2006.09.13: September 13, 2006: Headlines: COS - Kenya: COS - Afghanistan: Obituaries: Military: Civil Affairs: PBS: Remembering Kenya RPCV Bob Paul
Peace Corps Online:
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August 2, 2005: Headlines: Speaking Out: Military: Intelligence Issues: Washington Post: Peace Corps Option for Military Recruits Sparks Concerns :
Director Vasquez says the National Call to Service (NCS) program will not have an impact on the Peace Corps :
August 21, 2005: Headlines: Speaking Out: Military: Intelligence Issues: Safety and Security of Volunteers: Washington Post: Colman McCarthy says Welcome Soldiers to the Peace Corps:
2006.09.12: September 12, 2006: Headlines: COS - Kenya: COS - Afghanistan: Obituaries: Military: Oregon Live: Staff Sgt. Robert J. Paul (RPCV Kenya) killed in car bombing in Kabul :
2006.09.12: September 12, 2006: Headlines: COS - Kenya: COS - Afghanistan: Obituaries: Military: U.S. Army Special Operations Command: Staff Sgt. Robert J. Paul (RPCV Kenya) killed in car bombing in Kabul :
2006.09.13: September 13, 2006: Headlines: COS - Kenya: COS - Afghanistan: Obituaries: Military: Civil Affairs: PBS: Remembering Kenya RPCV Bob Paul
Remembering Kenya RPCV Bob Paul
Army Staff Sergeant Robert Paul of The Dalles was killed in Kabul when a bomb-laden car exploded next to his Humvee during a patrol. In a written statement, Paul's family says he was the kind of guy, who if called for duty, would serve. They says he never turn down an opportunity because he always wanted to make a difference. They pledge to do everything possible to ensure his daughter grows up to know how much her Dad loved her.
Remembering Kenya RPCV Bob Paul
Remembering Two Oregon Soldiers Killed In Afghanistan
By Kristian Foden-Vencil
PORTLAND, OR 2006-09-12
Two Oregon soldiers died in Afghanistan last week.
On Friday, Army Staff Sergeant Robert Paul of The Dalles was killed in Kabul when a bomb-laden car exploded next to his Humvee during a patrol.
Bob Paul was originally from the Chicago area. But in 1998 he moved to Oregon to become an urban planner for Wasco County.
Todd Cornett, who moved to The Dalles at about the same time - says they were weekend adventurers.
Todd Cornett: "He moved out here because he loved the West. He loved the outdoors, he was an avid hiker and mountain climber. We actually both got into whitewater kayaking at about the same time, actually it was him that dragged me into it. On the weekends a lot of the time we'd go and hit the rivers and go whitewater kayaking."
Cornett says they improved their skills, and eventually tackled the nearby White Salmon River.
Todd Cornett: "He was the first one to have the courage to go over Husum Falls and we all eventually followed him."
Paul was a veteran of both Iraq and the Peace Corps. He was awarded the Army Achievement Medal and the National Defense Service Medal.
At 43, he was a civil affairs sergeant, assigned to the 364th Civil Affairs Brigade in Portland.
Corbett says he was sent to Afghanistan this spring and was neither anxious to go, nor dragged there against his will.
Todd Cornett: "When it came up, he didn't say anything about trying to get out of it or not going. So he was willing to fulfill that commitment that he had made."
In a written statement, Paul's family says he was the kind of guy, who if called for duty, would serve. They says he never turn down an opportunity because he always wanted to make a difference.
They pledge to do everything possible to ensure his daughter grows up to know how much her Dad loved her.
In addition to his daughter, he leaves his parents and two sisters. He was divorced from his child's mother.
When this story was posted in September 2006, this was on the front page of PCOL:

Peace Corps Online The Independent News Forum serving Returned Peace Corps Volunteers
 | Chris Shays Shifts to Favor an Iraq Timetable In a policy shift, RPCV Congressman Chris Shays, long a staunch advocate of the Bush administration's position in Iraq, is now proposing a timetable for a withdrawal of American troops. How Mr. Shays came to this change of heart is, he says, a matter of a newfound substantive belief that Iraqis need to be prodded into taking greater control of their own destiny under the country’s newly formed government. As Chairman of the House Government Reform subcommittee on national security, he plans to draft a timetable for a phased withdrawal and then push for its adoption. A conscientious objector during the Vietnam War who said that if drafted he would not serve, Chris Shays has made 14 trips to Iraq and was the first Congressman to enter the country after the war - against the wishes of the Department of Defense. |
 | Peace Corps' Screening and Medical Clearance The purpose of Peace Corps' screening and medical clearance process is to ensure safe accommodation for applicants and minimize undue risk exposure for volunteers to allow PCVS to complete their service without compromising their entry health status. To further these goals, PCOL has obtained a copy of the Peace Corps Screening Guidelines Manual through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and has posted it in the "Peace Corps Library." Applicants and Medical Professionals (especially those who have already served as volunteers) are urged to review the guidelines and leave their comments and suggestions. Then read the story of one RPCV's journey through medical screening and his suggestions for changes to the process. |
 | Gates charity races to spend billions Warren E. Buffett’s gift of $31 billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation means that for tax reasons, starting in 2009, the foundation must distribute $3 billion annually, or a little more than twice what it distributed last year.
