By Admin1 (admin) on Sunday, February 23, 2003 - 9:10 am: Edit Post |
First off GLOW Stand for "Girls Leading Our World", it more of a female empowerment type camp. It is only for girls and goes over everything from leadership to environmental education, democracy, stereotypes, and many other topics. There was also an Olympics, and many team building activities. This is a *very* worthy cause and they are always looking for donors so if you are impressed at all contact me and I will get you in touch with the coordinator.
Cutting_String_for_Braceletts01-22_06_2002.JPG: Ðÿ This is me, I was helping some other counselors cut string in preparation for making bracelets, they were a hit.
Cheers_on_First_Day06.JPG This is (left to right) Stephanie, Adrienne, and Natty. They were in charge of coming up with cheers. They were perfect for the part, Adrienne alone could power a small town and the campers loved her and the energy she brought.
Talent_Show11.JPG: Talent_S I believe this girl (in front) is Natty's little sister. Here she is doing a dance routine for the camp talent show.
Pinata09.JPG: .MOV I wish I could remember this girls name (I now know she is from Hancesti), anyway it was interesting to watch her in groups just about everyone listened to her. In this picture though she had just cracked a piñata club over my head, she was blind folded so I am not taking it personally (fortunately we had switched bats to a smaller one just a few minutes before it was her turn). Later she pulled some of the piñata candy out of her cleavage and gave it to me along with an apology... that caught Mary (the other counselor who saw it) and I a bit off guard (read: slack jawed).
Sarah_Eating_Cake04.JPG Here is Sarah Meyers, she is a fellow North Carolinian and construction worker, this was after the male counselors served cake to all the campers.
Escaping_the_Kitchen.JPG The cafeteria at the camp was something I would liken to an inferno, I sweated just thinking about that place. Many moldovans are very paranoid about something called the "current" which is essentially a cross breeze. Here it is believed (the illnesses vary depending on who is talking about it) that the current can give you anything from a cold, headache, to a brain tumor (I'm not making this up). Anyway the cooks refused to open the doors or windows so all those ovens, hot soups, and teas turned the room into a furnace... the point? It came down to "the American Counselors" vs.. "The Moldovan Cooks" this was a day we didn't feel like arguing so some of us just took a table outside and ate... sigh.
2nd_Disctotec29-Sarah_Davidson_Selby.JPG Here (left to right) is Sarah Yochim (think I spelled it right), Selby Stebbins (tha' Boss), and Me.
The_Guys_Serving_Cake03.JPG This is all the male counselors, the girls/campers voted that we make cake for them, Selby (bless her soul) came to a compromise of having us just serve cake, and Stephanie came up with the paper bow ties.
Capture_The_Flag_Makup_Session09.JPG This is Diana before the capture the flag game. I have met many moldovans that speak beautiful English but Diana and Angela spoke without an accent, makes me and my Romanian seem even more pathetic.
Olympics04.JPG Not quite as kinky as it looks. This was an activity during the Olympics where one had to pass a ball from one person to another using only ones chin.
Luda02.JPG This is Michelle and Luda, most of the counselors painted up before the Capture the Flag game, aren't they just adorable? (or something like that)
2nd_Disctotec30-Adrian_and_Lisa.JPG This would be Adrienne <sp?> and Lisa, I can't remember the occasion but thought it was a good picture.
Girls_Making_Pinatas02.JPG: -After_S Here is Mary, she is probably one of the sweetest peace corps volunteers, here she was helping the campers make piñatas.
Capture_The_Flag_Makup_Session03.JPG I couldn't find anyone to take a picture of me after I was all painted up so I attempted taking one of myself.
Dog_Trimming01.JPG Here is Adrienne cutting the mats off of a really sweet dog that was at the camp. It was so matted that the fur came off in one very large wad.
2nd_Disctotec12-Retarded_Davidson.JPG Here is some goofy guy grinning from ear to ear, it was suggested by his Gazda that he was so happy due to the 1:21 male female ratio there... who knows?
Kristen_and_Mary.JPG Here is Kristen Young and Mary Schuring, we had gone on a walk outside of the camp and I was feeling camera happy so I had them pose, great gals.
Wheat_Field04.JPG This would be me in a wheat field, being from the southeastern US I don't see wheat that much so this was a novelty of sorts and I wanted a picture.
Tierd_Puppy03.JPG Here was the camp puppy, it seemed that people loved it or hated it. I loved it, it was so cute but it was dirty and many people kept warning me about all the diseases I could get from dogs (to all you I am alive, well, and quite healthy).
Group_Counselor_Picture.JPG This is all the staff/counselors from GLOW camp.
Capture_The_Flag_Makup_Session06.JPG This is Jason Cheek, great guy. He had painted himself up for capture the flag and we came to the conclusion that he looked kinda of gothic, though it seemed not everyone understood.
Girls_Making_Pinatas08.JPG: 0ð This (orange hair) is Vica, a very sweet, soft spoken Moldovan counselor who also helped at GAD camp later. Here she had helped with a few of the piñatas.
2nd_Disctotec07-Ludmila_and_Viorica.JPG This is Ludmila and Viorica, they were some of the Moldovan counselors at camp, they didn't speak that much and I am still ashamed of my Romanian so I didn't get to know them all that well.
Olympics24.JPG Here is a wheelbarrow race during the camp Olympics.
Capture_The_Flag14.JPG Here are some of the counselors after the capture the flag game.
Capture_The_Flag05.JPG Here is Nathan Crane, I didn't take this picture personally so I don't know exactly what happened but I got the distinct impression that the male players were targeted early on in the game.
Olympics11.JPG Here is a potato sack race during the camp Olympics.
Local_Flora.JPG This would be Kristen Young next to some marijuana, I am always amused by how much grows out in the middle of nowhere for no particular reason (this was near the edge of a wheat field I think)..
Also feel free to check out:
GAD camp, Pig Pick'n Moldovan Style,or "Dave's Sexy Summer Adventures in Moldova"
Some other good places (That other Peace Corps Moldova Volunteers made) are: &