takes a hero's journey.

The 12 archetypes

In the Leighton course, Hatcher and his six classmates study archetypes as guides on the journey to self-awareness.

Discussion of archetypes dates back to the time of Plato.

The modern-day concept of archetypes was refined by psychologist Carl Jung, who described archetypes as "ancient images of our unconscious."

For example, we visualize a mother or a nurse or anyone who has the qualities of compassion and patience when we consider the archetypical caregiver -- one of the 12 archetypes that seminar participants are learning about.

Very different images come to mind when we consider the others: the innocent, the orphan, the caregiver, the warrior, the seeker, the destroyer, the creator, the lover, the ruler, the magician, the fool and the sage.

All are present in each of us -- aspects of our personalities.

Cox says that's why there is really an unlimited array of archetypes.

And even those we often associate with negative behavior can indeed provide positive direction when we understand ourselves and stay true to our journey.

For example, Hatcher's "destroyer" guided him in defeating his fears about a lack of direction after college and put him on course to a rewarding career.

Staff writer Howard Dukes:


(574) 235-6369

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The Peace Corps Library Date: March 27 2005 No: 536 The Peace Corps Library
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RPCVs and Friends remember Pope John Paul II Date: April 3 2005 No: 550 RPCVs and Friends remember Pope John Paul II
Tony Hall found the pope to be courageous and capable of forgiving the man who shot him in 1981, Mark Gearan said the pope was as dynamic in person as he appears on television, Maria Shriver said he was a beacon of virtue, strength and goodness, and an RPCV who met the pope while serving in the Solomon Islands said he possessed the holiness of a man filled with a deep love and concern for humanity. Leave your thoughts here.

Friends of the Peace Corps 170,000  strong Date: April 2 2005 No: 543 Friends of the Peace Corps 170,000 strong
170,000 is a very special number for the RPCV community - it's the number of Volunteers who have served in the Peace Corps since 1961. It's also a number that is very special to us because March is the first month since our founding in January, 2001 that our readership has exceeded 170,000. And while we know that not everyone who comes to this site is an RPCV, they are all "Friends of the Peace Corps." Thanks everybody for making PCOL your source of news for the Returned Volunteer community.

This Month's Feature Stories - only on PCOL Date: March 27 2005 No: 537 This Month's Feature Stories - only on PCOL
Dream Come True - Revisiting India after 34 years
The Coyne Column: Read Winning Vanity Fair PCV Essay
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Photo Essay: Taking it to the Streets

April 3, 2005: This Week's Top Stories Date: April 3 2005 No: 548 April 3, 2005: This Week's Top Stories
Ralph White suspended for opening locked gates 2 Apr
The Coyne Column: Events in Kyrgyzstan 2 Apr
Timothy J. O’Brien suggests Korea increase publicity 1 Apr
Danielle Wain deals with dry areas in Uganda 1 Apr
Chris Matthews says Schiavo's Dad having "Good Time" 1 Apr
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Matt Sesow shines light on grief and pain of war 31 Mar
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Police travel to Tonga with RPCV 28 Mar
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NBC apologizes to Turkey for West Wing episode 28 Mar
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University to name library auditorium for Elaine Chao 26 Mar
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Chris Shays calls Republicans "party of theocracy" 25 Mar
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April 3, 2005: RPCV Groups in the News Date: April 3 2005 No: 545 April 3, 2005: RPCV Groups in the News
Houston RPCVs sponsor "Around the World in a Day"on April 6 25 Mar
Vasquez to visit DePaul University on April 6 22 Mar
Henry McKoy speaks at Clemson University April 6 1 Apr
Minnesota RPCVs need Photos for Exhibition 24 Mar
Maryland RPCVs eat crab cakes in Annapolis 17 Mar
Connecticut RPCVs held fundraiser on March 5 3 Mar
RPCVs: Post your stories or press releases here for inclusion next week.

Crisis Corps arrives in Thailand Date: March 20 2005 No: 530 Crisis Corps arrives in Thailand
After the Tsunami in Southeast Asia last December, Peace Corps issued an appeal for Crisis Corps Volunteers and over 200 RPCVs responded. The first team of 8 Crisis Corps volunteers departed for Thailand on March 18 to join RPCVs who are already supporting relief efforts in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and India with other agencies and NGO's.

RPCVs in Congress ask colleagues to support PC Date: March 5 2005 No: 482 RPCVs in Congress ask colleagues to support PC
RPCVs Sam Farr, Chris Shays, Thomas Petri, James Walsh, and Mike Honda have asked their colleagues in Congress to add their names to a letter they have written to the House Foreign Operations Subcommittee, asking for full funding of $345 M for the Peace Corps in 2006. As a follow-on to Peace Corps week, please read the letter and call your Representative in Congress and ask him or her to add their name to the letter.

Add your info now to the RPCV Directory Date: March 13 2005 No: 489 Add your info now to the RPCV Directory
Call Harris Publishing at 800-414-4608 right away to add your name or make changes to your listing in the newest edition of the NPCA's Directory of Peace Corps Volunteers and Former Staff. Then read our story on how you can get access to the book after it is published. The deadline for inclusion is May 16 so call now.

March 1: National Day of Action Date: February 28 2005 No: 471 March 1: National Day of Action
Tuesday, March 1, is the NPCA's National Day of Action. Please call your Senators and ask them to support the President's proposed $27 Million budget increase for the Peace Corps for FY2006 and ask them to oppose the elimination of Perkins loans that benefit Peace Corps volunteers from low-income backgrounds. Follow this link for step-by-step information on how to make your calls. Then take our poll and leave feedback on how the calls went.

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Story Source: South Bend Tribune

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