By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Tuesday, December 09, 2003 - 11:01 am: Edit Post |
President Alejandro Toledo participates in swearing-in ceremony of 36 Peace Corps volunteers, reiterates proposal to spend less on weapons and invest more in health and education
President Alejandro Toledo participates in swearing-in ceremony of 36 Peace Corps volunteers, reiterates proposal to spend less on weapons and invest more in health and education
Peru: President Toledo upset by sale of destroyer to Chile by USA
Dec 5, 2003 - BBC Monitoring Americas
Text of report by Peruvian newspaper La Republica web site on 2 December
Regarding the recent purchase of armaments in which Chile is taking pride, which includes Scorpene submarines and the US destroyer Fletcher, President Alejandro Toledo has urged neighbouring countries "to spend less on weapons and invest more in health".
During his recent visit to Lima, [Chilean] President Ricardo Lagos agreed with Toledo to make efforts to standardize defence expenditure and earmark funds for social and development projects.
"Let us silence the arms, let us spend less on arms, do not sell us your vessels, tanks and planes; let us invest more in nutrition, health and education, because this is what sets people free," the head of state pointed out during the swearing-in ceremony of 36 Peace Corps volunteers in Chosica. In his speech, in the presence of the US embassy's charge d'affaires, John Caufield, who listened silently by his side, Toledo made reference to the US government's decision to sell to Chile a powerful DD 992 destroyer, Fletcher, which saw action in the Persian Gulf War.
The head of state reiterated his proposal to spend less on weapons and invest more in health and education. In addition, he said that it is necessary to start a bold crusade to earmark public funds for social projects and say "no to military expenditure, let us spend less on weapons and invest more in pencils and books". He maintained that education is the best way to help the Peruvian people to overcome poverty and attain a better quality of life. He recalled that 54 per cent of Peruvians are below the poverty line and 23 per cent live on 1 dollar a day.
Caufield: "I cannot comment on Peruvian policies"
When asked about the US government's decision to sell the Fletcher to Chile, the US embassy's charge d'affaires, John Caufield, avoided making any statements.
As regards the comments made by President Alejandro Toledo in his speech "not to sell vessels, tanks and planes, but rather to invest more in education," Caufield pointed out that "the president (Toledo) is responsible for this country's policies, he decides his priorities and I cannot comment on Peruvian policies".
Before the Peace Corps ceremony, Toledo and Caufield held a meeting behind closed doors for nearly 40 minutes. Although the issue being discussed was not confirmed, it is believed that the head of state may have expressed his concern about Washington's decision to sell a destroyer to Chile, thus having an adverse effect on the region's stability.