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Eddy Ling
Posted on Thursday, August 28, 2003 - 1:38 am:   

Hi, everybody!
I am Eddy Ling, I have worked for PC/Western Russia in 1992-1995 as an assistant PCMO. I live in Israel now (I have became here a PhD in health sciences and now I am back to medicine: I am a resident in pediatrics). I am looking for Joanne Polka's e-mail or phone number: I will be in Chicago in mid Septemeber and would like to meet her or other rPCVs who live there.
My e-mail is as follows: ling@bgumail.bgu.ac.il
Thanks a lot
romina villaflor
Posted on Wednesday, September 03, 2003 - 2:59 am:   

Hello! I am Romina Villaflor from the town of Hamtic, Antique in the Philippines. I am looking for Mr. Richard Johnson, a Peace Corps Volunteer, and my science teacher from 1989-1990. The last I've heard about Rick Johnson was that he married and settled down in his hometown of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and that he teaches in one of the high schools there. I would be very glad if anyone could give me his e-mail address so me and the other students he's helped could get in touch. My e-mail is as follows: foxxie916@yahoo.com

thanks and God speed to all PCVs and the others to come. You've been a great help and inspiration to all of us Filipinos whom you've touched in one way or another
Steve Kaffen
Unregistered guest
Posted From:
Posted on Monday, December 19, 2016 - 12:25 am:   

Hi Eddy. I was a volunteer in Russia 2! The last I knew, Joanna was in Cambodia, but an email I just sent her, returned undeliverable. So, I do not know. Because you are former staff, you might contact the Peace Corps medical office in Washington and see if they can tell you where she is, or alternatively, contact Peace Corps HQ Contracts Office and see if they can help you.
Good luck! Steve Kaffen, zzask@yahoo.com.

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