By srblount on Thursday, March 14, 2002 - 11:31 am: Edit Post |
Having served in both Iran and Afghanistan in the early seventies, I read James' article with interest. I feel his assessment is lucid and largely accurate. However, sending volunteers to Iran must be preceeded by a normalization of relations. This is problematic at best when our leaders demonize the Iranian nation as an "axis of evil". If Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons, it is most likely because of a well-justified fear of Saddam Hussein.
Our goal in Afghanistan at this point should be to rebuild the Afghan infrastructure, remove the millions of land mines that litter the countryside, and help reestablish the Afghan educational system. To this end, PCVs will have value as teacher trainers and curriculum developers. As such, they could serve in Kabul where their security might be easier to guarantee.
Steve Blount
Afghanistan, 1970
Iran, 1970-73
By frederico on Friday, April 12, 2002 - 1:48 pm: Edit Post |
At this point in time it would be insane and extremely dangerous to send in PCV to Afghanistan.
The fires of war are still smoldering and flare up is quite possible.
PCV's make great kidnap victums. First secure the area and clear up all the land mines.
I doubt any of our leaders would send their children into such an unstable area.
PCV's are ordinary citizens not trained for war,they can help when the situiation is stable and the enviornment is safe to work in.