By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 8:48 am: Edit Post |
Namibia RPCV Fern Holland organizes Pen Pal Program with African Village
Namibia RPCV Fern Holland organizes Pen Pal Program with African Village
Pen Pal Program with African Village-- The 7th grade world cultures class is organizing a pen pal program through Miss Fern Holland, a Peace Corps volunteer back from Namibia, Africa. She came to talk to the 7th grade classes about Namibia and to show native goods and many pictures of Onamutai, a village in northern Namibia.
Miss Holland is a native of Miami, Oklahoma and has practiced law in the state for several years. She decided to join the Peace Corps because she wanted to give back in appreciation for all the opportunities afforded her from living in the United States. She chose to go to Africa because of a love of the continent and an interest in helping the people living there.
If you are interested in learning more about the program, the village of Onamutai, or the country of Namibia, please contact Mary Grewe or Paige Anderson.