2006.10.11: October 11, 2006: Headlines: FAQ: Relationships: Human Relations: Miss Lonelyhearts: Ask Metafilter: Dear Miss Lonelyhearts: In February, my boyfriend of a few months will be leaving to do a two year stint with the peace corps. We're emphatically in love with each other, and the thought of him leaving my life is absolutely dreadful and deeply saddening. How can I best prepare myself for what is to come?
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Dear Miss Lonelyhearts:
2006.10.11: October 11, 2006: Headlines: FAQ: Relationships: Human Relations: Miss Lonelyhearts: Ask Metafilter: Dear Miss Lonelyhearts: In February, my boyfriend of a few months will be leaving to do a two year stint with the peace corps. We're emphatically in love with each other, and the thought of him leaving my life is absolutely dreadful and deeply saddening. How can I best prepare myself for what is to come?
Dear Miss Lonelyhearts: In February, my boyfriend of a few months will be leaving to do a two year stint with the peace corps. We're emphatically in love with each other, and the thought of him leaving my life is absolutely dreadful and deeply saddening. How can I best prepare myself for what is to come?
"It's going to be tough, and no doubt. A half year relationship that will undergo a 2 year separation. The odds are not favorable, which is not to say non-existent. I don't know if this is the best advice, but you may want to consider scaling back the relationship, once he leaves, to friendship only level, and see if you want to pick it up when he comes back. Otherwise you have two years of trying to maintain an extremely long distance relationship, and the stress of that may end up dooming anything further. Two years can be a long time for people to change when not in proximity to one another. I don't know, but I hope things work out."
Dear Miss Lonelyhearts: In February, my boyfriend of a few months will be leaving to do a two year stint with the peace corps. We're emphatically in love with each other, and the thought of him leaving my life is absolutely dreadful and deeply saddening. How can I best prepare myself for what is to come?
How best to prepare for boyfriend leaving for 2+ years?
October 11, 2006 8:29 PM
In February, my boyfriend of a few months will be leaving to do a two year stint with the peace corps. We're emphatically in love with each other, and the thought of him leaving my life is absolutely dreadful and deeply saddening. How can I best prepare myself for what is to come?
We've only been dating for about four months now, but it's the best relationship that I've been in. He is actually in Thailand for the next couple weeks do conduct research, so this is kind of like a dry-run of what it is like to not have him around as I am used to. We aren't living together, but we do spend nearly every night with each other, just to give you a sense of how common we are to each other. I love him dearly, and I just don't want to loose him.
I haven't wanted to think about him leaving until at least January and just live it up with him until then, but he's pressing me to think about it now so it's something that can be talked about while he's here rather than when he is gone.
I forecast much sadness and longing for myself, and I'm not looking forward to it. Having to balance that with the current day-to-day relationship is interesting, to say the least. What do you think I should do to prepare? I only see us becoming closer in the next couple months.. How can I minimize the sheer suckiness of the situation?
posted by virga to human relations (17 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
For starters, make plans to visit him. International travel is not as expensive as you might think.
posted by tkolar at 8:31 PM PST on October 11
It's going to be tough, and no doubt. A half year relationship that will undergo a 2 year separation. The odds are not favorable, which is not to say non-existent. I don't know if this is the best advice, but you may want to consider scaling back the relationship, once he leaves, to friendship only level, and see if you want to pick it up when he comes back. Otherwise you have two years of trying to maintain an extremely long distance relationship, and the stress of that may end up dooming anything further.
Two years can be a long time for people to change when not in proximity to one another.
I don't know, but I hope things work out.
posted by edgeways at 8:37 PM PST on October 11
To extend what edgways opined, I say that you must be prepared to tolerate a large amount of ambiguity in the status of the relationship. It will be literally up in the air until a month or two after he returns. You will both change and grow.
In the end, you *will* be fine, but of course long-term is not what you're thinking in right now. In the short term, it is scary! Drink tea with friends, keep yourself busy, keep a diary to order your many complicated feelings.
I have a friend who's partner is doing a four-year peace corp commitment in Africa. I sympathize with your feelings.
