By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 - 11:47 am: Edit Post |
Things I will not miss about the U.S. while in the Peace Corps
Things I will not miss about the U.S. while in the Peace Corps
Things I will not miss about the U.S. (in no order)
* The constant barrage of images from the media.
* Consumerism as a religion.
* People implying I don't have an clue what I'm "getting myself into" even after I explain that I lived in a less-than-cosmopolitan city in Russia for a year and that I've researched the PC exhaustively.
* Old men in SUVs who shouldn't be driving.
* Driving (no, really, I don't like driving)
* Working at a job where I have to take a bunch of abuse from people who don't know me (I love the job, not the abuse).
* The students at U of Iowa always being in the way when I want to do something.
* Waiting around to begin my service and feeling useless in the mean time.
* Shelly ('nuff said).
Things and People I will miss during my service
* Peanut Butter Chocolate Bars from the Co-op.
* Free Samples everywhere.
* Readily available books/newspapers/movies in English.
* Talking politics with Jake.
* Talking about language and travel with Kat.
* Getting the inside scoop from Anna over a good meal.
* Jason, his kindness and support.
* My mom for always being on my side and being almost as excited about this adventure as I am.
* Having coffee with my Dad (I already miss this since he's been gone since 7/04).
* The quality conversation I have with my co-workers at both of my jobs.
* Being able to run whenever and wherever.
* Consistently hot water and western style showers.
* The NY Times, The Economist, Jane and Runner's World.
* My kitties.
* The PC chats.