By Admin1 (admin) on Sunday, April 20, 2003 - 11:21 am: Edit Post |
While working in El Salvador, Chris Griscom experienced an amplified awareness of life and death due to the monumental infant mortality rate there.
While working in El Salvador, Chris Griscom experienced an amplified awareness of life and death due to the monumental infant mortality rate there.
Chris Griscom...
About Chris Griscom and The Light Institute of Galisteo
Chris Griscom has long been recognized as a visionary and spiritual teacher of truly global stature. Her great love for the earth and its peoples has inspired her to travel the world, reminding us all of the sacredness of life. Her teachings about reaching the Divine Higher Self and Expanded Consciousness are encapsulated in her many renowned books and tapes. Her latest book, PSYCHOGENETICS continues this legacy.
Chris established The Light Institute in the ancient pastoral village of Galisteo in 1985, and it swiftly earned its present-day reputation as a ground breaking spiritual center for its phenomenal work in facilitating people's spiritual growth and healing. Her understanding of, and compassion for the health and vitality of people's souls has made her the preeminent leader in the exploration of multi-dimensional and multi-incarnational realities.
Chris Griscom is an internationally acclaimed Spiritual Teacher and Healer. She is a world recognized visionary, the author of eleven books which have been translated into thirteen languages, and the founder of The Light Institute of Galisteo and The Nizhoni School For Global Consciousness, both of which are located in Galisteo, New Mexico.
As an energetic healer, Ms. Griscom's work has inspired and touched people across the globe. Her humanitarian services and contributions in holistic health and education have been twice recognized by The Indian Board of Alternative Medicines, based in Calcutta, India. The Board awarded Ms. Griscom with the Sewa Chakra Award on December 2, 1996. Ms. Griscom was specifically recognized for her work with AIDS patients. Past recipients of the award include the late Mother Teresa and the Dalai Lama. Ms. Griscom again traveled to Calcutta, India on December 1, 1998 to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Board. During her visit, Ms. Griscom and a team of health care professionals from around the world formed a new International Board of Alternative Medicines. Ms. Griscom will reside as vice president of the association and will be the director of activities in the United States.
Asked when her healing work began, Ms. Griscom replies, "It's impossible to say. It's always been a part of my life." As a child, she traveled extensively with her father, an agricultural entomologist. She feels that this early immersion in nature gave her the ability to walk the Earth in connection with other realities.
While attending the University of Mexico, Ms. Griscom lived in a small peasant village in the hills of Mexico City, where she was taken under the wing of a local 'curandera', or village healer. Ms. Griscom spent the following nine years working in the Peace Corps throughout South America, teaching and in turn learning about the mystical dimensions of perception that characterized the native cultures she was involved with.
In fact, the spiritual flame of expansion for Ms. Griscom was ignited during her Peace Corps service. While working in El Salvador, she experienced an amplified awareness of life and death due to the monumental infant mortality rate there. In response to this, she went on to devote much of her healing talents to the field of birthing. In 1984 she became one of the world's first recorded individuals to give birth in the ocean. Also as a result of her Peace Corps experience, Ms. Griscom developed her now internationally famed acupuncture technique which is the basis for her work at The Light Institute.
Returning to Galisteo, New Mexico, in the early seventies, Ms. Griscom began studying massage and acupuncture; discovering their powers to move energy in the body. From this, she discovered 'Windows to the Sky', a powerful, ancient form of acupuncture which precipitates awareness of the higher octaves, or dimensions of experience.
Paving the way for the youth of our planet, Ms. Griscom founded the Nizhoni School for Global Consciousness in 1988. The school offers a holographic approach to education, allowing people of all ages, from all over the world, to discover their inner wisdom and power, and bring it forth in order to teach, heal, and lead. The school offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Divinity and also offers a Middle and High School Curriculum.
Indeed, Ms. Griscom has devoted her life to the healing and care of the planet, the body, and the soul. Throughout the world, Chris Griscom has shared her intrinsic wisdom and insight on global consciousness, love, and healing with thousands upon thousands of individuals.
Ms. Griscom is a thirty year resident of New Mexico. She is the mother of six children to whom she devotes as much time as they need or want. The remainder of her time is devoted to the continuance of her work at The Nizhoni School For Global Consciousness, The Light Institute and to international seminars and tours.