
Peace Corps Online: Peace Corps News: Directors of the Peace Corps: Peace Corps Director Paul Coverdell (1989 - 1991): Paul Coverdell: June 16 - House Vote Tuesday, July 17, on Giving Coverdell's Name to Peace Corps Headquarters: How to contact House Speaker Dennis Hastert: Immigration

By Robert Genc ( - on Monday, March 27, 2006 - 10:29 pm: Edit Post

The interpretation of the word “Illegal” is very clear.

We invite people from all over the world to join us in this wonderful land of opportunity. America provides an opportunity through various immigration alternatives.

We must defend ourselves against criminals who break into our country and steal money from the US taxpayers by using our schools, medical resources and welfare systems with out contributing through taxes. We need to stop their taking cash out of our county and out of the circulation in our economy.

Certainly providing assistance to a human in trouble should not be a crime, but harboring Illegal immigrants to assist in the infiltration into our country should be a felonious crime. Employing illegal workers should be a felony and carry appropriate financial punishment.

Both of my parents legally immigrated to the United States of America, both learned our language and became productive working, taxpaying, and patriotic citizens.

Massive demonstrations of illegal immigrants and their supporters attempting to force the United States to become the world’s largest welfare nation does not cloud the basic fact that people who violated our borders do not belong here.

Foreigners wishing to come to our country should get in line, Obey our laws, respect our borders and wait their acceptance. We cannot move all the people in the world here to the United States.

Who will fill jobs vacated by the illegals? Legals who will earn fair wages, pay taxes for the basic amenities of this country, for the education of their children and medical expenses for their families. And as these new citizens increase their contribution to their employers and communities, they will enjoy the equal access to opportunities of advancement and financial growth.

I support the closing of our borders safely by building a fence and maintaining its security by our armed forces as a deterrent not as a war machine. I believe no matter who you are, harboring criminals in this country should be a Felony and you should be punished. Following the laws in America is not optional. Illegal intruders into our country need to leave, now.

Bob Genc
1660 Green Bay Road
Highland Park, Illinois

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