August 17, 2003 - Personal Web Site: Photographs of Niue
Peace Corps Online:
The Peace Corps in Niue:
August 17, 2003 - Personal Web Site: Photographs of Niue
Photographs of Niue
Photographs of Niue
Darren and Ian 86k, 296k
a drawing by Al 61k
Al Posimani, great Niuean artist 23k
the beautiful water 97k
Darren, Mele, Ian 64k
Nashton and John 11k, 173k
Darren and Ian at the Namukulu sea track, Kuga out in the vaka 29k, 78k
just back from the bush 27k, 505k
Darren sending email to Petu 36k
getting ready for marching, first event at Niue High School sports day 47k, 65k
Limu 21k, 314k
Petu mo Ligi in Washington (when they lived in Yakima and I lived in Colfax) 8k
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Story Source: Personal Web Site
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