February 10, 2003 - Personal Web Page: Swearing-in ceremony for Guyana PCVs at the Cultural Center in Georgetown.

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Guyana: Peace Corps Guyana : The Peace Corps in Guyana: February 10, 2003 - Personal Web Page: Swearing-in ceremony for Guyana PCVs at the Cultural Center in Georgetown.

By Admin1 (admin) on Monday, February 10, 2003 - 12:59 pm: Edit Post

Swearing-in ceremony for Guyana PCVs at the Cultural Center in Georgetown.

Swearing-in ceremony for Guyana PCVs at the Cultural Center in Georgetown.

Swearing-in ceremony at the Cultural Center in Georgetown.

Guyana's US Ambassador and Peace Corps Guyana Director.

Class of PC Guy-9 at swearing in ceremony.

And the guys of Guy-9.

Elizabeth with Ambassador Goddard and Pat. The PC Guy-9 class playing cricket.

Elizabeth with Akinley (Patsy's Grandson) and Elizabeth with Patsy.

Elizabeth with Patsy and other graduates.

Below is a map of Bartica (by Brian)

Elizabeth and Brian's Southern Adventure

Track Elizabeth and Brian on their adventure across the country. Starting in Northern Virginia on March 5th they are training to Florida. From Florida to California by bike! Will they make it? Will they follow the trail? What adventures await on their odyssey? Check back often as we update this site to follow their progress. And if you happen to be in the area and see a handsome couple on a bicycle built for two - stop, say hi and buy them a good meal, and tell them to call home! They would be thrilled if anyone cares to join up with them, just grab your bike and start pedaling.

The bike is the big draw with people they meet and everyone has been very nice and interested in their trek.

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This story has been posted in the following forums: : Headlines; COS - Guyana; Special Interests - Photography; Special Interests - Bicycles



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