December 30, 2002 - Norlos: Bellyaches: Peace Corps? We don’t need no stinking Peace Corps

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Russia: Peace Corps Russia : The Peace Corps in Russia: December 30, 2002 - Norlos: Bellyaches: Peace Corps? We don’t need no stinking Peace Corps

By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Thursday, November 27, 2003 - 10:59 am: Edit Post

Bellyaches: Peace Corps? We don’t need no stinking Peace Corps

Bellyaches: Peace Corps? We don’t need no stinking Peace Corps

Bellyaches: Peace Corps? We don’t need no stinking Peace Corps

I’d give 4 to 1 odds that some of the Peace Corps workers did spy.
Posted by Slug at December 30, 2002 02:40 PM

Yep. that’s why we now control the world’s most advanced ditch-digging technologies.
Posted by Carlos at December 30, 2002 03:14 PM

Norlos is complicit! Terzah’s posts undoubtedly contained coded messages to her CIA overlords.
Posted by hellx at December 30, 2002 03:18 PM

a slightly different angle: were I an ex-KGB operative President about to “get medieval” on the asses of some Chechen rebels, the last thing I would want in my country are the loud-mouthed, leftist types who join the Peace Corp…
Posted by garmr at December 30, 2002 03:24 PM

Well, that’s why we voted garmr “most likely to rule a banana republic” in Stephenson.
Posted by hellx at December 30, 2002 03:36 PM

Commandante Garmr? I prefer “Commandante Abe.”
Posted by Carlos at December 30, 2002 03:50 PM

In my best Jerry Seinfeld voice:

Did you ever notice that Carlos feels compelled to capitalize the first letter of everybody’s name, even those like garmr and myself who don’t? What’s the deal with that? Is he some sort of capitalization Nazi?
Posted by hellx at December 30, 2002 04:31 PM

I agree with the commandante. Speaking anecdotally, of the three people I’ve known to be in the Peace Corps, the reward for serving the motherland (fatherland? I guess that’s kind of European. Maybe just serving the Man)was the following: one was immediately drafted into the Vietnam war following his return to the U.S. and shipped back overseas. One is now living the high life as a case worker for the severely mentally ill at a county mental health agency. And one was air-vac’ed out of a pending civil war and went to live in the wilderness of northern wisconsin. Last I heard he was recently living in remote Alaska, teaching English to indigenous persons. And spying, no doubt. This all clearly adds up to conspiracy. I mean, what could the CIA find out from Peace Corps volunteers that they couldn’t find out just by sending a CIA guy and asking the farmers what they know? Maybe they don’t like spending the money to teach operatives how to speak Farsi.
Posted by doubleohsoul at December 30, 2002 09:27 PM

Posted by Carlos at December 31, 2002 06:47 PM

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Story Source: Norlos

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