Best luck,
posted by wires at 8:49 PM PST on October 11
Take comfort in the fact thousands have been in your shoes; make sure to write. I'd also make sure to discuss what happens if, while away, you (or indeed he) find someone else.
posted by oxford blue at 8:50 PM PST on October 11
Two years! Wow. I don't know how anyone can prepare for that. I had an amazing relationship similar to yours - only a few months old, and then apart for the summer - and I don't think we lasted more than two months apart. In our case we were going to be re-united at the end of the summer but then apart for another year shortly after, and neither of us wanted to live with the pain of being apart for such a long time after having a taste of it. Long distance is hard. The longer the distance and the longer the time apart, the harder it is. It's also compounded if it is difficult to get in touch regularly by phone. In my situation we said 'we'll give it a try but if it gets too hard it will have to end.' and it didn't take too long before it got too hard. This may be all you can really hope for.
The trouble with short relationships is that you can fall in love but you're not at the point where you're making life plans together. It's probably unreasonable to suggest that you go with him on the peace corps or he cancel his trip to stay with you. This might not be the case if you had been dating for a few years.
An interesting question is why is he pressing you to talk about it? Does he have something else on his mind - like breaking up, or staying together but in a non-monogamous way, or maybe getting engaged, or something? Have you asked him what he wants to talk about? And what would you prefer to do?
posted by PercussivePaul at 8:52 PM PST on October 11
Hope for the best, of course! Protecting yourself from this is useless.
posted by Ironmouth at 9:03 PM PST on October 11
Edgeways offers wise advice.
As my dad always said, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder ... for somebody else."
posted by jayder at 9:06 PM PST on October 11
I think we both know that we won't be "dating" while he is away. We have talked about what could happen when he gets back, basically that we'd just have to see where each other is at in life and go from there. He said that he wants to talk now because basically when I'll be sad and tearful, he wants to be here for me, instead of away and incapable of really helping. I just can't keep putting it off, he told me.
I'm pretty sure that we both know that a standard long distance thing won't fly for us, just given the reality and logistics of it all. I believe it just comes down to not knowing how I'd be able to watch him go from here, much less how i'd move on from him, especially when emotionally we never waned.
posted by virga at 9:13 PM PST on October 11
Write long, long letters, like old fashioned couples. My grandparents spent only a few days together before he left from Wales with the US Navy and they exchanged letters for two years, when she came over on a boat to marry him. It isn't impossible. Plus, your hypothetical kids (if things work out very well) will treasure the letters. Email is another possibility, but there's really nothing like a letter (that and postal service might be easier to get than internet, depending on the circumstances I suppose).
posted by MadamM at 9:33 PM PST on October 11
Your relationship has almost no chance of surviving.
posted by matkline at 9:47 PM PST on October 11
(not that you want to hear that now)
posted by matkline at 9:47 PM PST on October 11
Join the Peace Corps, travel the world with him, do some good, have a blast, the end.
posted by iconjack at 10:00 PM PST on October 11
take heart in the fact that this does not doom your relationship. it's an obstacle, of course, but think of it this way: other people have less intense relationships with less intense obstacles. fighting over who takes the garbage out or where to go on the weekend. you have a more intense relationship, and a more intense obstacle. it wouldn't be fair if you got someone this awesome without some kind of struggle, right?
it's not perfect logic, but it helped me. the pain and the heartbreak will be there, but they are an acceptable part of a life, in the right proportions. it will seem like forever at the start, but when it's over it'll seem like it was faster than you realised.
posted by twirlypen at 12:09 AM PST on October 12 1 user marked this as favorite
I was in a similar situation that started over 10 years ago and she and I are still together.
It sounds cheesy but, "if you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were." This is true. I recommend having an open relationship for the the time he is away. Be realistic about your needs and urges but also be safe and considerate with your BF. If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you are with.
posted by chillmost at 4:27 AM PST on October 12
Join the Peace Corps, travel the world with him, do some good, have a blast, the end.
This is silly - it would be difficult for you to be in the same country as him, or even in the same geographic area as him if you were in his country. You could be days apart via local travel, even in a small country, and then you'd be doing LDR in some random country just because of him. Now if you want to do PC bc you just want to....
