A Message to the United States Senate

Peace Corps Online: Peace Corps News: Directors of the Peace Corps: Peace Corps Director Gaddi Vasquez: The Gaddi Vasquez Nomination to Peace Corps Director: SPECIAL REPORT: Bush's Choice to Lead the Peace Corps. Is he Qualified?: Background Information of Gaddi Vasquez: A Message to the United States Senate

A Message to the United States Senate
By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, August 30, 2001 - 5:18 pm: Edit Post

The undersigned Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) and friends of the Peace Corps respectfully urge the United States Senate to reject the nomination of Gaddi H. Vasquez to serve as the next Peace Corps Director.

Mr. Vasquez has no professional or personal experience in international development, volunteerism, or public service that would qualify him to hold this important position. In addition, serious questions have been raised about his ethics and management skills during his only tenure as a public official in Orange County, California. In the 40 years since the Peace Corps was established, no person has been nominated to serve as Peace Corps Director with such significant and unresolved concerns stemming from his or her professional background. To find answers to these questions and address these concerns will require the Senate to conduct a long and thorough investigation into Mr. Vasquez's background. This will further delay the confirmation of new leadership for the Peace Corps at a critical time in its history and distract the agency from its mission.

The Peace Corps is a national treasure that has enjoyed wide-spread support here at home and earned enormous admiration for our people and our country internationally. The 7,500 Peace Corps Volunteers serving overseas today deserve a leader who will bring distinction to the job of Director. Therefore, we urge the Senate to reject the nomination of Mr.Vasquez. We encourage President Bush to nominate an individual of demonstrated competence, experience, and integrity to serve as the next Director of the Peace Corps.

Name, Street Address, City, State, Zip, Signature












A. Print the report and get signatures from
returned volunteers and friends of the peace corps.

B. Make 10 copies of the completed form.
Keep the original and send one copy to each
to the following. Include a short handwritten cover note
asking the senators to tell you their position and
asking the newspapers to publish the petition as a letter to the editor:

Copy 1 to Senator Joe Biden - 221 Russell Senate Office Building - Washington, D.C. 20510
Copy 2 to Senator Chris Dodd - 448 Russell Office Building - Washington, D.C. 20510
Copy 3 to Senator Jay Rockefeller - 531 Hart Senate Building - Washington, D.C. 20510
Copy 4 to the Senior Senator from your state
Copy 5 to the Junior Senator from your state
Copy 6 to your local newpaper
Copy 7 to the a major newspaper in your state
Copy 8 to the NPCA - attn: Dane Smith, President - 1900 L Street, NW Suite 205 - Washington, DC 20036
Copy 9 to Peace Corps Writers - attn: John Coyne - 99 Reed Avenue - Pelham Manor NY 10803-2444
Copy 10 to Peace Corps Online - attn: Hugh Pickens - 2450 Eutaw Place - Baltimore, MD 21217

C. Go to http://PeaceCorpsOnline.org and post the names you have collected to Peace Corps Online.

D. Cut off these instructions with scissors before you mail in your petition.