By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Monday, December 29, 2003 - 1:33 pm: Edit Post |
Suriname through the Eyes of Peace Corp Volunteer Carolyn Proctor
Suriname through the Eyes of Peace Corp Volunteer Carolyn Proctor
Suriname through the Eyes of Peace Corp Volunteer
Carolyn Proctor
Email: llady
Young Amerindian girls, like Romilda and Treshna, learn early how to peel and grate cassava to make bread
Tante (aunt) Lucia and Oma (grandmother) Serna weave a new hammock for Oma from cotton they have grown near the Amerindian village of Pierrekondre
FFronds from the tasi palm are woven in rows and tied to a beam skeleton to make the roof for the addition to this Amerindian home
Serafia first attaches the Hindustani influenced hair jewelry that is part of her multi-cultural costume as she dresses for her role as Miss Suriname
The morning's catch from the Suriname River is laid out along Waterkant street to be sold to early morning shoppers
A cemetery and the brick ruins of the temple of Bracha Ve Shalom are all that remain of 400-year-old Jodensavanne, the oldest Jewish agrarian society in the Americas and recently named to the list of "100 Most-Endangered Sites in the World"
Joseph supports himself and his family by carving wooden souvenirs to sell on the street; his tools are a box knife and a tin of shoe polish
One of the most distinct structures in the central business district of Paramaribo is this ornate Islamic mosque
During plantation times, Alida was a beautiful Maroon slave girl who caught the eye of her owner. His jealous wife cut off her breast and fed it to her husband; this is the story behind the annual Miss Alida pageant held every June 30 in Paramaribo
These colorful boats ferry workers, even with bicycles, back and forth across the Suriname river
These ladies waiting to perform a Saramakkan dance wear the traditional Maroon embroidered pongi around their hips
Hundred-year-old mahogany trees line Domineestraat in Paramaribo
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