By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Thursday, January 01, 2004 - 1:00 pm: Edit Post |
Peace Corps worker Erica DelViscio is fulfilled in Tanzania
Peace Corps worker Erica DelViscio is fulfilled in Tanzania
Peace Corps worker is fulfilled in Tanzania
As a junior at Baltimore's Loyola College a few years ago, Erica DelViscio spent six months in Thailand. The daughter of Jim and Lorry Martin DelViscio of Wallkill loved the overseas experience. Upon graduation, she joined the Peace Corps, requesting to work in Africa. Her desire was to be involved in health education, especially with AIDS awareness.
For the past 27 months, the soft-spoken graduate has been in Tanzania in East Africa, an assignment she loved.
"It was a very rewarding experience," said DelViscio, who taught third-year biology at a girls' boarding school. She also was a community health educator who worked with various groups. On several occasions she was asked by the government there to set up workshops for teachers.
"The Tanzanian people were incredibly warm, generous and appreciative," said DelViscio. When she returned to New York in December for the holiday season, her houseguest was Santina Benitho, a Tanzanian and fellow teacher who hadn't seen snow but enjoyed shoveling it. She also loved sledding. Benitho returned home last week with lots of memories.
This weekend, DelViscio is moving to Maryland, where she will seek a job in government; she doesn't want to teach. She also will look into graduate school. We wish her well.