December 1, 2003 - American Hospital Publishing: Ecuador RPCV Monique Ware develops community health, wellness and outreach services

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Ecuador: Peace Corps Ecuador : The Peace Corps in Ecuador: December 1, 2003 - American Hospital Publishing: Ecuador RPCV Monique Ware develops community health, wellness and outreach services

By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 9:31 pm: Edit Post

Ecuador RPCV Monique Ware develops community health, wellness and outreach services

Ecuador RPCV Monique Ware develops community health, wellness and outreach services

Monique Ware

Dec 1, 2003

Hospitals & Health Networks

Joyce Kelly

Even before Monique Ware volunteered for the Peace Corps nearly a decade ago, she placed the organization's postcard on her wall as a reminder of where her career path would lead. "It takes an entire village to raise a child," was the caption. "At the time, I knew I wanted to be part of a 'village,' to do my part, and perhaps help someone along the way," she says. Ware, 33, is doing that as director of Community Health and Wellness at Suburban Hospital, Bethesda, Md. She develops community health, wellness and outreach services, and works with public and private groups to implement health partnerships and education activities.

A service project she created garnered a 2003 Creating Healthier Communities Fellowship from the AHA and Health Forum.-JOYCE KELLY

Monique Ware
is living and working in Washington, D.C., after completing her master’s degree at Middlebury College and serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in Ecuador

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Story Source: American Hospital Publishing

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By pierre_ antoine ( - on Monday, July 24, 2006 - 7:43 am: Edit Post

i dont no if is it the good monique i now i 'm pierre antoine from the celebrity cruises.

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