By Admin1 (admin) on Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 1:12 pm: Edit Post |
I just finished up a 2-year service this past April (2003) as a Peace Corps volunteer in Samoa
I just finished up a 2-year service this past April (2003) as a Peace Corps volunteer in Samoa
Hawai`i Computers for Samoa Program | PC Calendars
Talofa Lava!, I just finished up a 2-year service this past April (2003) as a Peace Corps volunteer in Samoa. I was a teacher in the rural village of Vaito'omuli. In my second year, our school received 5 donated computers from a bank in New Zealand. These computers were quite old (they didn't even have CD- ROM drives) but were functioning and were a wonderful contribution to the school. Eventually, I became the computer teacher. The children at the school had perhaps seen computers in movies and TV but had the opportunity to use one in real life. Computer Technology quickly became the primary subject the children were excited to learn. Training included the very basics but included Microsoft Word and Excel program. Some of the school kids were even able to get jobs in the capital using computers after completing the computer class. However, having only 5 computers meant that we had to put 3- 4 kids per computer in class. Not to mention without air conditioning computers often break down. So there is a good demand for more computers.
As a result, the RPCVHI group has recently launched a new fundraising program here in Hawaii. We are interested in identifying companies, institutions, and individuals that have functioning surplus computers who would be willing to donate them to our Hawaii Computers for Samoa Program.
If your workplace or home office has any surplus computer equipment (including parts such as a mouse, mousepad, keyboards, printers, etc) or software, but functioning computers please contact The RPCVHI group can arrange pick-up.
For more information contact
Shawn Barnes, Chair
RPCVHI Fundrasing Committee.