January 3, 2004 - Personal Web Site: Kellie Shobe will start her service in Turkmenistan in September 2002 as a health education volunteer

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Turkmenistan: Peace Corps Turkmenistan : The Peace Corps in Turkmenistan: January 3, 2004 - Personal Web Site: Kellie Shobe will start her service in Turkmenistan in September 2002 as a health education volunteer

By Admin1 (admin) (pool-151-196-232-99.balt.east.verizon.net - on Monday, January 05, 2004 - 8:37 pm: Edit Post

Kellie Shobe will start her service in Turkmenistan in September 2002 as a health education volunteer

Kellie Shobe will start her service in Turkmenistan in September 2002 as a health education volunteer

Kellie Shobe will start her service in Turkmenistan in September 2002 as a health education volunteer.

Why did you want to join the Peace Corps?

I’ve known about the Peace Corps since I was little, but it was never something that I could do. But the older I got, the more I thought about it. I guess a series of events made me consider it. When I was 19 I went through this devastating break-up with my boyfriend and felt sorry for myself for a good three months. One day it just struck me-there is so much more to life than right here, right now. There are people who don’t have access to health care, can’t afford an education, and are starving while I’m inconsolable because some guy doesn’t want to date me anymore?! I felt ridiculous. It was clear I needed some perspective. That was sort of the turning point. It has been three years since then. My desire and resolution to be a Peace Corps Volunteer have only been reinforced both through personal experiences and learning about the Peace Corps’ mission. At this point in my life, I have no kids, no “real” job, and no mortgage—nothing holding me back from fulfilling my dream. (KS August 2002)

What did you do while you were a Peace Corps volunteer?

When Kellie returns from Turkmenistan sometime in 2004 she'll fill us in on what she did.

What are you doing now?

Kellie is busy preparing for her departure.

Kellie Shobe lived in Fairbanks during the summer of 2002 before leaving for Turkmenistan.

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Story Source: Personal Web Site

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