By Admin1 (admin) on Monday, September 15, 2003 - 6:14 am: Edit Post |
Lisl Trowbridge heading to Kyrgyzstan
Lisl Trowbridge heading to Kyrgyzstan
Eastford woman joins Peace Corps
Lisl Trowbridge
By Michael Lemanski
Lisl Trowbridge
In the news: Eastford resident Lisl Trowbridge has been accepted into the Peace Corps. She will leave for Kyrgyzstan Tuesday, where she will be stationed for two years. Kyrgyzstan is one of the old Soviet Union republics located in southern Asia.
Background: Trowbridge, 22, graduated from The Pomfret School in Pomfret in 1999. She recently received a bachelor of arts degree from Vassar College, where she double-majored in English and Hispanic studies. During the fall semester of her junior year, Trowbridge participated in a study abroad program in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Her name may sound familiar to readers, as she was a freelance reporter for the Norwich Bulletin this summer.
Getting involved: "Learning Spanish taught me how empowering communication can be, especially when it's in an acquired language," Trowbridge said. "I'm looking forward to learning about the Kyrgyz culture through total immersion in the local language." Trowbridge began the extensive Peace Corps application process in January and was notified of her acceptance earlier this month. Her assignment is to teach English as a second language to high school-age children.
Volunteering: Trowbridge said she is excited to begin her service, but knows that she will face a lot of frustration. "The language barrier will limit and frustrate my communication with the Kyrgyz people," she said. "But it is against and in spite of this frustration that I will also view my success." Trowbridge said she believes her teaching abilities will be enhanced by her familiarity with the role of student. "It will be the common ground between my students and me, since I will be a student of the local language."
Quotable: "Communication allows for understanding, and I think that knowing several languages will bring a greater capacity for global awareness to any future job I may acquire."