By Admin1 (admin) on Saturday, September 13, 2003 - 1:36 pm: Edit Post |
Friends of Romania (FoR) raises funds for sponsorship of social service and environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
Friends of Romania (FoR) raises funds for sponsorship of social service and environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
Friends of Romania (FoR) raises funds for sponsorship of social service and environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as educational programs. Sponsorship will be accomplished through affiliation with the Peace Corps Partnership Program (PCPP).
Sponsored Projects
Apply for Sponsorship
The Association of the Physically Handicapped. In May 2003, FoR made its fourth grant to The Association of the Physically Handicapped of Lugoj Romania to support the recuperation of computer equipment, software, and office supplies lost in a fire that destroyed all the Association’s resources. FoR contributed $500 to this project.
The Girl’s Society of Orastie. In May 2003, FoR made its third grant to The Girl’s Society of Orastie, Romania to support a summer camp for 23 children that regularly visit the Society’s soup kitchen for hot meals five times a week. While these children regularly attend school during the school year they have yet to experience an educational and recreational experience outside of the classroom due to their economically challenging situations. This summer camp will allow them to play freely without the stresses of home, learn to respect and enjoy nature, embellish their creativity in arts and crafts, and gain important life skills such as decision-making and conflict resolution. FoR contributed $500 to this project.
School #6 “Grigor Antipa” in Botosani. In March 2003, FoR made its second grant to School #6 “Grigor Antipa” of Botosani, Romania to expand their English Library and Internet Center. This small resource center was created in early 2002 to provide the school’s exceptional English program with the textbooks, equipment, and furniture that both it’s teachers and students were lacking. In response to a request for funds to purchase a more extensive range of literature and reading materials as well as a computer with networking capabilities and access to the Internet, FoR has donated $900 to further enhance the usefulness of this center. The goal of this project is to provide all students, staff, and teachers with greater access to an adequate supply of the best English learning tools, the most important of which is the Internet.
Student League of Alba Iulia. In January 2003, FoR made its first grant to the Student League of Alba Iulia, Romania to conduct a fundraising training project. The training was held on the first weekend of March so that an immediate application of fundraising skills can be accomplished in time for the Easter drives. The Easter drives aim to raise funds that contribute in various ways to community groups such as children, the elderly, the handicapped, the unemployed, the homeless, and orphans. The fundraising training project is designed to involve all members of the non-profit community so that they can further develop the concept of giving and philanthropy throughout the city of Alba Iulia.
In order to be eligible for funding, PCPP projects must meet the following criteria:
* Meet a pressing need of the community.
* Community contributes 25% of the value to the project budget.
* Community demonstrates a well-developed plan for project implementation and sustainability.
* Community outlines indicators for success.
* Community understands that PCPP funds are to be used only for costs associated with project implementation as shown in the budget, and that there can be no further requests made of the partners outside the PCPP.
To apply for a PCPP:
* Contact your APCD or PTO to get the proper forms for a PCPP project.
* Write the project with members of your community.
* Submit the project to your Country Director for approval.
* PCPP staff will be in touch with you regarding the status of your project.
FoR views project summaries and proposals once posted on the PCPP website. As of now, FoR reviews all proposals that come through PCPP and will contact you if your project has been approved for funding by the FoR Board of Directors. If your project has been approved for funding by FoR, you will need to fulfill all the reporting and evaluation requirements of the PCPP program and also be prepared to furnish FoR with a few photographs of the project during its implementation period.
For further information regarding grantmaking by FoR, please contact the Grantmaking Chair, Krista Muddle, at For further information about the PCPP program, go to the Peace Corps Partnership Program website.
By Anonymous ( on Saturday, November 19, 2005 - 3:22 pm: Edit Post |
How is it possible that your official website was suspended? Are you trying to scam people?