By Admin1 (admin) on Sunday, September 07, 2003 - 5:34 am: Edit Post |
In October 1961, the first group of 130 Peace Corps volunteers arrived in the Republic of the Philippines
In October 1961, the first group of 130 Peace Corps volunteers arrived in the Republic of the Philippines
Peace Corps
William Bright, Director
House Nos. 9/12/14, Patio Madrigal Compound
2250 Roxas Boulevard
Pasay City
TEL: (632) 551-4588; 510-2420; 510-2421 and 510-2424
FAX: (632) 551-4585
In October 1961, the first group of 130 Peace Corps volunteers arrived in the Republic of the Philippines (the second group to arrive in any Peace Corps country) for classroom assignments in the areas of language, math and science. In the 1970s, the growing number of qualified Filipino teachers suggested revised Peace Corps priorities, and a shift was made to largely rural programming in the areas of social and economic development projects. Later, in the 1980s, Memoranda of Understanding with the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), and Department of Agriculture (DA) provided a framework for programs in these areas.
In June of 1990 the Peace Corps program was suspended. Up until that time, some 6,500 volunteers had served in the Philippines, the largest group to have served in any single Peace Corps country.
Two years later, Peace Corps operations resumed. The project designed for this purpose was the Small Island Development (SID) effort which featured PCVs assigned to island provinces of Catanduanes, Romblon and Batanes. The volunteers for this group (Group 242) arrived in the Philippines to begin training in March 1992, and were sworn in during June.
At present, volunteers are working throughout the country, from Batanes to Mindanao, in teacher training programs, in coastal resources management, water sanitation, and park and protected area community development.
Since the first group of Peace Corps volunteers arrived in 1961, more than 8,500 volunteers have shared their enthusiasm and expertise with Filipino organizations and communities. They work to expand horizons through education, create economic opportunities, promote health, and help protect and restore the environment. Today, more than 100 volunteers work with Filipino government agencies and NGOs in the following areas:
# Environmental Education
# Coastal Resources Management
# English Teacher Training
# Water/Sanitation/Waste Management
# Protected Area Management
If your manpower needs fall within the above-mentioned assignment areas, you can initiate a request by writing to or visiting the Peace Corps office in Manila or by getting in touch with a Peace Corps volunteer assigned in your locality. Peace Corps operates in the Philippines under the auspices of the Philippine National Volunteer Services Coordinating Agency.