In my experience most pre-PC relationships didn't last. It's harder than a normal LDR, bc the PC person is much less accessible than people usually are, and also bc the PC person (and possibly both ppl), is going through all kinds of emotional growth and change. So it's quite common to grow apart. But a couple of people from my group are now married to their pre-PC SOs, although they broke up during the PC stint. Two guys I know are now married to their then-fiancees (and they obviously stayed together during PC) - one of the fiancees did PC in another part of the world, the other fiancee stayed in the US but was very involved in his PC experience.
As for tips... enjoy the relationship now, and don't try to be together - no matter how tempting that will be when the time comes for him to leave - during his PC time. Try to stay in touch as friends, send him care packages and letters. Letters are like gold in PC, and care packages are heaven on earth. I liked receiving snacks, music, pictures, sometimes books, new underwear (but I'm a girl). He'll probably be very lonely, and he may not even realize that, for a while, and it's possible he'll try to assuage that loneliness with a relationship with someone in-country, but it's also possible that his connection with you, and the letters he receives from you, will be incredibly meaningful.
posted by Amizu at 5:53 AM PST on October 12
And do please post again in two years to let us know the outcome.
posted by dmd at 6:27 AM PST on October 12
Two years ago, I was in the exact same situation as you are now, and my girlfriend and I are still together. It's been a lousy, shitty, wouldn't-wish-it-on-my-worst-enemy two years, but we did make it, and we'll be living together again within a few months. So I know where you're coming from.
We initially decided to break up, but within a month of her departure we both knew that that was a bad idea, and we decided to resume our relationship, inasmuch as we could, with me in Wisconsin and she in Samoa.
We decided that, since 27 months is a long-ass time to go without sex, we would not necessarily be exclusive, but neither would we start up any new, committed relationships. Her two rules, which I think very wise: 1. safe sex only, please. 2. neither of us is to inform the other person of any dalliances unless s/he asks about it. We both abided by this, and it was a good move.
We emailed a lot - that was our main link. Her connection was a shitty dial-up, so Skype, etc., was out of the question. If your boyfriend has a faster connection, take advantage of all kinds of internet magic to keep in touch.
I bought a bunch of phonecards from Nobelcom, and we talked as often as we could, which was not that often. But it had to suffice: she had (as an aside, it's delightful to use the past tense, finally) no regular access to a phone.
We wrote letters and sent packages. She especially loved the packages of goofy shit I sent her: toys, candy, homemade trinkets, junk food. Oh, and hard copies of The Onion. Always a big hit.
More broadly speaking, I would suggest that, if a problem or question about your relationship comes up, you address it immediately. Communication is essential to any relationship, but it's especially crucial when you're separated by a great distance -- it's all you have, really.
One thing that was difficult for me was that, in the two two-week visits we had with each other over the last two years, we (or, perhaps, I) tried to deal with all our relationship issues/baggage in those concentrated bursts of togetherness. This caused problems, as what we should've been doing was enjoying each other's company. Again: address matters as they emerge, not later.
There were some pretty rocky patches, to be sure, and you should expect them. My girlfriend and I are extremely trusting of each other, and we both have a great deal of faith in our relationship -- these things, along with open communication, brought us through, ultimately.
In short: it will be a lousy two years, but you can minimize the damage it will do to your relationship. It can work - pay no mind to the naysayers upthread.
