By Admin1 (admin) ( on Monday, February 21, 2011 - 11:39 am: Edit Post |
Leading american official Michael Parmly (RPCV Colombia) expressed his "concern...
Leading american official Michael Parmly (RPCV Colombia) expressed his "concern" Tuesday during a hearing to the Senate about a French private bill which would threaten, according to Washington, freedom of religion in France 1 May 2001
Author Mark Lewandowski served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in...
Author Mark Lewandowski served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Poland 1 May 2001
Briefing by Acting Coordinator for Counterterrorism Edmund Hull (Tunisia RPCV...
Briefing by Acting Coordinator for Counterterrorism Edmund Hull (Tunisia RPCV) on "Patterns of Global Terrorism 2000 Report" 1 May 2001
Marty, 27, an ex-Peace Corps employee with no history...
Marty, 27, an ex-Peace Corps employee with no history of mental illness, took Lariam for 15 months in West Africa, and returned home to a world he couldn't control 1 May 2001
Marty, 27, an ex-Peace Corps employee with no history...
Marty, 27, an ex-Peace Corps employee with no history of mental illness, took Lariam for 15 months in West Africa, and returned home to a world he couldn't control 1 May 2001
Betsi Shays appointed Peace Corps' Director of the Center for...
Betsi Shays appointed Peace Corps' Director of the Center for Field Assistance and Applied Research 2 May 2001
Palau RPCV Robert M. McNamara Jr will speak on "Protecting...
Palau RPCV Robert M. McNamara Jr will speak on "Protecting America's Business Secrets" 4 May 2001
Governer Taft was a volunteer in Tanzania...
Governer Taft was a volunteer in Tanzania 4 May 2001
Governer Taft was a volunteer in Tanzania...
Governer Taft was a volunteer in Tanzania 4 May 2001
RPCV Tom Murphy is Mayor of Pittsburg
Pittsburg Mayor and Paraguay RPCV Tom Murphy 6 May 2001
On Murph's turf: Whatever happens on election day, Paraguay RPCV...
On Murph's turf: Whatever happens on election day, Paraguay RPCV Tom Murphy is at peace with his decisions as Mayor 6 May 2001
Did anyone know Moritz Thomsen...
Did anyone know Moritz Thomsen? 8 May 2001
End of a Decade, End of an Era with Peace...
End of a Decade, End of an Era with Peace Corps graduation from Poland 8 May 2001
Poland's Farewell to the Peace Corps...
Poland's Farewell to the Peace Corps 8 May 2001
Volunteer Walter Poirier still missing in Bolivia...
Volunteer Walter Poirier still missing in Bolivia 10 May 2001
Back to Ecuador - Observations from May 1999...
Back to Ecuador - Observations from May 1999 13 May 2001
Sargent Shriver Honored With the Prestigious JFK Kennedy Library And...
Sargent Shriver Honored With the Prestigious JFK Kennedy Library And Foundation "Distinguished American Award" 14 May 2001
Sargent Shriver Honored With the Prestigious JFK Kennedy Library And...
Sargent Shriver Honored With the Prestigious JFK Kennedy Library And Foundation "Distinguished American Award" 14 May 2001
Jimmy Carter presents Peace Corps Award...
Jimmy Carter presents Peace Corps Award 14 May 2001
Peace Corps security in question...
Peace Corps security in question 14 May 2001
When Ethiopia bombed the Asmara airport in June, Peace Corps...
When Ethiopia bombed the Asmara airport in June, Peace Corps flew us out with no intention of coming back any time soon 17 May 2001
Peruvian stands on brink of presidency - and has 2 Tucsonans...
Peruvian stands on brink of presidency - and has 2 Tucsonans to thank for it 19 May 2001
The report of the (US) Council of Foreign Relations in...
The report of the (US) Council of Foreign Relations in 1996 took a step backward with its implicit endorsement of expanded use of CIA cover to include journalists, clergy, and Peace Corps volunteers 21 May 2001
Michael Graglia taught math and conducted HIV education programs in...
Michael Graglia taught math and conducted HIV education programs in Namibia in 1998 and 1999 21 May 2001
John Deever's Peace Corps Ukraine Page...
John Deever's Peace Corps Ukraine Page 23 May 2001
To Peel Potatoes - Winning Peace Corps essay on Ukraine...
To Peel Potatoes - Winning Peace Corps essay on Ukraine 23 May 2001
Afghanistan RPCV Joe Mamlin works in AIDS crisis in Kenya...
Afghanistan RPCV Joe Mamlin works in AIDS crisis in Kenya 31 May 2001