By Admin1 (admin) on Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 2:02 pm: Edit Post |
Peace Corps Volunteer Daniel Owens and the Wendou Nody project, 1984-6
Peace Corps Volunteer Daniel Owens and the Wendou Nody project, 1984-6
Wendou Nody project, 1984-6
These photographs were taken by Daniel Owens, a former Peace Corps volunteer, in Wendou Nody, Senegal between 1984 and 1986.
Wendou Nody is situated in the Sub-Sahel region of West Africa. The main food crops of the village are millet, sorghum and rice. The spoken language is Pulaar. Troops of cattle that once flourished in the region have largely been lossed to years of drought. The limited local economy has forced many of the young men of the village to seek work in large African cities, Europe and New York City.
During his two years in Wendou Nody, Daniel lived with Sada Dia's family and assisted the village in securing funds to complete a water well, replace a motor in a millet-grinding machine, and arranged for several trainings in the construction of wood-conserving mud stoves. In January, 1997, Daniel and Irene (they were married in Mount Kisco, New York on August 31) are travelling to Senegal and Wendou Nody for their honeymoon.
Sada Dia, the owner of a village store, has been successsful in making a living for his family in Wendou Nody. It is Sada's belief that more men will be able to do the same. To contribute to strengthening the local economy, Sada Dia is requesting assistance in the form of matching funds to conduct an animal raising project (sheep) in the village.
Follow along on the return trip to Senegal in 1997.
If you have other questions or comments, e-mail Daniel at