September 21, 2001 - Pravda: The 99 American Peace Corps volunteers who worked in all the regions of Turkmenistan, will soon be leaving the country temporarily, the American embassy in Ashkhabad reported

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Turkmenistan: Peace Corps Turkmenistan : The Peace Corps in Turkmenistan: September 21, 2001 - Pravda: The 99 American Peace Corps volunteers who worked in all the regions of Turkmenistan, will soon be leaving the country temporarily, the American embassy in Ashkhabad reported

By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Tuesday, January 06, 2004 - 9:56 pm: Edit Post

The 99 American Peace Corps volunteers who worked in all the regions of Turkmenistan, will soon be leaving the country temporarily, the American embassy in Ashkhabad reported

The 99 American Peace Corps volunteers who worked in all the regions of Turkmenistan, will soon be leaving the country temporarily, the American embassy in Ashkhabad reported


The 99 American Peace Corps volunteers who worked in all the regions of Turkmenistan, will soon be leaving the country temporarily, the American embassy in Ashkhabad reported on Friday.
According to an embassy spokesman, the Peace Corps is suspending the action of three of its programmes: teaching English, in the sphere of health services and business. However, it was stressed at the embassy that the regular staff of the Ashkhabad office will continue their work. All employees of the diplomatic mission will also remain there.
A spokesman for the embassy refused to say for reasons of security when and in what way the group of volunteers will be leaving Turkmenia.

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Story Source: Pravda

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