PCOL Comment: The Foundation says that "preventing the spread of HIV is the most durable long-term solution to the AIDS epidemic, and a top priority for the foundation." Peace Corps Volunteers and Returned Volunteers have been doing just that in AIDS Education for the past 15 years. Why not consider a $100M annual contribution to the Peace Corps to put 2,500 additional volunteers in the field to expand AIDS education worldwide? |
 | The Peace Corps is "fashionable" again The LA Times says that "the Peace Corps is booming again and "It's hard to know exactly what's behind the resurgence." PCOL Comment: Since the founding of the Peace Corps 45 years ago, Americans have answered Kennedy's call: "Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." Over 182,000 have served. Another 200,000 have applied and been unable to serve because of lack of Congressional funding. The Peace Corps has never gone out of fashion. It's Congress that hasn't been keeping pace. |
 | Changing the Face of Hunger In his new book, Former Congressman Tony Hall (RPCV Thailand) says humanitarian aid is the most potent weapon the United States can deploy against terrorism. An evangelical Christian, he is a big believer in faith-based organizations in the fight against hunger. Members of Congress have recently recommended that Hall be appointed special envoy to Sudan to focus on ending the genocide in Darfur. |
 | PC will not return to East Timor in 2006 Volunteers serving in East Timor have safely left the country as a result of the recent civil unrest and government instability. Latest: The Peace Corps has informed us that at this time, the Peace Corps has no plans to re-enter the country in 2006. The Peace Corps recently sent a letter offering eligible volunteers the opportunity to reinstate their service in another country. |
 | Chris Dodd considers run for the White House Senator Chris Dodd plans to spend the next six to eight months raising money and reaching out to Democrats around the country to gauge his viability as a candidate. Just how far Dodd can go depends largely on his ability to reach Democrats looking for an alternative to Hillary Clinton. PCOL Comment: Dodd served as a Volunteer in the Dominican Republic and has been one of the strongest supporters of the Peace Corps in Congress. |
 | Peace Corps stonewalls on FOIA request The Ashland Daily Tidings reports that Peace Corps has blocked their request for information on the Volkart case. "After the Tidings requested information pertaining to why Volkart was denied the position — on March 2 — the newspaper received a letter from the Peace Corps FOIA officer stating the requested information was protected under an exemption of the act." The Dayton Daily News had similar problems with FOIA requests for their award winning series on Volunteer Safety and Security. |
 | PCOL readership increases 100% Monthly readership on "Peace Corps Online" has increased in the past twelve months to 350,000 visitors - over eleven thousand every day - a 100% increase since this time last year. Thanks again, RPCVs and Friends of the Peace Corps, for making PCOL your source of information for the Peace Corps community. And thanks for supporting the Peace Corps Library and History of the Peace Corps. Stay tuned, the best is yet to come. |
 | History of the Peace Corps PCOL is proud to announce that Phase One of the "History of the Peace Corps" is now available online. This installment includes over 5,000 pages of primary source documents from the archives of the Peace Corps including every issue of "Peace Corps News," "Peace Corps Times," "Peace Corps Volunteer," "Action Update," and every annual report of the Peace Corps to Congress since 1961. "Ask Not" is an ongoing project. Read how you can help. |
 | RPCV admits to abuse while in Peace Corps Timothy Ronald Obert has pleaded guilty to sexually abusing a minor in Costa Rica while serving there as a Peace Corps volunteer. "The Peace Corps has a zero tolerance policy for misconduct that violates the law or standards of conduct established by the Peace Corps," said Peace Corps Director Gaddi H. Vasquez. Could inadequate screening have been partly to blame? Mr. Obert's resume, which he had submitted to the Peace Corps in support of his application to become a Peace Corps Volunteer, showed that he had repeatedly sought and obtained positions working with underprivileged children. Read what RPCVs have to say about this case. |
 | Why blurring the lines puts PCVs in danger When the National Call to Service legislation was amended to include Peace Corps in December of 2002, this country had not yet invaded Iraq and was not in prolonged military engagement in the Middle East, as it is now. Read the story of how one volunteer spent three years in captivity from 1976 to 1980 as the hostage of a insurrection group in Colombia in Joanne Marie Roll's op-ed on why this legislation may put soldier/PCVs in the same kind of danger. Latest: Read the ongoing dialog on the subject. |
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Story Source: PBS
This story has been posted in the following forums: : Headlines; COS - Kenya; COS - Afghanistan; Obituaries; Military; Civil Affairs