October 15, 2003 - Novinte: US Peace Corps, Bulgaria sign Economic Cooperation Agreement

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Bulgaria: Peace Corps Bulgaria: The Peace Corps in Bulgaria: October 15, 2003 - Novinte: US Peace Corps, Bulgaria sign Economic Cooperation Agreement

By Admin1 (admin) (pool-151-196-124-43.balt.east.verizon.net - on Wednesday, October 15, 2003 - 12:19 pm: Edit Post

US Peace Corps, Bulgaria sign Economic Cooperation Agreement

US Peace Corps, Bulgaria sign Economic Cooperation Agreement

US Peace Corps, Bulgaria Stick to Economic Cooperation

Business: 15 October 2003, Wednesday.

Country Director of the US Peace Corps for Bulgaria Carl Hammerdorfer and the country's Economy Minister Lydia Shuleva signed Wednesday an agreement for cooperation under the Economic Development program.

The program's main aim is to assist the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the country.

By signing this agreement the two sides' expressed their will to continue mutual support, officials from the Ministry said.

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Story Source: Novinte

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