posted by Dr. Wu at 7:21 AM PST on October 12
When this story was posted in October 2006, this was on the front page of PCOL:

Peace Corps Online The Independent News Forum serving Returned Peace Corps Volunteers
 | Chris Dodd's Vision for the Peace Corps Senator Chris Dodd (RPCV Dominican Republic) spoke at the ceremony for this year's Shriver Award and elaborated on issues he raised at Ron Tschetter's hearings. Dodd plans to introduce legislation that may include: setting aside a portion of Peace Corps' budget as seed money for demonstration projects and third goal activities (after adjusting the annual budget upward to accommodate the added expense), more volunteer input into Peace Corps operations, removing medical, healthcare and tax impediments that discourage older volunteers, providing more transparency in the medical screening and appeals process, a more comprehensive health safety net for recently-returned volunteers, and authorizing volunteers to accept, under certain circumstances, private donations to support their development projects. He plans to circulate draft legislation for review to members of the Peace Corps community and welcomes RPCV comments. |
 | He served with honor One year ago, Staff Sgt. Robert J. Paul (RPCV Kenya) carried on an ongoing dialog on this website on the military and the peace corps and his role as a member of a Civil Affairs Team in Iraq and Afghanistan. We have just received a report that Sargeant Paul has been killed by a car bomb in Kabul. Words cannot express our feeling of loss for this tremendous injury to the entire RPCV community. Most of us didn't know him personally but we knew him from his words. Our thoughts go out to his family and friends. He was one of ours and he served with honor. |
 | Chris Shays Shifts to Favor an Iraq Timetable In a policy shift, RPCV Congressman Chris Shays, long a staunch advocate of the Bush administration's position in Iraq, is now proposing a timetable for a withdrawal of American troops. How Mr. Shays came to this change of heart is, he says, a matter of a newfound substantive belief that Iraqis need to be prodded into taking greater control of their own destiny under the country’s newly formed government. As Chairman of the House Government Reform subcommittee on national security, he plans to draft a timetable for a phased withdrawal and then push for its adoption. A conscientious objector during the Vietnam War who said that if drafted he would not serve, Chris Shays has made 14 trips to Iraq and was the first Congressman to enter the country after the war - against the wishes of the Department of Defense. |
 | Peace Corps' Screening and Medical Clearance The purpose of Peace Corps' screening and medical clearance process is to ensure safe accommodation for applicants and minimize undue risk exposure for volunteers to allow PCVS to complete their service without compromising their entry health status. To further these goals, PCOL has obtained a copy of the Peace Corps Screening Guidelines Manual through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and has posted it in the "Peace Corps Library." Applicants and Medical Professionals (especially those who have already served as volunteers) are urged to review the guidelines and leave their comments and suggestions. Then read the story of one RPCV's journey through medical screening and his suggestions for changes to the process. |
 | The Peace Corps is "fashionable" again The LA Times says that "the Peace Corps is booming again and "It's hard to know exactly what's behind the resurgence." PCOL Comment: Since the founding of the Peace Corps 45 years ago, Americans have answered Kennedy's call: "Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." Over 182,000 have served. Another 200,000 have applied and been unable to serve because of lack of Congressional funding. The Peace Corps has never gone out of fashion. It's Congress that hasn't been keeping pace. |
 | PCOL readership increases 100% Monthly readership on "Peace Corps Online" has increased in the past twelve months to 350,000 visitors - over eleven thousand every day - a 100% increase since this time last year. Thanks again, RPCVs and Friends of the Peace Corps, for making PCOL your source of information for the Peace Corps community. And thanks for supporting the Peace Corps Library and History of the Peace Corps. Stay tuned, the best is yet to come. |
 | History of the Peace Corps PCOL is proud to announce that Phase One of the "History of the Peace Corps" is now available online. This installment includes over 5,000 pages of primary source documents from the archives of the Peace Corps including every issue of "Peace Corps News," "Peace Corps Times," "Peace Corps Volunteer," "Action Update," and every annual report of the Peace Corps to Congress since 1961. "Ask Not" is an ongoing project. Read how you can help. |
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Story Source: Ask Metafilter
This story has been posted in the following forums: : Headlines; FAQ; Relationships; Human Relations; Miss Lonelyhearts
By Anonymous ( on Friday, November 16, 2007 - 7:02 pm: Edit Post |
I am in the exact same situation as you. My boyfriend is leaving for the PC in a few months, and we've only been dating a few months. I really hope it works out for both of us!
By Ashley--Delaware (wpis-74-220-233-58.worldpath.net - on Thursday, May 08, 2008 - 8:23 am: Edit Post |
My boyfriend of almost two years is leaving in a week for the Peace Corps in Fiji. We are completely in love with each other and I have been trying desperately to find anyone online going through the same situation. This advice has been great. Since he decided to go we have been talking about how we will communicate and if we should really stay together.
I think the best advice I have gotten and can share is that you have to be honest with your partner about what your limitations are as far as a long distance relationship. IF both people are not fully willing to make it work, it won't.
I don't know how this whole experience will work out, but I am hoping for the best. And Good Luck to anyone in a similar boat.